05/07/1917KIND 49 Ma y - 7, 191 7.- Regular 'fleeting of the Board of Trustees; of the Village of Deerfield, waa called to order by the President, IT. A. Whiting, at 8 P. 1.4. Roll Call :: Present- Frantz, Hempstead, Horenberger, Pettia, Reay and Reichelt. MinuteB of the regular meeting held on April 2, I9I7, were- read and approved. The- following bills Here read. Public Servic ^o. (Street Lights April; ::I9I7) 69.75 F. H•.. Meyer (Rent.Fire' Station. April. I9I7) I0.06' • Badger 111e-ter tdfg. Co. 5'08 Highland Park Press.. 9. .gff" J. Huehl (Scraping rcada)' 36.00 E. Selig 090 , City of Highland Park (Water Nov,. I, I9I6 to Apr:I, IgT7 60 3. Fred Selig 22.20 Deerfield Lumber Co. 33.89 Geo. Pettis 27.35 Deerfield- Hardivare Co. .33; Legal Advisor Publ. Co,. .4'7 Judges & Clerks of Election - 2.00 Each I2.00 G'eo. Herman Jr.. Marshal Salary April I9I7. 75.00 Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Horenbzrger that the- bills, be paid and charged to' their respective- funds.. Upon roll call the following vote vras. taken :: Yeas.- Frantz,Hempatead, Horenberger,P°ttia) Reay and Reichelt. , Naes, None. The Clerk reported that the following persona had been elected at the- village Election he.1d on April I7, I9I7. For President7" , A_.. Whiting- 2 Years, Clerk- Theo. J. Xnaak - 2 r' " Polic.e Magistrate S.. F.. Sutchisa.on - 4 " tt Trustees - Ira Gardner - 2 n Frank Hempstead - 2 rr ' J. A.. Re-ichelt Jr. 2 rr Moved by Trustee Reay and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that on behalf of the Village of Deerfield and fel:lat. members, a vote .of thanks be given to Trustee. U ._W_ ,'Pettis. for his. long and faithful service. Carried.. • Moved by Trustee Pettis and se -conded by res ee Horenberger that this ?fleeting adjourn. Carried:. ' Mr. ,Pettis3 then escorted Mr. Gardner, the. newly elected member to. his. seat. The New Board wasa called to order by the President, 7% A. Whiting. Roll Call: Present- Frantz, Gardner, Hempstead., Horenberger, Reay, & Reiche -1t.. Absent- Nlone�. j- The-- Presidant appointed the following Com%gittee•s for the ensuing, year.. Tater - Reav, Hempstead, and Reichel_t. Finance— Reay, Reichelt and Hempstead. Auditing - Horenberger, Hempstead and Reay. Roads. & Public Improvements; - Frantz, Horenberger and Gardner.. Judiciary - Gardner, Reichelt,and Frantz. Health & County Relations_ - nr. C.. J.. Davia,Hempstead and Reay. License- - Re-ichelt, Frantz and Gardner. • Village Treaeuref - E.. H.. Willman. Village, Attorney - W. G.: Gaddis. Moved by Trustee- Reay and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that the appdntment of the ^,omtUtteea, Vida e Treasurer- and Attorney be ratified. } Carried. �1 50 May 7, 1917, - Continued. Moved by Truotoe Reay and a °conded by Trustee Reichelt that the Road and Bridge Committee be authori ^Ad t4 purchaa-e a car of 8000 al.Ftoad Oil at a price of not exceeding 5.7Ve.r Gal. F. O.. B. Deerfield'.. Upon roll call the follo: ^ring vote vac taken. Yeas- Frantz, Crardner, "dempatead, Horenberger, Redy and Reichelt. Nae3 — None. Mr. Rooa.ite'r reported on the sidewalks and the----grading on Hazel A.v- Moved by Trustee-Reichelt and aeconded by Trustee Frantz that a special meeting be- called on May I8th. for the purpose, of considering the aidewalk and grading ,and that Mr. Lindblom be notified tb be present. " . ^arried.. The Treau:urer reported a total of I075'.I0 in the General Fund and w I338.98 in the Water Fund.. Moved by Truotee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Reay that we i reconsider the' motion of giving a' Voucher to Mr. Dalton of w I50.00 made ` at the last regular meeting. JJpon roll' call than following vote was taken :. Yeaz— Frantz, Gardner, F Hempstead, TIorcnberger, Reay and Reichelt. Yaea — None. �- Mov3d by Trustee Reay and oebonded by Trustee- Frantz that vouchers. allready given to ?qtr. Dalton be called in and new vouchera be' given , the same to be dated the same- date as the- bonds.. Upon roll call the folloti ,*ring vote was .taken: Yeaa Frantz, Gardnex, ! Hempkitead, Horenberger, Reay and Reichelt Naas, None. k r Moved by Trustee Reay and aeconded by Trustee Frantz that the engineer make- a. report on Specidl Aasesament J-IO & II as to the expenses , and why the Shortage-. • _ Carried.. The, Pre- aiderit referred the- matter of the sleight of a oaf o' f B ed t the Attorney, i,Zr. Gaddis -.. Moved by Trustee Reav and seconded by Trustee Hempst ad to adjourn. i •(`arr ied.< e� .'p f Village Cle#. it ♦