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07/07/1920CUD. 133 July 73 I920. Regular Meeting of ths-Board of Trustees of the- Village of Deerfield. was called to ord -r by the Pr.eiident ,B. H.. Kress at 8 P. M. Roll Call: Present- HaZlie, Segart, Kreh. and W,- !zuliny. Absent Beckley Q-ii.d Harnachild. Minutes of the regualr Meeting held an JurLg 73 I920, were read and approved. A Tax Levy Ordinance for I920 was read Moved by Trustee Kreh and seconded by Truatee Hagrgie-that the Ordi- nance b-.-r passed as read. Upom roll call.. th following rote was taken: Yaes- Hareie, Se t e rt Kreh and Wessling.. Naes- Nenw. An Oxdinance% cencerning Nuisnaces_, and pr®vidino penalty for vielati t ereo.f, was read. . Moved by Trustee Wassline and seconded by iXus.tee Kreh, that the Qxdinance be, paused as read. upon roll call the following vote was taken.. Yaes- HagWie, Setert, • Kreh and Wessling. Naes- None. Mewed by Trustee Kreh and uecended by Trustee Segert that the pay for reading meters be fixed at 4 I00.Ob per -yearn. Upon roll call the following vote was takau.. Ya-s- Haggie, Set -rt, K Kreh, and weasling. Naes None,. The following - bills. were react. Chas.. F. Gehxke (� Tapping. )` I0I.85 'Niel Bros. 24.69 kueller Mfg. Co •32.78 John H.. Stryker. 3'9.90 Deerfield Lumber Co. I04.69 F. R. Stryker. 5.00 Rsiym©nd Lead Wks. 20019 F.• H.. Meyex ( Rent- Fire Station- June I920.) 10.00 Badger Meter Mfg.- Co:. .47.00 Universal Stamp & Stensil Co. 3.00 August Huehl I3.00 Chas. Gehrke 2.00 Public-Service Co.( Street Lights -June- 1920), 77, 5a, Moved by Trustee Kreh and seconded by Trustee Segert that the, bills. be paid and charged to their resp:ctir- funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yaes- Hagrie, Segert,.. Kreh and Wessling. Noes.. -Ncne�. The-Treasurers report was read. Motion wa,,; "de t® :adjourn. Carried. • Villae- Glerk . q. t fi