O-007BOOK 803 Pja�`�oi ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXA- TION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, a written petition addressed to the City Council of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, and to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, and signed by more than one -half of the legal voters and by more than one -half of the property owners of , the territory and real estate involved, has been pre- sented and filed with the President and Board of Trustees of this Village, petitioning and requesting the disconnec- tion of certain territory and real estate from the said City of Highland Park and the annexation thereof to this Village, all pursuant to the provisions of Section 21j.1 Article 7, Chapter 24, Cities and Villages, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1945; and WHEREAS, the territory and real estate involved com- prise an area of less than one hundred sixty (160) acres and the said territory and real estate is particularly described in a photostatic copy of said petition attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois duly passed an ordinance con- senting that said territory and real estate be disconnected from said City'-and annexed to this Village, on the 24th day of February , 1946, as evidenced by a certified copy Bpax 803 PAGE307 of said ordinance of the City Council of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B ", and made a part hereof, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OFD EERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS . SECTION I. 'That'it is found and adjudged by the Presi- dent and Board of Trustees of this Village that said petition is signed by more than one -half of the legal voters and by more than one -halt' of the property owners in said territory and real estate, and that the said petition being Exhibit "A" hereof, is found and adjudged to be in proper form and that the allegations therein,contained are true. SECTION 2. That the President and Board of Trustees of this Village does hereby annex the said territory and real estate particularly described in Exhibit "A" hereof to this Village, the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, it being the intention of the President and Board of Trustees of this Village to cause all necessary steps to be taken and acts to be performed to comply with the said petition and the statute in such case made and provided, for the annexation of said territory and real estate to this Village. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its. passage, and approval as re- quired by law. 2. �oQK 803 PAGE308 SECTION. 1hat the Village Clerk of this Village shall within ninety days after the passage of this ordinance, file a certified copy hereof with an accurate map of the said territory and real estate annexed, duly certified by said Village Clerk, in the Recorder's office of Lake County, Illinois, and have the same recorded therein. passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees Qf the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, this // day of i949, by the following vote; Ayes Nays: )1"4A_ being more than two- thirds (2/6) of the members of said Village Board. __1 yzlftitir' �, ` C cl i' I • 3. Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. P • ._ BOOK 803 MAP. PETITION TO DIS.COINECT C:`RTAIN TERRITORY FROM THE CITY OF HIGIILAND PARK, ILLINOIS AIM TO COI,MECT THEE SAME TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TO THE I;:AYOR AI?D CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIGHLA"M PARK, ILLINOIS, and TO THE .PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T11E VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAIOE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Gentlemen: Now come western Homes Inc., an Illinois Corpora- tion; Harriet C. Gastfield, and William M. Seiler, and represent that they constitute more than one -half of the electors and more than one -half of the owners of record of .the following described parcels of real estate: Parcel 1. That part of the west 1/2 of the F.VJ. 1/4 and that part of the PI. N. 1/4 of the- Sal. 1/4 of Section 34- T-43N.-R. 12, mast of the Srd P.?,,., lying easterly of the center line of the west Skokie Drainage Ditch,. also all the vacated Lots 9 to 24 inclusive and 26 to, 33 inclusive, in Coleman's Sub. in the S.b'J. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 27 -T43 N. -R. 12, East of the 3rd P.I.j. Also, all the vacated part of Lot 5 in said Colemanl9 Sub., being all of Lot 5, according to the plat of said sub.., except that portion thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of the said Lot 5; thence southeasterly along the south- westerly side of Lots 6 and 7 in said Coleman's Sub., • distance of '235.5 feet to an iron stake; thence in • southwesterly direction at an angle of 90 aegrees, • distance of 153.9 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point on the northwesterly line of said % Lot 5, 153.9 feet S.W. of the most northerly point of said Lot 5; thence in a northeasterly direction along said northwesterly line of said Lot 5, 153.9 feet to the place of beginning. Also, all of-the vacated Woodland .avenue in said Cole- man's Sub. from the line joining the !�.W. corner of said vacated Lot 9 ai:d the southwesterly corner of said vacatea Lot 26, east and south to tre southerly boundary line of said Coleman's Sub.;,together with the easterly 1/2 of the vacated Coleman's Place in said Coleman's Sub., lying westerly of the westerly line of Lot 9 and north of the south line of said Lot 9 extended west -and all of that portion of vacated Coleman's place lying westerly of the west line of Lots 10 to 16 inclusive, and east of the east line of Lot b aforesaid; all in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 2. That part of the southeast corner of the southeast quarter (SEW) of Section twenty -eight (28) 'Township forty -three (_43) North, Range Twelve (12) east of the Third Principal 1 %1eridian, lying south and east of Deerfield road aiia east of the west Skokie Drainage Ditch. They further represent that the above described territory and parcels of real estate do not exceed 160 acres in area and that the same are situated within the corporate limits of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois; they further represent that said territory and parcels of' real estate are continguous to the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, and that they are desirous of having the same disconnected from the said City of Highland Park, and annexed to the said Village of Deerfield. M- EREFORE, your undersigned petitioners pray; I. That the corporate authorities of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, consent to the disconnection of the above described territor-1; and parcels of real estate and that the corporate authorities of said city pass an appropriate ordinance in order that,the same may be disconnected from the said City of highland -Park and annexed---to the said Village of Deerfield in accordance with the statute in such ease made and provided. 2. ' ' .•, • BDON MPAU311 II. That the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, consent to the annexation of the above described territory and parcels of real estate and that the corporate authorities of the said Village of Deerfield pass an appropriate ordinance in order that the sait.e may be annexed to' the said Village of Deerfield in accordance with the'statute in such case made and provided. PETITIONING PROPERTY OWNERS PETITIONING ELECTORS. t WESTERN HOMES, INC.. BY: pre s ' cATTr;ST • .a •�i: r; . Se¢. as owner of the above de- scribed Parcel 1. HARRIET C. GASTF EL•D as —the owner of e a6bove described Parcel 2. V. 3. BOOK 803 PAG1312 . • AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING VOR ` HL DI=,NNECTI;!N Or CERTAIN TERRITORY IN THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK, LAKE COUNTY, • ILLINOIS, AND COI431 'ING TO THE ANNEXATION OF SUCH DISCONNECTED TERRITORY TO Ta VILLAGE OF LEERFIRLD, LARD, COUNTY, .ILLINOIS. WHCR1430, a written petition addressed to the -City Council of this City and .to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lase County, Illinois, and signed by more than.one -half. of the legal voters and by more than one -half of the property owners of the territory and real..estato involy ®d, has been pre- ..stinted and filed with the City Council of this aity,, pe- titioning and requesting ,the disconnection of` certain territory and real estate ,from this .city and the•annexation thereof to the said Village of Deerfield, all pursuant to the provisions of;Section 2.1, Article 7, Chapter 24, Cities and Villages, Illinois Revisted Statutes, 1945; and WH- IREA3, the territory and -real estate'. involved eom- prime an area of lees than one hundred sixty '(160j &area and the said territory. and. real estate is particularly de scribed in a photostatic` copy -of said petition attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part bf,reof. 9,66 THi,.RFP°ORB, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HIGHLAND .PARK, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS SECTION J..• Thlat it is found' and adjudged by the a aid City. Council of this city that said petition is signed by more than; one -half of the legal voters and by .more than one -half `' Boni 803 pAc�3�3: of the property owner6 in said territory and real•e state, and tha t the. said. petition. beiang "Exhibit "A" hereof, is found and adjudged to be .in proper 'force and that the allega- tions therein contained -Are true. SECTION 2: That 'the City Uouncil of this cit f does hereby consent that said territory and real•estate particu- larly described in Exhibit «A" hereof, (excluding from said territory and real estater': any portion thereof which may-fall within the- limits , of Deerfield Road), .be disconnected from this City and.annexedd to.the said Village of Deerfield, it being; the intention of, the City Council of this City to cause all necessary .steps. to, be taken .and acts 'to be per - formed to comply with : the said petition and the statute in such case made and provided, all for the disconnection of the said territory and real estate from ,.this City,,and the annexation thereof to the" said of Deerf el:d: . SECTION 3. TIAt 'this ordinance shall 'be in full force and effect from and after its passagd and.approval as, re- quired by la•w.. Passed. and .approved by the City council of the Cityof Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois,. this 24th day of February , 1947, • by the roilowing vote; Ayes: All Nays: None being more than tyro - thirds (2/3) of the members of said Council. J. B. Garnett : Mayor, ATTEST: V. C. Musser. C ty 61erk. Filed: January. 27•,.1347 Passed: Februar.y.` 4,. 1947 Approved: February 24, 1947. 20 843 MSE3 PETITION TO DIS.COhNECT C'MAIN TERRITORY FROP1 THE CITY OF HIG11L-kND PARK, ILLINOIS A-IM TO COI,MECT M� SAME TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. TO THE 1:_AYOR Ai?D CITY C OUAICI L OF THE CITY OF HIGHdA ":ID PARK, ILLINOIS, and TO THE - PRESIDENT A1M BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TAE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Gentlemen: Now come rjestern Homes Inc., an Illinois Corpora- tion; Harriet C. Gastfield, and William PSI. Seiler, and represent that they constitute more than one -half of the electors and more than one -half of the owners of record of .the following described parcels of real estate: Parcel 1. That part of the west 1/2 of the Y.W. 1/4 and that part of the N. W. 1/4 of the- S.W. 1/4 of Section 34- T- 43N• -R. 12, mast of the 6rd P.P.T., lying easterly of the center line of the tn)est Skokie Drainage Ditch,. also all the vacated Lots 9 to 24 inclusive and 26 to 33 inclusive, in Coleman's Sub. in the S.W. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 27 -T4:5 X. -R. 12, East of the 3rd P..-1. Also, all the vacated part of Lot 5 in said ColemanY6 Sub., being all of Lot 5, according to the plat of said sub.., except that portion thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of the said Lot 5; thence southeasterly along the south- , westerly side of Lots 6 and 7 in said Coleman's Sub., a distance of '236.5 feet to an iron stake; thence in a southwesterly direction at an angle of 90 aegrees, a distance of 153.9 feet; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point on the northwesterly line of said I Lot 5, 153.9 feet S.W. of the most northerly point of said Lot 5; thence in a northeasterly direction along said northwesterly line of said Lot b, 153.9 feet to the place of beginning. Also, all of-the vadated Woodland avenue in said Cole - mants Sub. from the line joining the N.W. corner of said vacated Lot 9 ai!d the southwesterly corner of said vacatea Lot 26, east and south to tre southerly boundary line of said Colerrianfs Sub.; together with the easterly 1/2 of the vacated Colema nis Place in said Coleman's Sub., lying westerly of the westerly line of Lot 9 and north of the south line of said Lot 9 extended west -and all of that portion of vacated Coleman's place lying westerly of the west line of Lots 10 to 16 inclusive, and east of the east line of Lot b aforesaid; all in Lake County, Illinois. Parcel 2. That part of the southeast corner of the southeast quarter (SEA) of Section twenty -eight (28) 'Township forty -three (---4 3) North, Range Twelve (12) east of the Third Principal I%Ieridian, lying south and east of Deerfield noad aila east of the west Skokie Drainage Ditch. They further represent that the above described territory and parcels of real estate do not exceed 160 acres in area and that the same are situated within the corporate limits of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois; they further represent that said territory and parcels of' real estate are continguous to the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, and that they a re desirous of having the same disconnected from the said City of Highland Park, and annexed to the said Village of Deerfield. W:iEREFORE, your undersigned petitioners pray; I. That the corporate authorities of the City of Highland park, Lake County, Illinois, consent to the disconnection of the above described territory and parcels of real estate and that the corporate authorities of said city pass an appropriate ordinance in order that,the same may be disconnected from the said City of highland Park and annexed to--the said Village of Deerfield in accordance with the statute in such ease made and provided. 2. II. - That the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, consent to the annexation of the above described territory and parcels of real estate and that the corporate authorities of the s aid' Village of Deerfield pass an appropriate ordinance in order that the saii-e may be annexed to' the said Village*of Deerfield in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided. PETITIONING PROPERTY OWNERS PETITIONING ELECTORS. WESTERLY HOMES, INC. BY: �� .•i P.res =s: cATTEd'T- �; Sec. �• . r r . `�,''�Y �• ` -.as owner of the above de- scribed Parcel 1. HARRIET C. GASTF ELD IX aS t e owner Of e ove described Parcel. 2. 3. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ( SS. COUNTY OF L A K E ) 803 PacE317 I, V. C. MUSSR, City Clerk of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoinV ordinance is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, on the X164 day of �' , 1947 by a .vote of ayes and � nays, being more than a two- thirds (2/6) vote of the entire City Council, and that said ordinance so passed, and approved as aforesaid, was deposited and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the 'said City of Highland Park on the ?day of , 1947, and that the same was signed and approved by the Mayor of the said City of High- iand Park on the day of �� , 1947. I do further certify that the original of which the foregoing is a true copy is entrusted to my care for safe keeping and that I am the keeper of the same. And, I further certify that I am the keeper of the papers, records, entries and ordinances of the said City of Highiand. Park. II'l tiyll',;V�R^OF, I have hereunto set my hand and fJ N '. affixe'c�rl:io,t°?ate seal of the City of Highland Park Lake _G'4�uy;�;a °k�Zirpa, this .ZSf(day of 1947 City C errk of the City of Highiand Parl., Lake County, Illinois. 3. BOOK 803 PAGE318 - STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ( S.S. COUNTY OF L A K E ) I, CHESTER V4ESMING, Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the annexed and f ofegoing ordinance, passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Villa of Deerfield Lake unty, Illinois, on the /day of � , 19470 by a vote of ayes an nays, Being more than a two - thirds 5 vote of t e entire Board of Trustees of said Village, and that said Ordinance so passed and approved as afore- said, was deposited and filed in 4he offi e f the Village Clerk of said Village, on the 1/ day of , 1947, and was signed and approved by the Pr&R dent of the Boar o tees of said Village on the _day of 1947. I do further certif, that the original of which the foregoing is a true copy, is entrusted to my care for safe keeping and that I am the keeper of the same. I do further certify that I am the keeper of the papers, records, entries and ordinances of the said Village of Deerfield. I do further certify that the annexed and foregoing map is an accurate map of the territory and real estate annexed to the said Village of Deerfield by the foregoing ordinance and that the said map is an accurate map of all of the territory and real estate described in Exhibit "A" of the foregoing ordinance, so disconnec'ed from the City of Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois, and annexed to the Village of Le:erfield, bake County, Illinois. IN 0ITNLSS VVla'REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixe4,, the corporate seal of ie Villa f De rfield, LakIpc, Itipty, Illinois, this // day of i, 1947. 4, � ��•,oF;,:.; .' : •r•� ^tea .gyp' ,� '��. /.•i _ ��(• �,(w...�i� ..�. t,�rfr:`91 4. V' llage Clerk of illage of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois.. v a �N ��.PcEL AXe. z Parcel 1. �-ov ��/ � ivy of spa. ?� 9� /Z That part of the W 1/2 of the N.71. 1/4 and that part. of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 4 -T ;43 r;. -R. 12, E. of the 3rd. P.M. lying easterly of the center line of the vjs t Skokie Drainage Ditch, also all the vacated Lots 9 to 24 incl- usive and 26 to 33 inclusive, in Cole - man' s Sub. in the S.W. 1/4 of the S. IV. 1/4 of Sec. 27 -T. 43 N.- R.12. East of the 3rd. P. ?,:., Also, all the vacated part of Lot 5 in said Colema.n's Sub. , being all of Lot 5, according to the plat of said 'sub., except that portion thereof, described as follows: Begin- ning at the most northerly corner of the said Lot 5; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly side of Lots 6 and 7 in said Coleman's Sub., a distance of � 36.5 feet to an iron stake; thence in a southwesterly dir- ection at an in of q0 degrees, a c.ist.a.nce of 153.9 feet; 'he ce in a northi=Jesterly direction to a point on the northvresterly line of said Lot 5, 153.5 feet S. ,11. of the most northerly point of said Lot 5; thence in a north- easterly direction along said north- westerly line of said Lot 5, 153.9 feet to the place of beginni g. A % . all of the vacated Woodland Ave- nue in said Coleman's Sub. from the line joining the 14.111. corner of said vacated Lot c and the southwesterly corner of said vacated Lot r6, east and south to the southerly boundary line of said,Coleman's Sub.; together with the easterly 1/2 of the vacated Coleman'Place in said Coleman's Sub., lying westerly of the westerly line of Lot 9 sand Ylorth of .the south line of said Lot 5 extended west and all of that portion of vacated Coleman's place lying westerly of the west line of Lots 1C to 16 inclusive, and east of the east line V 1rOLFM9N J V9 c'.9 T,EO 9ra4,r_?e _ .z1t2 I is ,7t �t /g J'a I— — — — .i , IA3s n/OR yN L iti� - — s�t-r /o.v c /.✓� .roc. 27 1•- 0 u R 0 0 it v h oP ra 19k N. Gl/ i¢ - s "/I of Lot 5 aforesaid; all in Lake Co., ill. -a..,- :'arcel 2. That Dart of the southeast corner. of the southeast V,,jenty- eight (25,) Towns: ip forty -three (43) North, the Third. Pri�:cih)al ? "eridian, lying south and east east of the «iest Skokie Drainta.•E e Ditch. PAGE�c��19 Z \N cN A� 0 V� �a �o �yN .v c ewe o,@ ys� .✓, .q- !� Quarter (SE a) of Section -Range Twelve (12) east of of Deerfield Road and State of Illinois 612920 lake County I ss. No:__��,r., Filed for record_ A#AR 17 A. D. 191_at °ZO o'clock _ M, and duly recorded in Of--IRECORDSr R000rder AN ORDI'.TAN-CE- PROVIDING FOR TTlF AYNEPXAT! 4 OJT OF F CERTAIN TF.RR T TORY TO J, THE VILLAGE OF DEER - FIELD, LAKE C(`UNTY, ILLINOIS, RVUH] MAP Cr, TERRITORY IN- VOLVED. 4