08/07/19221'72 August 7 1922 Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President B.H.Kress.-�at 8 P.M. Roll Call, Present, O'Connor, Pettis, Segert, Selig, Stanger. Warner, Absent. None. Minutes of the meetings held =on June 5, June 12; July3, July 14 July 25 and Jilly 31 were read and approved. : ' Moved by Trustee Segert and seconed by Trustee Selig that the contract of Kapschull and Davis be laid over for further consideration. Carried. Report of the Finance Committee on the purchase of the Presby- OV�'drawn terian.Church i eras read and the committee Given more time. An ordn�nce providing for the.licensing,of Motor and Horse vehicles and providing a penalty fur the violation thereof was read. Moved by Trustee Warner and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that all contrary rules-be suspended and the ordinance be placed on its passage. Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas, O'Connor warner. Naes, Selig, Stanger. Not Voting Pettis, Segert. The President voting yes. Moved by Trustee darner and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that the ordinance be passed as read. Yeas, O'Connor, Warner. Naes Segert, Selig Stanger. Not Voting Pettis. An ordinance providing for the licensing of Motor dravm vehicles and providing a penalty for the violation thereof was read. Moved by Trustee Warner and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that all contrary rules be suspended and that the ordinance be placed on its passage. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas, O'Connor, Selig, Warner. 2aes, Pettis, Segert, Stanger. The vote being a tie the President voted yes. Moved by Trustee Warner and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that the ordinance be passed as read. Upon r611 call the follovring vote was taken, Yeas O'Connor Selig, earner. Naes Pettis, Segert, Stanger. The vote being a tie the President votes: yes. Moved by Trustee O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Selig that the clerk be instructed to notify owners of property to out weeds and such like on their property. Carried. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconed by Trustee Warner that if • property owner does not comply the Road and Bridge Committee be auth- orized to go in and cut them. . Upon roll cell the following vote was taken. Yeas O'Connor, Pettis, Segert,.Selig, Stanger, Warner. Naes None. The following bi -.ls were read. P.Pirsch &I; Sons................ 24.00 1 Nevr'York Packing & Belting Co 173.50 (Fire Hose) Raymond Lead Co. 32.27 Highland Park Press 14.75 C.M. &StPaul R.R. 79.81 Peter Liest 18.00 Thompson & Co. 2.00 Public Service Co. (June) 104.28 . A.Winter 19.50 Crane Co. 76.49 Geo. Sticken 11.25 D.E.Kinder 6.00 Waukegan Sun 8.80 Central Foundry Co. 9:14 M.A.Frantz 7.21 Badger Meter mfg Col 25.33 Deerfield I=ber Co. 51.82 Walter Gregory 150.00 F.H.Veyer 10.00 C.A.17olf 69.00 );Roved by Trustee Warner and seconed by Trustee Selig that bills be paid and charged to their respective funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas, O'Connor, Pettis, Segert, Selig, Stanger, 'La.rner. Naes, None. (Continued on page 173)