04/05/1915APRIL 5 1915
Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield
was called to order by the Clerk at 8:00 p.m.
In the absence of the President, W. A. Whiting, it was moved by
Trustee Pettis'and seconded by Trustee Reay, that Trustee Fritsch act as
Roll call: Present- Fritsch, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reny.
Absent -- Kress.
Minutes of the regular meeting held on March 1, 1915, were read
and approved.
The bond of Fred Selig and Goo. Pettis for'$29000 entered into on
account of Special Assessment #5 and which is signed by Fred Selig and Goo.
Pettis as principal and James O'Connor and Bert Easton as surities, was reported
by the Judiciary Committee.
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Horenberger that the,
bond of Selig and Pettis be accepted and'that the President and Clerk be
authorized to enter into a contract with them on account of Special Assessment
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reny. Nays= -None.
Lease of F. H. Meyer for fire station for five years from February
1,1915, at a yearly rental of $120 was reported by the Judiciary Committee. '
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reny that the
agreement with F. H. Meyer be adopted,and that the President and Clerk be
authorized to accept the same.
Upon roll'call the following vote was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reay.. Nays - -None.
Moved by Trustee'Pettis and seconded by.Trustee Reny that the
following be appointed as judges and clerks for the village election to
be °held on April 20, 1915. Judges: E. H. Willman,'YJoodman Todd and Walter
Antes. Clerks: Theo. J..Knaak, Clara Pyle, and Marie Kress;
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reny. Nays--None. -'
The ordinance to build sidewalk on Woodward and-if azol avenues was
corrected as follows: Section 4 to read -- "divided into five installments"
in place of three installments,
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by'Trustee Juhrena to suspend
the rules and pass the ordinance'for sidewalks on Hazel and Woodward Avenues
to be paid in five installments.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas -- Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reny. f, vote
Trustee Pettis was chosen as the third member, who together with
the President and Clerk,are to receive the canvass of the votes at the next
village election.
The following bills were read:
Ira Gardner
$ 28.35
' Fred Selig
John Selig
F. W. Stryker
Geo. Pettis
F. H. Meyer
Public Service Co.
T. J. Knack
Lincoln Pettis, Tapping Charges
Edw. Landan
Roscoe Wessling
Herman Frost
C. W. Pettis, Money advanced to laborers
on subway
E. A. Warren
Workman Mfg. Co. -
Lew Handal
Geo. Homan, Jr., Marshal, Uarch, 1915
60.00 s�.`
April 5, 1915 (dontinued)
Moved by Trustee Reay and seconded by Trustee Pattie that the bills
be allowed as read and charged to their respective funds.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis and Rosy. 14aye- -None.
Moved by'Trustes Pettis'and seconded by Trustee Reay that the matter
of gravel be referred to the chairman of the Street'and the Judiciary Committees
with power to act.'
Upon roll call the following vote'was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reay. Nays- -Nona.
Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reay to adjourn.