12/04/1922.1 CIND �d December 4 192V A Regular meetinG c,f the Board of Trustee Village of Deerfield was called tr, order by the President B.H.Kress at 7 P.1A4 Roll call, Present O'Connor, Pettis, Segertu Selig, Absent, Stanger, Warner. Minutes of 'the regular meeting held on ITuv. 6 1922 -anc of the special xleetin; held on Nov. 21 1922. were read and approtred. Moved by Trustee Se,;ert Lnd seconed by Trustee SeliC th-.t 11r. Ca_- Kni r-° 1 ;(-. Granted o, license to operLAe . noel room and to live up to the rules and regulations as laid down by the license con=ittte. Upon roll call the followi.nf; vote -as token, Yea;, O'Connor, Pettis, Segcrt, Selig. Naes IJone. P >>Z%ved by Trustee Selig and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that clerk be instructed to order 19,,,3 license tags for motor vehicles. Upon roll call the follo,.=,•ing vote was taken, Yeas, O'Connor, Pettis, SeGert, Scl_g. N�:Lcs None. Moved by Trustec OtConnor and seconed by Trustee Selig that the plat of owners Ho ;estead .Subdivision be acceptec., that the President and clerk be authorized, to ,irn the same. Upon roil c 11 the following vote was taken. Yeas, O'Connor, Pettis, Segcrt, Selig. Naes, None. Request of Ender o.nd Ender for a street light on Eugenia Street t•,a, , laid over until, nett meeting. Letter from Oran „e'State ;Zotor Co., inquiring about our first truck was read and Cic.rk instructed to reply. Following b. lls vrere read: Geo. S ic.ken 43.60 Geo. Sicken 52.30 Rugen Cop. Stores 28.08 William. Barrett 19000 Deerfield Lunb r Co. 30.63 ;leil McLain Co. 473.34 F.Selig 23.00 Bad;-cr deter Mfg Co. 5.09 C.11.8, .P.R.R. .46 Gc: o . Herrmann 20.00 C.A.Wolg 16.00 • F.Mey r 10000 Geo. Pettis 72.00 Geo, Herrman 75.00 A.71inter 20.00 C.A.Wolf. . 40.00 City Of Highland Pork 898938 H.Chamon Co. .10.80 Yoved by.Trus tee -Pettis and seconed by Trustee Selig that bills be -paid and chL.::ged to their respective funds. Upon roll,c,:.11 the following, vote was taken, Yeas O'Connor, Pettis, Segert, Selig. Naes I1one. 116ved bye TrusteE O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Segcrt that netcr reader receive thirty five dollars ($35,00) per reading. Upon roll c ll the follwing vote vas taken, Yeas, O'Connor, Pettis, Sep; rt, Selig. Nac, None. Loved by Trustee Pettis and seconed by Trustec Selig that attorney be instructec to dray ordinance regarding closing hours of business and anuse:^cnts. Carried. - 1,loved by Trustee Selig; and seconed by Trustee Pettis to adjourn. cas•ried. t� ��VILLAC E CL1.1 3K