07/10/191636 July 10, I9I67. I ` An adjourned meeting from the regular meeting of July 3, I9I6 was. called'.to order by the.Clerk at 8 P'..M.. In the absence of the President j i.t.waq moved :by Trustee° Reay and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that Trustee Pettis act as Chairman. G Carriers. Roil Call ::Present= Hempstead, Pettis, Reay, Reichelt & Frantz. Absent —, Horeaberger. Minutes of the-regular meeting held on June 5, I9I6 and of the regular meeting held on JulyZ3, I9I6 :vere read and approved. The following bills were read.. Raymond Lead Co. Lead Pipe. 0I7.22 Dave Sall — Digging. 8.4C Highland Park Fuel Co. Sewer Tile (at- ToWn 11) I2.9.2 August Huehl— Hauling cinders & scraping. 5.00 Frank Johnson— Digging. 8..4(?, Public Service Co. Street lights :,_,June I9I6'. 69.75 Theo. J.Knaak— ?rtiBc. expenses, .95 Dr. C'. J.. Davis— Health warning aigna. 2.09_ C. Antes Sons, Co. Curtains for Voting Booth. ..60 John Huehl­�- Use of Tractor Engine 11.215 Deerfield Hardware- Co.— Misc. items,. I..3I F. C.. Biederstadt -- 3' load brick bats a.75 August Huehl -- Oiling roads.. 2.50 Geo. Herman — Marshall salary,June 1916' 75.00 Geo. Pettis— Hauling cinders & brick bats I0.A& F. H.. Meyer Rent for Fire, Station --. June I9I6- I0..001 Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Reay that the, - bills.be paid and charged to their several funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:: Yeas -. Hempptead, Pettis, Reay;; Reichelt & Frantz. Naes— Clone An ordinance concerning liquor was read. Moved by Trustee Reay and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that the ordinance be passed as read. Carried.. Moved by Trustee Reay and se --onded by Trustee Reichelt that the attorney for the Village be- directed not te- proceed with the appeal in the case of Ble-imehl vs; Village of Deerfield and C. Lt. & ST.Paul R.R. that the said Railroad Company be requested not to filjtan appeal bond in said case and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the said Company of the- passage of this motion. Upon roll call the following vote rras taken:: Yeas— Hempstead, . Pettis, Reay, Reichelt,& Frantz. Naea— None. Moved by Trustee Reay and aeconded by Trustee Reichelt that the C. M. & St.Paul R. R. Company, if they pay the judgment of Bleimehl vs. Village of Deerfield and said Company ,be assured that said Village '. aill reimburse them under obligation of said Village to said Company, V ,assum6d by said Village in the ordinance providing for the d.eperation N of grades and building of subnay on street known as Deerfield Avenue. That said. Village hereby acknowledges its obligation to indemnify, said Company from the payment of said judgment and hereby directs its j attorney, W. G. Gaddis_or A. F. Beaubean to enter its appearance in any suit brought by said Company to colledt said Judgment and cost of said Village if said Company shall pay said judgmentnowdexisting and hereby authorize:.said attorney to waive the issuance an serveee o Suaaons more than ten days prior to the term of Court: at. -which said ' suit is brought, and to confess judgment dr. favor of said C. 11. & } St. Paul R. R.. Company, Against said Village for the amount that said Company may pay to satisfy said judgment of Bleimehl vs said Village and Company and that the Clerk be directed to notify the said Company of the passage of this motion.' W - I CRUD 37 1 Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas— Hempstead, Pettis, Reay, Reichelt and Frantz. Neas— None. Anvord3nance ; des i gnat ing".Truatpwst�i ..Frantz,;., F iHempstead 4:. ".. F- H6renberger, C.W Rettis, !T.M.Reay,.' J• b..Re-ichelt tbge-ther, with the President, W. A. 7hiting as the Board of Local Improvements was read.. Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by-Trustee Hempstead that the ordinance be passed as read. Carried unanimously. The Board then adjourned to have a meeting of the Board-of Local Improvements, after which the Board reconvened. An or nance for a syst of Portland Ceme Concrete sidetivalks. the B6tith i" eicrf Somcaerset A e.from the East s -de of Oak Ave. to th Weat side of Grand..Ave= ,,-on- ec nd Ave - ..along t ed w st side thereof f om, the west ide of Fair Oaks Ave. to Hazel Ave. nd on the Fast side t ereof. from Haz Av to the Sou h sid of Division• Street nd on they sou h e.ida of Gran A.ve. o the Eas side o Second Ave,:, was. r d toyethex ith . the rec mmenda on of Bo rd of L al Improv ments and Fstiuiate o cost of sam . L ved by T ste'e empstead an seconded by Trustee Frant thet.'.the: ordin nce be pa -p d a recommended y t Board of Local Imp. vements... Upon roll cal he following vo e �rras taken:: Yeas,­ e ps tcad, Pet is, Reay, Reic It and Frantz.. aes None.: An Ordinance for the construction of a Portland Cement Concrete: sidewalk on Osterman Ave. in front of the Vant property,was read.. v Moved by trustee-Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Frantz that the - M'ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following• bote was taken :: Yeas Hempstead, .Pettis, Reay, Reichelt and Frantz. Naes -- None-. An ordinance -for- a system -of Portland Cement Concrete sidewalks. on the- Southside of�'Zomerset Ave-. , from the- -Ea3t' side of Oak Ave. to the West side of Second Ave.,on the North side of Fair Oakskve, from. the east side of Oak Ave to the, West side of Grand Ave, on Second Ave along the west side thereof from the nbrthside of Fair Oaks Ave, t]D Hazed Ave and on the East side thereof from Hazel Ave- to the South side. of Division Street and on theSouth side of Division- Street.from'the° West aide of Grand Ave to the Eaat side of Second Ave, was read together with the recommendation of Board-of Local Improvements and c,stimate of cost of same. - Moved by T tee Hempstead and seconded by Trustee Frantz that the ordinance be passed as recommended by the Board of•Local Improvements, Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas—Hempstead, Pettis, Reay, Reichelt and Frantz. Naes None.. Motion made to adjourn,' C rried. Clerk f