6eptember, 9, I9I6.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield
ivas called to order, by the President, 17. A. Whiting at 8 P:M.
Roll call: Present- Frantz, Horenberger, Hempstead, Pettis and
Reich-,:l t. Absent- Reay.
Minute�; of the regular t.ieeting held on Aug.,T, I9I6 and of the special
meeting held on Aug. 28, I9I6 were read and approved.
The following bill were read.
C. !A. & St. Paul R. R. -- Frt. on 3 Cars Stone., sc 61.26.
• Raymond Lead Co. Lead Pipe. I6.05. ,
F.. H...Me-yer.- Rent.Fire, Stat,ion,July& Aug., 20.00
Public Service Co. - Street Lights,Aug.I9I6. 69.75,
Geo. Pettis..- Cutting weeds & Fiaul'ing -srtone-. 2.7.60
F. Selig.- Hauling a.tone-. I4.40
Scott Valve Co.. II.40
J. Beckley. 4.40
Badger ble ter bifg. Co., - on acc,! t I00.00
Deerfield Lumber Co. 96.52
Highland Park Press..- Public Notices Spec. .fI2. 5.90
Central Foundry Co. 95
Geo. Herman. Marshal salary, Aug. I9I6'. 75.00
Highland Park Press.. I5 90
• . �r n n 21 •�O
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Horenberger that
the bills be paid and charged to their respective funds.
Upon roll call the - following vote was taken;: Yeas- Frantz:,
Horenberger, Hempstead, Pettis and Reichelt. Naea. None..
Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Horenberger,that
the Clerk:: be:-.authorized to .advertise for bids for laying of cement sidewalk
in from of the- Bleimehl,. Ryan and Frost_ property,on Woodward Ave.,as soon
as the time is up, bids to be opened at the next regular meeting..
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Frantz,
Horenberger, Hempstead, Pettis and Reichelt. Neas- None.
The following bill was read.
City of Highland Park. - Water. 5I9.57
Moved by Trustee Frantz-;and� seconded -by=.Trumtee-.Horenberger that
the bill be paid..
Upon roll ,call the following vote was taken: Yeas_- Frantz,
Horenberger, Hempstead, Pettis and Reichelt. Naes- None'.
Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Pettis that the
Contractor U, F. Selig and Geo. Pettis be granted a 30 day extensionco.n:: the
Hazel and Woodward Ave. grading,.
Contractors bond for the amount of �Q' 250.00, also one for the amount
of , I000.00,,,and both signed by Olaf Lindblom as principal,and Emma
Lindblom as surety, were read.
Moved by Trustee 'F--ichelt and seconded by Trustee Hempatead that
EJ the bonds of Olaf Lindblom be accepted.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Frantz,
Horenberger, Hempstead, Pettis and Reichelt. Naes- None.
An Ordinance providing for sidewalks) specifications, grades and
permits was read.
Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Franz, that.tle
Ordinance as read be pawed.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yaea- Frantz,
Hempstead, Horenberger, Pettis, and Reichelt. braes ?Tone.
Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Horenberger to
adjourn. Carried..