May 6; 1918.
Regular Mleeting of the Board of Truateea of the Village of Deerfield,
waa, called to order by the President, Tom. I.T. Reay, at 8 P. �.
Roll Call:: Present -- Frantz, Hemputead, Horenborger and Reichelt.
Abs,ent— Ttone,.
T „2inutes of the regular 'aeeting, held on April 81 I9I8, were read and
The followig bills, wire. read:
HiZhland Park Preae ( Printing ballots)
Theo. J. Knaak (Postage & �liac..Fxpeneea 5 /I,I9i7
td 5 1I2 I9I8 ) 1%7I
Public Saxvice, Ca. ( Street Lights, April I9I8) 69..75
Theo. J. Knaak ( Clerks Salary, 5 /I, I9I7 to 5/I, IM )`75:00
F.. H.. Willruan (Treaaurers Salary,5 /I,I9I7 to 5/1 1918)15..00,
F.. HM Meyer. ( Rent Fire- Station, April 19I8) I0.00
,'Tilton Frantz ( Reading Meters; II /I;I917`to 5/I,19T9)'25.00
Peter Lei 3t, John Selig, D. I1; LidgerNood,
Theo. J. Knaak, Josephine Woodman, 2c Franeie Garrity,
( Judges & Clarka of Flection) I2.00
Moved by Trustoe Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that
the bills be paid and charged to thair-respective funds.
Upon roll call the folloting vote was taken:. Yaeo— Frantz, Hempatead,
Horenberger and Reichelt. Naes— ''hone.
Letter ftor,: Jameo Anderson, Surveyer, ' regarding his bill for 45.00'
waa rend.
The Clerk reported the following results of the Village Election,
held on April IF, I9I$.
For Trustee 2 year term..
Fred Horenberger received 74 Votes.
Colton Frantz ” 79 It
Fred Stryker "' 81
Peter J. Duffy " 101
Hag g i e, tr 86 n.
Frank Petersen "' 82
For Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Ira Gardner,
' q. J. Kreh -. received 88 Votes..
Rosa, B. , Sherman " 77 "'
Pater J. Duffy) Wm.. F'.aggie and Frank Peterson having received the
highest number of voter for Trustee, for 2 year terra:, .sere elected as
Wcn. J. Kreh having received the highest number of votas for Trustee
for I year terui , ,was elected to fill the unexpired term of Ira Gardner.
Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that the
report be accepted and placed on file.
I.toved by Trustee Hempstead.and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that a
vote of thanks be tendered the retiring members
I;,oved -by Trustee Frantz and seconded by Trustee Horenberger to
adjourn. Carried.
The- Board of Truatees. vraa called to order by the President,
m. ''•S. Reay.
Roll Call:. Preoent -- Duffy, Herr�patead, Krell, Peterson and Reichelt.
Abaent — Haggie.
The President then appointed the following Coir.,aittees..
Finance Hempstead, Kreh; and Reichelt.
Health and County Relationo— Peterson, Ha�gie, Kreh. (Dr..F.A..Hall)
Judicary" Reichelt, Duffy and Peterson..
I 1? VD
May G ) • I 9I S .
License — Haggie, Hempstead and Reichelt.
Printing. & Auditing -- Duffy, Maggie and Hempstead.
Roads & Public Imotover�ento. = :Kr °h, :Duff Y;: and.Peterson.
Treasurer -- E.. H.. Iffillwan.
• Attorney tY.. G.. Caddis,..
14oved by Trustoe Duffy and aeconded by Trustee Peterson th&t the
appointments be ratified.
The President appointed the Chairmen of the Finance and Judiciary
Committees to secure the special .Gravel• Tax.
P,ir. ruyot,-&f the Public Service Co., then spoke on the Electric Light
Bill for the town hall,and a" Meeting of the- Board of Trustees and Mr.
Reesman was arranged.
The, President appointed Trustees Reichelt and Kreh: to investigate and
reoommend to the Board,as to a location for the Boy-Scouts.
The President gppointed the Road and Public Improvements Comittca to
t coll`eot funds- for the oiling of the streets.
The- President Appointed ^. a. Pettis as Fire Marshal.
P..oved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Hempstead, that the
appointments" bsr ratified.
Moved by Trustee Duffy and sedonded by Trustee Re-ichelt that the
Treasurers salary be raised to 25.00 per year..
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yaes —. Duffy, Hempstead,
Kreh, Peterson and Reichelt. Taes— None-..
clovod by Trustee Reochelt and seconded by Trustee Duffy to adjourn..
• Carried.,
illage Clerk.