I.COD 31
Mmy,, 11 1916'.
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield)
was called to order by the President, `YT. A.. ;?biting at 8 P'. M.
Roll Call- Hempstead, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reay :&..Reichelt..
Minutes of the- regular meeting held on April'3rd, I9I6 and of the%
Special meeting held on April I4, 19I6- were, read and approved.
The following bills were read.
Pettis & Selig 47.80
Lincoln Pettia I2.40
Highland Park Presa. ; 8.00-
Deerfield Garage 8.00
Goo. Herman 75.00
T'..J.Knaak, :Mis.c.Exp_ense ' I2.55
T..J.Knaak & E.H.7111man 45.00
Legal Advisor Publ. Co.. 3;19
Judges & Clerks ElectionI2'.00
F.. H. Meyer I0.00
E. A.. Rosoiter .7I.20.
City of Highland Pk.
558.27 & 504..8I I 0r,3 ..08
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reay that the bills,
be paid out of their respective funds.
Upon roll call the following vote.was taken ::Yeas - Hempstead,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis:, Reay &'.Reichelt. Neas- None.
.. ,Zhe Clerk reported the following on the results of the Village
Election held on April I8, I9I6.
To the Board of Trustees,
Village of Deerfield, Ill.
At the Village Election held at the town hall in the Village of
Deerfield:, Lake County on April. I6) I9IG, the following votes were cast.
Albert Hagie received L60 votes for Trustee.
Wm. *Ij. Reay, m Z37 m n' "
, . Milton: Frantz "' I6I "` "' "'
Fred Horenberger "' 218
-hall this Village continue to ).1
be Anti. Saloon Territory. "l 207 "' "' yet
Shall_ this. Village continue- to
be Anti Saloon. Territory "' 1I4 "' "' NG..
Wm. M. Reay, Fred Horenberger and Milton Frantz receiving the
highest number of votes were elected as trustees for. the term of two years.
The vote on the proposition "Shall the Village continue -to be Anti
-alcon •Territory, "` received a favorable Majority of 9.3. votes.
Reapectfully submitted,
Theo. J. Knaak
` Village Clerk.
Moved by-Trustee pettis and seconded by trustee Reay that the-report of
the Clerk be accepted and adopted..
ru Carried.
Lj Moved by Trustee Pettis and secondeu by Trust-�e,Horenberger, that
this Board do now adjourn dine-die.
Moved by Trustee Pettis that the-outgoing member escort the newly
elected member'to his chair..
The- new Board was called to order by the President ,W',A..77hiting..
Roll call:: Present- Frantz, Hempstead, Horenberger, Pettis,Reay
and Reichelt.
The President appointed Trustees Reay, Pettis and Reichelt as
members of the ;rater Committee-.
May I, IN6. (continued) '
The following Committees were appointed by the President.
Finance- Reay- ,'.Reichelt and Rettis..
Judicary- Pettis, Reichelt & Reay,.
Roads and Public Improvements- Hempstead, Horenberger.& Frantz.
Incense -- Reichelt, Hempstead and Horenberger.
alth�and Count elations, eichel t and Hempstead.
he Pre ident appointed F.. H.. 7illm n as treasurer.
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee T\eay that th-
Committees as appointed by the President And the a_ ppointment of E.. H.
Willman as Treasurer be ratified by-the Board.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken:: Yeas- Frantz,Hempstead,
Horenberger, Pettis, Reay and Reichelt.
Moved by Trustee Reay and seconded by Trustee Pettis.-that the
Village purchase the tapping machine from Lincoln Pettis, together 'Itith
what mareral he has on hand' at the price of '77.00 less 5 o, the samei t¢
be paid out of the eater fund.
Upon roll call the following vote was • taken:. Yeas- Frantz, Hempstead:
Horenberger, P,!ttis, Reay and Reichelt..
The President appointed the Village Marshal as the, Official Village,
The-matter pf changing the meter reading dates, was referred to, the
'dater Committee.
The President appointed T. J..Knaak, Albert Antes, John Stryker &
Edw:. Selig to get subscriptions for Oiling the Streets.
Proved by TrusteePettis and seconded by Trustee Reay to adjourn.