06/06/1919-a_ I CI ND 115' Jun a 6', 1919:. An adjourned Meeting from the regular meeting- of June 2, I919., was called to order b .-y the Pxes.ident, B. H. Kress:, at .8 P. M. Ra►ll call:: Present Beckley, Haunschild, Peterson and ,Segert-. Abaent- Duffy and Tiaggie. An. appropriation ordinance> for the year I9I9 was, read. Moved by Trustee Beckley and seconded by Trustee- Segert that the cz ordinance be, passed as' read.. Upom tallcall the, following, vote- was taken:. Ya ea Beckley, Hauns.cHildf PeteYrsow and Sergzrt. •Naea- lie. Moved by Trustee- Beckley and seconded by ' Trustes- Peterson that the Motor Vdhecle Ordinanae• be again referred, to the- License Committee. Carried. Moved th Trustee Beckley and seconded by Truatee Haunachild• that the bill of Prime Petroleum Products of 443'.96' less I%' and Frtright charges, be paid-; Upon roll call the following vote was taken :. Yaea- Beckley, Haunsch.ildr Peterson and S.egext. Naes- None. The attorney reported oh the meetinga he''attended of the Public Utilitie;u Comraiss.ion , on the matter of the raise in gas rates, and, it was agreed to leave the matter to the Judgment of the attorney. Moved by Trua.�ee- Peterson and seconded by Trustee Beckley that the Village 'continue its membership; in the Association. of the North Shore Municipoliti es, and that the annual dues for the fiscal year IM. and 1920, dm4unt.ifig to 25.00: be paid;,. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yaes - Beckley, Hauns.childl Feter.son, and Segert. Naes None. The- president appointed John Klemp as Thistle.Corrmiamioner. Moved by Trustee'Becklty and seconded by Trustee•Segert that the• appiontme.nt be ratified.. Oasried. The cutting of tree -i, in the Village was left to the Road and Bridge Committee.. Moved by Trua.tee- Haunschild and seconded by Trustee Beckley. to adjourn.. Carried. Y • /Vlage- Clerk .