January 3 1922
Regular meetinU of the Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield,
was called to order by the President B.H. Kress at 8 P.M.
Roll Call, Present--Haggie,, O'Connor, Sep; ert, L-Stang er and
We Absent- -Kreh.
Minutes of the regular meeting held on December 6 1921 were
read and approved.
Moved by Trustee Haggie and aeconed by Trustee O'Connor that
sixty (60) Dollars be borrowed from Special assessment #5 and trans-
ferred to special assesament 7J 10 to pay shortage on bond now due.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken, yeas -- Haggie,
O'-Connor, Seg -rt, Stanger and Wesaling .. Naes- -None.
Moved. by Trustee Stanger and aeconed by Trustee Haggie that
street lighta be placed at the following points.
One on corner.of Woodward Ave and niviaion St
One on Woodward Ave South of Hazel.
One on Hazel and Oak Ave .
One on Somerset Ave and Sherdian Ave.
Upon roll call the follo,aing vote :vas
taken, yeas -- Haggie, O'Connor
Se ,vErt, Stanger and- Wessling. Naes,None.
The follo,ving bills were read;
C. M. & St.Paul R.R.
Geo. Sticken
F..H. Meyer
; 0.00
A..J. Fnder
Public Service Co.
H. Mueller Mfg Co.
Jaynes O'Connor
G 1 enn en & Kern
Theo. Frost
H. Kn igg e
Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee Segert that the
bills be paid and charged to their reupeative gunds.
Upon roll' call the following vote was taken, Yeas -- Haggie,
ger t, Stang er and Wessling. Naes -- Non•e.
p' Connor, Se ,
The Road and Bridge committee reported on the widening of the
Deerfield Ave: Pavement..
Moved by Trustee O'Connor and aeconed by Trustee Segert that the
report be referred to the Board of Local Improvements for further
action. Carried.
Moved by Trustee Seo;ert and aeconed by Trustee Stanger to adjourn.