04/03/1916�cRVn 29 Ap:r it 3'3 1916.. Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of'the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President, T.- A.. Whiting at 8 P.T.A.. i Roll Call;, Present- Hemps.tead,, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis., Reay & Re-ichelt. Absent- None-. Minutes of the regular meeting held on `March 6, I9IG' were, read and.approved. Moved by Trus.te-e- Pettis and seconded by Trustee Horenberger that �. H.. Willman, Peter Duffy and - F.. H.. Meyer be judger and that Mrs.S.P. Hutchison, Clara Pyle, and Theo. J. Knaak be-Clerks. of the Village Election,to be held on April I8th.I9I6.. Carried. Moved by Trustee .Reay and s..econded: by Trustee Pettis that the Marshal make a survey ;of every defective sidewalk in the village and report to the Clerk, who will ,make out a regular notice- to 'the owner, which notice- shall then be- served by the- Marshal, Carrieed. Moved by Trustee Reay and seconded by Trustee Pettis that the - Clerk write the North. Shore, Gas. >Co. re-qued.tigg;*them to send a complete plat of location and size of Mains. and Piper of gas -.;in the Village. , Carried.. The, following bills, were- read Thomas. Murphy :Y.I5 Ceo.. Herman Jr. 75..00` F.. H.. Meyer T0..00 L.. Pettis I6'.I5 E.. A.. Rossi ter- 40.00 Mr. Wesley I4.20 Public Service- Co. 69.75 L. G. Brockway I.01 G, Deerfield Lumber "o.. 9..49 Theo. J.. Knaak 206'.48 Badger. Meter Mfg ;. Co 200'.00 G'.. Pettis & F.. Selig 33'.95: Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Reay that the bills be, paid and charged to their respective -. funds.. Upon roll call tine following vote- was taken :: Yeas Hemps.tead, Horenberger,' Juhrend,, Pettis, Reay and, Reichelt. Naes -- None:. Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Horenberger that Trustee, Fetti's and F.. H.. ?Meyer be authorized to sell the- old oil wagon and to buy a new one, if satisfactory. Upon roil call the following vote was, taken :: Yeas.- Hempstead, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettia, Reay and Re-ichel_t. Naes- None.. A communication from ,barren Pettis requesting permission to ride t.> his .bicycle on the sidewalk to and from work when the roads are impas- sable', was. read. Moved by Trus.te-e Pettis. and oeconded by Trustee Reichelt that a. 30 day Permit be granted to ,barren Pettis. to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk only too and from work and when the roads are impassable and that the marshal be- empowered to grant additional Permits, under the same- conditions. Theae> permits to by preeuitorly revoked by the marshal. cvhem infringed Carried. Moved by Trus -tee Pettis and seconde by Trustee Reichelt that the Road and Bridge Committee, be-- authorized to do what is necessary to take bare of the dranaae at Osterman and South Park Ave. Upon roil call the following vote ,was taken :: Yeas - Hemps-tead., Horenberger, e Juhrend, Pettis, Reay & Reichelt.� Naes- Non. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee eichelt to adjourn arrived.. Village Cl k..