08/09/1915ICRVO ALigust 9, I9I5. MM'. Regular meeting of the Board of .Trustees.. of the village of Deerfield was called to order by, the President, IT. A... Whiting, 8::00 p.r�.. Roll Call:: Present- Hempsted,Juhrend, Pet tie) Reay, Reichelt.. Absent-- Horenberger. Minutes of the regular meeting' held on July 12, 1915, Were read and approved. A communication from the State Board' of Health' was read. L�ove-d by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee �Reichelt that Dr... Davis. be autherized to procure placards and present the bill to the Board. �rft <« Upon,\the- following vote was taken :: Yeas - Hempstead, Juhrend, Pettis, .,eay, neichelt. days -- None., Moved by Trustee Pettia and seconded 'by T.rus.tee Reay that the- Marshal be- instructed to, post Moraine- Hotel Signa. Carried. Mr..•Rossiter presented a plat of Qwners.. Subdivision of part of the North of Sect. 32,and requested that the Board approve the plat subject. to tine signature of the- President and the Clerk. Moved by Trustee Pettis, and seconded by Trustee Reay that the- request of Mr. Ro3siter be granted and that the, plat be- approved subject to the signature- of the President and- the Clerk:. Carried.. -An affadavit from David Pd. Erskine,, requesting- that lots one-, two and three in .Block Four. and Lots tiro, three -, four, five-, sAx and seven in ?lock Five,, Hall'and Oaterman Addition be vacated, was read and ordered '-aid on the-, table.. The following bills were read :: A _ Fred Selig 3'.00: Public Service Co.. 75..00 Geo.. Herman Jr. 75. s,0' L.. Pettis. 79-..25 r. Moved by Trustee Reay and seconded by.Trustee Hempstead that the bills be paid out of their :respective- funds.. Upon rQ11. call the following vote was taken :: Yeas - Hempstead, Juhrend, Pettis, Reay ,Re- ichelt. Nays.-- None. M Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reay that the matter of ,deter ExteAtions. be refered to the- Village Tapper and Marshal, they to notify the Clerk ghat to order. Upon- roll call the following vote was taken:.Ye-aa-- Hempstead, Juhrend, Pettis, Reay, Reichelt. Nays. -- None.. A. new acale of prices for ,water tape. was. read. 6 Moved by Trustee Reayy and seconded by Trustee- Reichelt that the Board adopt, the new scale of prices, the same to take Offeet from date-. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:. Yeas-- Hempstead,Juhrend, Pettis, Reay,Reichelt. Nays -- None. A co:,�r,itLn cation from the- Chgo. Mil.. & St. Paul R..R.. as.king whether the' ordinance ,vacating a portion of Central St. had been passed, •was,. read.. Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Hempstead that thee' Clerk be instructed to write Mr. Holt of the- Chgo.. Mil.. & St. Paul R.R.. saying that the. ordinance has not been, passed and will not be untill the $ailroad Company, complete`e i-ts part of the agreement in fixing up the stye adjacent to the Subway.. Carried. !* y 2ir a inilia on the-Dollar of taxable An ordinance levying a tax of t property in the village the same to be used exclusively for the purpose of etreet lighting was read , t August 9, I9I5. Continued)' Proved by Trustee, RLway and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that the - ordinance, be passed as read. Upon roll call the- following vote eras taken;: Yeao-- Hempstead, Juhrend Pettis., R--ay) Reichelt.. Plays-- Tdone,.. Moved by Trustee Pettia and seconded bV Trustee Reay to adjourn to aa.turday Evening Aug.I4,' at 8P.14.. Carried. / f Cl e-rk .