June 5 1922
Regular meeting; of the Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield,
was called to order the the President B.H.Kress at B.P.P.
Roll Call, Present: O'Connor, Segert, Stanger, Warner.
Absent: _Pettis, Selig.
Minutes of -the regular meeting held on May.1 1922 were read and
The Building Ordinance vr4s ,presented and referred:!,.to . Trusteed
Warner and Segert.
Moved by Trustee O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Stanger that
a street light be installed on $.W.corner GVeenwood and Grand Ave.
Upon roll cal the following vote was taken, Yeas: O'Connor,
Segert, Stanger,Wx ner. Naes, None.
Moved by Trustee WT ner and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that
the matter of water on Greenwood Ave between Lincoln Ave and Park
Ave be referred to the Board of Local Improvements. Carriea.
Report of the Fire Committee wqs read, Moved by Trustee garner
and seconed by Trustee Segert that the contrant executed with Peter
Pirsch & Sons Co be reatified and approved.
Upon roll call the.following.vmte.,ras taken, Yeas 08Connor,
Segert. Stanger, ;larner....2Taes.None....
Moved by Trustee Warner and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that
liability insurance be taken out onr;our motorcycle p (Iliceman..
Upon rollcall the following vote was taken, Yeas: O'Connor,
Aegert, Stanger, Warner. Naes: None, i i
The following bills were read:
Walter Gregory ................ $ 75.00
C.M. &StPaul R.R ................ 84.85
F.H. Meyer ...................... 10.00
Public Service Co...............209.10
Legal Adv. Publ Co. -- .00. 3.25
Geo. Pettis ............:........ 53.00
C.A.Vlolf ........... ..............82.00
Highland Park Press.............. 9.50
Geo. Sticken ............ ........93.00
Deerfield Lumber Co.. ..•........12.85
Racine Crushed Stone CO...... .... 54.90
H.EE.� Schneider ................. .. 4.00
H. Kni gge e . • . . . . . . . . ► . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.0 0
Universal Stamp & Stencil Co..... 2,50
Badger Meter Mfg Co ............. 15.30
W.A.Allen Mfg Co ................ 3.85
J.A. Stryker .................... 25.00
Barrett & Dietz.......... ........ 7.50
Geo. Herrman 51.50
Moved by Trustee 1,7a.rner and seconed by Trustee Segert that t the bills be -paid and chb"rged to,their respective funds.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas: O'Connor,
Segert, Stanger, ; 7arner. Naes, None.
Moved by Trustee Warner and seconed by Trustee Stanger to
adjourn to Monday June 12 1922. Carried.