SEPTEMBER 12, 1914
Special moeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield
was called to order by the President, W. A. Whiting, at 8 :00 a.m.
The following call was read
September 11, 1914.
}!r. Theo. J. Knaak,
Village Clerk,
Village of Deerfield, I11.
'Dear Sir:
I call for and request a special meeting of the President and Board
of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, to be held in the To%n Hall
of said Village on the Twelfth day of September A. D. 19149 at Eight O'clock
'a.m. sharp for the purpose of consideiling and acting upon a certain ordinance -
providing for the.construction of a'subway and a change of grade of street
'at the place where Deerfield Avenue and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway tracks and the right-of-way.-intersects-in said -Village. -You are
hereby commanded to notify all the members of the Board of Trustees in the
manner.provided by the ordinances of said Village.
" r
( Signed) W. A.' Uiting, '
Roll call: Present -- Fritsch, Horenberger, Juhrond, Kress, Pettis.
. ; 'Absent-- -Reay. _
/� An ordinance establishing -the grade of Deerfield Avenue frog
Grand Avenue to the southeast corner of Section 290 Township 43 North,
Range 12,East of the 3d principal meridian, Village of Deerfield, Lake
Countyp Illinois, was read.
Moved by Pettis and seconded by Fritsch that the ordinance be
adopted as read.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- ..Fritsch,
Horenberger, Juhrend, Kress, Pattie. Naes: None.'
Uoved-by Pettis and seconded by Krona to adjourn.
�- Carried.
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