09/04/191786 ; ... September 4, I9I7. Regular, meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of D-erfield wa:i called to order by the President, 1 %. A.. Whiting at 8 P. °:.. roll ^all: Present- Frantz. razdn ^r, tead and 'Eornnberoer. Absent- Reay and RAichelt.. The reading of the- lAinutea were dispensed with until the next meeting. The following billu were read. Geo. Herman ( Marshal Salary, Aug. 19I7..) 750 00 City of Highland Park (mater 5/1,1917. to. 8 /I, I9I 7)" 3.4I.0a Everybodyu Garage 6.00 Decker & Co.. 2.95 Badger DI-tor afg. Co. 98340 Natibnal Brick Co. 4.I5 Public. Service Co. (Street Lights, Aug.. I9I7..) 69..75 Moved by Truotne` fiempatead and ueconded by Truetoo Frantz that the - bills be-paid and charged: to their respective fund3. Upon roll call the foll.o L'i- vote was taken:: Yaes- Frantz., Gardner Hempstead and Horenberger. Naeu -- None. Moved by Trustee Frantz and seconded by Trust ^e Horenberger that i.t i's the sen:�e- of this Board that the Village, of Deerfield proteut3 against the Clay of Highland Park furniuhing water to any one on Central Ave..,.vett of their city li:r:its, in accordance with the contract betwgen the Village of Deerf ield and the City of Highland Park.. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yaeu -r Frantz, Gardner, Hempstead ana Iiorenbergir. Ilaea- Lone.. Moved by Trustee Hempatead and seconded by Trustee Frantz that L. Pettis be percaitted to move the Anderson Ice House from. Andersont 3. premiaea: to hiu own, on Oat -rman Ave-.. Carried.. ? Moved by Trustee Frantz and seconded by Trustee Horenberger that the Fire tlarah3l make arrangements with Highland Park, on who sha ll. call for aauiatance in case of Fire. Carried. "Moved by Trustee Horenberger and ueconded by TruateA Frantz that in case of fire, firat Autotruck that reaponda and Beta to the Fire Station will receive 5.00 for the uervic- to and frora the fire.. Upon roll call the following vote wa3 taken :. Yeas- Frantz, Gardner) Hempstead and Horenberger. i'aeo- Iona-.. 'loved by Trustee Frantz and aeconded by Trustee Horenberger that I.00 be paid to J. Stryker, and w 4.00:.to .Everybody' u Garagc for serv°ce at Bleiraehl3 Fire.. Upon roll call the following vot° waa taken:: Yaes -- Frantz, Gardner, Hempatead and Horenberger, I1aQa- Iona. Tlcx!°d by Trustee Frantz and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that the- Fire Varahal buy a a/4 " Fire- Ilozzle, and six Oil Coats and Rata for the Fire Department. Upon roll call the following vote waa taken: Yaeu- Frantz, rardner, Hc:jp,_�tead and Horenberger. I?aes- Done. 14oved by Trustee Heupatead and seconded by --Trust °° Horenbergsr that a voucher be issued to th Riley Penn. Oil Co.. for M' I00.00 on acct t. Upon roll call the following vote ryas talon :: Yaes- Frantz, Cardner, Hemp3tead and Horenberver. I'ae6- None. 'Moved by Truutl�e Her~p;�tead and seconded by Trustee Frantz to adjourn. ^.arried. Vi lave Clerk.