03/01/1920CI? YD 127 March I, I92C. Regular Metting: of the--Board of Trustees. of the- Village of Deerfield:, was called to order by the Prea.ident, B; H: Kress; at 8 P.- M.• Ro -11 Call: Pr.eaent- Be-dkl.ey, - Ha:ggie, Hauns.chilci. and S'egert.. Absent- Duf fy and Peteraom. . Minutes.' of the regular meeting- held on F %bL.' ZO I92G, were read: and ttpproved. air Moved by Trustee-- HaeCle and- weconded by Trustae B -edkl ey that the Village give, permission. to- the R.. F.. Conway Ca:.. to conatruct, a- temporairy! track across, 0'st erman A'vs -. and that the Pr e-al dent: and, Clerk: be- authorized to enter into contract fora that purpo.ae, contra ct to- contain autiable,\ proviaion for the construction and the, removal:. of the, track, anAt. proper protaction of the croseing.. Carried. k The- treasurers.: report was read.. Attorney Vrolife, reported in detail on the progtess of the• rail.zoad subway caa v. . Moved. by Trus-.te Haunachild and aeconded by Trustee Segert that tha Preaident appoint a Committee to Izveatiga:..teand report. on the,A matter of change of Fire Staltion. - • Carried. . The Preaident appd inted- Trust a ew Haggles Geg•Wrt abd Haunachild. The following bills were read, Highland Park State Bank -Rent for box to Mar.1,I92C $ Ia.00% F2 H: Mager - Material. on Fire Truel~ Ia.75 . F.. H.. Meyer - Refit on Fire S,tatiorr, Jan. & Feb:. 20-.00` Pattia- &' Selig- _ Scraping- IW.05 Theo. J. Xnaak Collecting- fees- Spec:.A.ssesa.. #3- from Apr..I; T9If , t® "Apt: T I9I.9, Ell. 9B. n n " - Collecting, fees, on 3pea. Aeasss,.#4 from Apr . I , I SI6- to Apr_, I., I9 19. 3I.63_ - Collec.ting- fees on Spec. A'vs.5sW -. #5 from. Apr. I, 1916' to Apr. I, 1919. I4.65 - Collecting feei+, on Spew. Asseaa. 6 from Apr. I I9I6 to Apr. I, I9I9.. 3. Io- Moved by Trustee Haggie and. a.seanded by Trustee- Haunrac.hilt, that: tha bills. be paid, and: charged to their reapective� funds.. g - Upon roll call - the following vote was tak:en:: Yaea.- Berckley, Haggiar, Haunachild. and Segert. Naas, None,. A Letter from the Public Util tiew Commiariion, relative- to the, ralisse of eaa, ragas, was read and referred to Attorney Wolf. A: letter from the Public. Service Co. regarding their inability to place a. gtreet light. at Woodward Ave. and Division Streets., owing to the excsaaiv.e coat, was, read and placed on file. Moved by Trustee Hageie and aeconded by Trustee> Bedklsy to adjourn. Carri ed. t i I Village Clerk.