06/05/1918100 June 5,_ I9Z8. Re .-ular 'Meeting of the Board of Trustees wa3, called to 'order ,v the, President, 71m. ;:t. Reay, at 8 P.. ?M.. Roll Call:: Present _ Duffy, Her:ipsteaa, i:reh, I e•t�rson and 'Reichelt.. Absent - Ha;gie,. ' 'ainuteo of the regular L4eetino, held on 'day G', I913, were read and approved. Trite repoXt of the Finance Committee, shorving a Cash r3alance in the Treasury, on �iay_,-I, ISIS, of w 829.72, was read.. 'Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Kreh that the report be-accepted and placed on file. Carried.. 1 atter of the- Nuisance- on the Totz property, -r to discussed and referred to the, Health Committee.. Matter of gr&dina on Osterman Avenue wfas referrad to the- Roads. and Pu.bl c Iriprovement Corr. i tttce. ., The fol_lowina bills were read. Legal Advisor Publishing Co. (DogT�.x:_Rcce4pt Book) k .65 Carl Anderson ( Touring hose Cart to Jai .Ryan- Fire) 2.50 Fred SCI ig ( Scrapfrnv Roads ) I2.00 F. H. Meyer ( Rent Fire Station, ". "ay ZSI$ ) I0.00 Public Service Co. ( Street Lights) llkay IN0 66.75 Moved by Trua,tee Hempptcad and seconded by Tru3tce Duffy that the _ billa be paid. Upon roll call the following vot^ , ;as taken:: Yuen - Duffy; Hempatead, , Freh, Peterson and Reichelt. saes The following Appropriation Ordinance was read. - An Ordinance waking appropriation for Corporate purposes for the fiscal year ending April 30, I9I9. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of ±rP Village of Deerfield. Section I. That the following aumc,, a3 fereafter specified are hereby appropriated to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of `. the Villa e of Deerfield, in the County of Lake:, and State of Illinoiu, for the fiscal year commencing, )"tay I, INS, and endin4 April. 30, I9I9, for the following purposes, to wit, all to be reined by taxation. For Payiasnt of Jud-,Lient3, J.. % Pope and A.. F.. Beaubien, µ a�ain6t th.. ViI1r;ryA of PacrfieId w 7609 00':... Fees & - Salaries. Furdi ... . . Fees & Salarico;of Village "ax3t:al,Treasurer 03C Clerk. I.000.00 Street Lighting Fund: ` For Street Lighting Purposes - 900.00 .streets and Ally Fund :: For grading, iraintaining and repairing streets and condtructin" crossings.. 1.200.00 Special Aasessiaent on Public. Benef its .. I.900.00 'pater Fund: 23-5.00" General and Contingent Miscellaneous, Fund: For general and contingent miacellaneous corporate expenaea not heretofore enumerated 5.00.00 Total w 6)495.00 Section a. Tie unexpired balance, if: any, of any item or itaws.. of any general appropriation made by thin ordinance• may be expended In making up any deficiency.,, if any, in any item or items in the general approp riationa and for the said general purpose• if re_q iircd. Section 3. All ofdinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith shall be and are hereby repealed. June 5, I918. Continued.' i Section 4. This ordinance shall be 'in force and effect ten days after being post °d. ',loved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that the ordinance be- passed as read.. Upon roll cc.11 the- following vote was taker.;; Yaes -- ruffy, Hempstead, Kreh, Peterson and Reichelt. tlaes. — IT one,.. gloved by Trustee Duffy and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that Mr. C. W. Pettis be authorized to make- a.. roof ladder for use by tho Fire Department. Upon roll call the following. vote was taken :: Yaes -- Duffy, Heraps.tead, Kreh, , Peterson and Reichelt. 11aes _. Nona.. Moved by Trustee Hempstead and seconded by Trustee Reichelt to Adjourn. Carried. Village 'Clerk.. i i s • I I I . j j