February 3, I9I9
Regular mee ting7, of the= Board; of
Deerfield was called to order by the
In the abmenae of the President
Hempstead and aeconded by Trustee- Per
as chairman.
Trustees of the Village- of
Clerk at8 O'Clock P.M.
Wm. M. Reay it was .mov,ed by Trustee.
terson that Trustee Reiehalt act
Car r i ed. .
Roll Call:- Present, Haggis, Hempstead, Kroh, Peterson- & Reichelt
Aba.ent, Duffy
Minutes, of the regular meeting held on Deee7mbe-r 22 I9I8 and of trhe
adjourned meeting held on January S, I919 were read and approved.
The-, following billo were read: -
F.H.Meyer -Rent fire station *Dea. & Jan. 20.00
C.'R.Pettia - Hard. coal stove. I5.00
Public Service Co - Street lights Deal & Jan. 155.00
Mueller Mfg. Co. 2.94
Geo. Pettis 9.25
Deerfield. tour- series 3.00
Fred Selig 6.00
Milton Frantz 7.50
MOVIedby Trustee Kreh and aeconded by Trustee Haggier that thy- bills
be paid and charged to their respective funds.
Upon moll call the following vote, was taken:- Year, Haggie, Kreh,
Hempstead, Peterson and Relahelt Naeau, None.,
Report of John Carolan „Commissioner of Highways showing a balance
of $325.25 due- the Village, also that the total amount collented of
Special Gravel Tax: in the Village Amounted to $1305.05 all of which
had now- been paid to ,the the Village Treasurer .
{ i
4, Moved by Tzuatee Peterson and seronded by TrVstee Hempstead that
the bill of the Universal Stone Co amounting to $Z77.85 be, paid.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas, Haggie, Hempstead,
petersoa and Reiohelt. -- Trustee Kreh not- voting.
A resolution that this Board approve the proposal for the .organization
of Lake County,into m Forest Preaerve District and recommending to the
citizens that they use their best efforts to intereut all in securing a
favorable vote thereon when submitted at the general election in -April
next was read.
r Moved by Tristes Haggie and seconded by Trustee. Hempstead that the
mesolution be passed as read.
Upon roll call the• following . vote was taken : - Carried unanamously.
The, Clerk was: instructed to write Mr. P.L.Rupp, Supt. Chicago &
Milwaukee Diviaion informing him of the complaints which have-been made
to this Board on the continual, blocking of the crossing on Osterman Ave.
and asking that this condition be remedied.
Moved by Tzuetee Peterson and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that they
Clerk and the Fire Marshal as m co=ittee be- empowered to buy four rain
coats and-four helmets for use of the fire department.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas, Haggie, Ereh,
Hempstead, Peterson and Re- iohelt. - Naea, None.
Moved by Trustee Haggie, and seconded by' Trustee KreYi to adjourn.
ea i
Village Clerk.