12/15/191792!: - F)ece;:Aber I5, 191 7; Special .4ceting of the ?oard of Tru�teeri of the Village of Deerfield, raving:' besntcall• =dr by thn Pre::idsnt pro tern, for the pur,7ou° of takinS up the paj4age- of an ordinance, calling for the special Election for Pr- '6ident of the 3oard of Truits °: , m- z called to order by Truate' Frantz, Prnaidint pro t °it., at v P. i..I. Roll Ball :: Pre:.3nt— Frantz, Horenb -rger, Cardner and Reichelt. Absent— Tieiap�;tead and Reay. An Grdinance providing for a special election to fill the vacancy of Prejident of the Board of Tru::teeu, to be- held on the I9 th. day of January I9I8, aaz read. ':loved by Trustee Fiorenbergir and ;cconded by r%..rdn:!'r that the ordinance be nazi ed as re«d. Upon roll call the follo,ving vote. • rrau taken. Yea:;.— Frantz, F orenb °,r °r, nkrdnar and Reicheit. FTapj— Flone %. The -Chairrr,an of Judiciary ^o. :,' ittee re- cw,:aended the following who : offered their zervicev a j JudNe3 and 01 -rkz of Election without pay. Judges— C.;q..Petti�, Geo- :Rockenbach & 0i