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� - x.31 OlD June 7 ", I920. i i 'Regular Meeting of the' Board of Truutees of the Village of Deerfield, was called to order by the �reaLdeat-, B..' H. Kress att 8 P1 Mt Roll Call:: Pxesent Tiaggio, Kmeh, Segert and WersallAg. Absent- Beckley and Haunschild. Minutes 6f the regular matting held on May 3', I92Q were read and appro va d. Moved by Truatea Haggie and seconded by Trustee Wessling that the, - Board take a recess, to convene, the Bossed of Local imps ®wem- n_ta.. Carried. After reconvening it wan, moved by Truate- Krell and seconded by Trustee Sagart that the Attorney be ine;truc.ted to dra_ ft an ordinance fo 'keppinV manure in alos.ed boxes: and chi.ckena shut up. Carried. 'I Anmual Appropriation Ordinancs for I920 was read. Moved by Trustee Iaggie and seconded by Trustee Wesaling that the, - ordinan" be adoped as read. V Upon roll ca-11 the following vote was taken. Yaea- Haggie, Kreh, t Segert and Wessling;. Naee- None. 1 Recommendation from the Board of Local Improvements, together with. the estimate- and ord.inanca for. an improvement , cansizting- °c:f opening Chaatnut Street from the North line of Os- termane a: SubdivAsion North to connect- with Grand kvtnua �raQ - road. Mewed by Trua.tee Kreh. and second -dby Truu_tee S.agert that the, Ordinance be passed &�i read.. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yaea- Haggie, Kr -h, S.sg rt. and Wajoling. Naaa - Nona. The- fall ®win; bills, w -re read: P`...G. Leist 16.80 25..20 Public; Service Co. (,,Street Lighta.,IjQa-y I920y, 77.50' Highland Park Press-. II.5(1 F,. H.. Meyer ( Rant -Fire Station -Play I920) MOO Geol. Harrmann - -= 4.5.Q Raynnnd Lead C 0. _ .224.3-0, Henry Meyer. II.20 Muel1ar Mfg. Cm. II14 , i K ®on Brow. Garagr..bCC - The-O.- J. Knaak. 4..00 Clio. Mil. & ST. Pdul R. R.( Fre:igrht on cinders) ' __ 4I.20 ' C2iaa,. Gehrke. 36'..SCE _ Moved by Trustee Haggie and as-cond -d by Trustee SeCert that the bills.. bs- paid and charged to their respective-funds:. Upom X©11 call the following vote was taken@ ;`Yaes -- Haggia,Kreh, • S,egert and Wessling•. Naes. - N®na.. i i. P wad by True to -. Kreh and seconded by Trustee WiGslin that the- C1lerlr.�'a salary be increased $50.00 per year and the- same to be, tarean from the Water Fund.. Upon roll call thr following- voter was taken: Yaec - Haggie, Kroh, Select and ;Yesuline; Naea- T1 ®ne:.. Moved by Trust ee Seg-e rt and seconded by Trustee Wetsling that the` Treauursr "O salary be- inereaard u 25, 0Q: per year., the same to be taken from the- Water Fund. Upom` r ®11 call tli fallcrrin;� vet•e waa tak -n: Yaes- Haggie, Kr -h, Se;ert and - s;bline- Naes -- None. Moved by Truate.e Haggie and seconded by �t a W -uc ing to aa;;��urn._ • • Villagd Clerk. r. •