06/09/19369.1 C, � low t Firemen (1/22/36) X299.00 � H.M. MCGuire James B. Clow & Sons C. Y1. Uchtman James Wilson Earl Johnston Cooksy.011 Co. Edna Fritsch Albert L. Roderick Deerfield Filling Station 20.00 1.20 22.00 6.00 5.00 48.67 8.00 250.00 2.12 . Moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Willman that these bills be approved and paid on receipt of proper funds. Roll call resulted as follows -; Yeas- Trustee IMcKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn. VILLAGE CLERK. CHAIRMAN PRO TEM._ . June 9, 1936. The regular meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees 'of the Village of Deerfield was' called to order by the President Harry E. Wing at 8 P.M. with th'e following Trustees present - McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and "7111man. 'Absent- Trustee Pottenger. The minutes of our regular meeting held May 12, 1936 were read` and approved. The report of the chairman of the License Committee showed X144.00 in dog licenses collected to date. Moved by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trustee'rfillman that a resolution be prepared and signed','requesting Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the.preparation of road bed in Arterial Street #2 and. oiling same from Wilmot Road to the C. M. ST. P & P. R. A., at a cost not to exceed ,300.00. Roll'call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee'McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and :7illman. Nays - None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee McKillip that a resolution requesting Motor Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of '480.00 for tarring cracks in concrete pav- ment on Arterial Streets in the Village of Deerfield be passed. Upori roll call the following vote was taken- Yeas Trustee ItcKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and *Willman. Nays None. Mlotion carried. A motion was made by Trustee f4cKillip and seconded by Trustee Scribner that all past due bills receivable owed to the Village of Deerfield be posted on a bulletin board hiin8 in a conspicuous place in the village hall. Roll' call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and Millman. Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded by Trustee Palmer that all :applicants for the installation of a Water tlete'r and for the use of Water furnished by the Village of Deerfield on premises not owned by user and who have not furnished a''W10.00 cash deposit, be notified that same must be paid within ten days or water supply will be shut off. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee McKillip, Palmer, Peter - son, Scribner and Willman. Those voting "Nay" being Lone. Motion therefor carried. An ordinance providing for the care and control of dogs and the licensing of the same was read and it was moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded by Trustee McKillip that the same be adopted. . Roll` call resulted as follows -Yeas- Trustee McKi'lli "p, Palmer, 'Peterson,' Scribner and Willman. Nays -None. Motion carried z3-1- A motion was made by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trus- tee Peterson that the salary of the Corporation Counsel be in- creased from $25-00 per month to ;50.00 per month. Upon roll calf the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Mcy,illip, Palmer* Peterson* Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. The annual appropriatijon ordinance was read by the Corporation Counsel and it was moved by Trustee IdIcKillip and seconded by Trustee Willman that the ordinance be passed as read. . Those.voting "Aye,' being Trustee IvIcKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and Willman. Those voting "Nay" being None. Motion carried. A14 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CARE AND CON - j TROL OF DOGS AND THE LICENSING _ OF THE SAME: IN VILLAGE OF DEER- FIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE -OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS: Section I It shall be the duty of every person. 11;;n or corporation owning, keep- Ing or harboring any dog in the Village of Deerfield to register the same with the Village Clerk and to pay a license fee as hereinafter provided. Section 2. e annual license fee to be paid shall be Two Dollars ($100) for each male dog-and Three Dollars ($3.00) for each female dog. This fee shall be paid within thirty (80) days from and after the first day of May and within one week of - the time of acquiring such dog where such dog is acquired after the last day of May in any, license year., Section 8. Tags Registers. The person paying such fee shall receive a dog license tag containing such lettering as may be directed by said Board of Trustees without any extra charge therefor from the Clerk. Every dog kept in the municipality -shall be equipped with a collar, and this tag shall be fastened to such collar at all times that such dog is on any public alley, street or place. Any dog which does not have such a tag when in or upon such public place shall be deemed a stray and shall be Impounded. The Clerk shall keep a doe register book in which shall be registered the owners of all doza in the Village with a description of such dogs and a notation of the pay. ment of the license tax. 'Section 4. Muzzles. Whenever the Pres. ident of the Board of Trustees by proela. mation shall declare that danger from rab- ies is great, it shall be unlawful to permit any dog to go upon any public street, alley or sidewalk or other public place unless such dog Is securely muzzled. Section 5. 1 Running at Large.' It shall be unlawful to permit any dog to run at large, in the Village at any time. , Dogs which are on any, street, alley or side - walk or other public place without being held securely on a leash shall be deemed to be running at large. I Dogs which are running at Urge shall be taken up and Impounded by the Police Department. I Section 6. Impounding. Animals which j have been Impounded In the Village shall be kept in an enclosure for at least ten (10) days and may then be disposed of as the Board of Trustees may direct. The keep for such dogs redeemed shall be paid by the owner at the rate of Three Dollars $3.00) and and an additional fee of Fifty Cents (50c) for each day during which time such animal is held. Section 7. • Any dog suspected of being (vicious complained of as being vicious, or finny- aog- bitten having any person, or 'threatened to attack any person, shall be muzzled and on - a leash at all imes. and the Police Department in auth. times, orized, In the interests of public welfare, to dispose of any animal so known to be vicious or to have bitten any person If the same be found running at large. , I Section 8., Penalty. , Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this jordinance shall be lined not less than Five iDollars ($5.00) nor more than Fifty, Dol. ilars ($50.00) for each offense. Section 9. All ordinaces or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith an hereby "expressly repealed. Section 10. This ordinance shall take {effect and be In full force from and after fits passage, apprqval and publication as is !provided by. Statute. Approved: HARRY EL WING. President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois Attest CHESTER WESSLING. Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois. Presented and read June 9, 1986. Passed, June 9, 1936. Approved, June 9, 1986. Approved: GEORGE S. MeGAUGHEY, Corporation Counsel. XIS A motion was made by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trus- tee Peterson that the salary of the Corporation Counsel be in- creased from $25-00 per month to ;50.00 per month. Upon roll calf the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Mcy,illip, Palmer* Peterson* Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. The annual appropriatijon ordinance was read by the Corporation Counsel and it was moved by Trustee IdIcKillip and seconded by Trustee Willman that the ordinance be passed as read. . Those.voting "Aye,' being Trustee IvIcKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and Willman. Those voting "Nay" being None. Motion carried. 238 OF MAY, A. D. 1936, AND ENDIN ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRI" A. D. 1937, AND SPECIFYING TH OBJECTS AND PURPOSES FOR WIHC SUCH APPROPRIATION WERE MADJ TOGETHER WITH THE AMOUNT A] PROPRIATED FOR EACIL OBJECT 0 PURPOSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY 771F. PRE.SIDEN AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TH VILLAGE. OF DEERFIELD, LAX COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the following sum c sums of money, or so much thereof as me be authorized by law, be and the same at hereby appropriated for the objects an Purposes herein specified to defray all ne4 eseary expenses and liabilities, and for a corporate purposes of the Village of Dee: field, Lake County, Illinois, for the fisca year beginning the first day of May, A. I 1936, and ending on the thirtieth day c April, A. D. 1937. General Fund 1.- Executive Salaries A-- President ... „ „.......$ 1.00 B- Trustees .............. » „. 1.00 C--Village Clerk ........ 125.00 D-- Village Treasurer 600.00 F-- Village Collector.. 1,2'00.00 F-- Comptroller .„ 600.00 2-Legal Expenses „ A- Corporate Counsel Salary ................ 600.00 B -Extra Legal Expenses ................1,000.00 C- Contingent Expense Fund Expens ......es .. . _ » „. 100.00 3.-- Oliice A- Auditing . 600.00 B--- Stationery and „ Supplies 100.00 G- Office Equipment-. 100.00 D-- •Printing and Publi. cations ........ .... 760.00 'E- Insurance 750.00 F- Telephone and Tele• graph ................. 160.00 G- - Contingent ......... 100.00 -Other Expenses . A- •Election Expense.. 400.00 jl- Interest on Obliga• tions .................... 100.00 G- Publishing Ordi. nancee .. ........ 250.00 D- Surety Bond ..... 250:00 5. -Rent for Village Offices' 1,700.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL FUND ............... „...$9,877.01 1.-- Salari Fire Department Fund es A -Wages for Fire- men. ..................: »..$ 750.00 2- Equipment, Materials, and Supplies A- Maintenance of Motor Equipment 250.00 li- Gasoline and Oil.... 60.00' C- Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Equip- ment .................... 100.00 D- Insurance .. ..........„ . 800.00 E- Chemicals and Supplies _ ....... 150.00 a F Water Rentals of Fire Hydrants ... 100.00 G-- Purchase of New Iii tingent "„ 100.00 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ' APPROPRIATIONS •,.. „ „ ..................$2,800.0( ' Water Department Fand A-- Purchase of water „..$15,000.00 11- Salary of Water Superintendent ............ 2,000.00 C- Maintenance, Installation and Meter Repair 500.00 D-- Repair of Pipes and Equipment 8,000.00 E- Tapping Supplies and Expense »..: „.......... 200.00 TOTi... ............. 500.00!. TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ........ „ ................$21,200.0( Streets and Alleys Fund A- -Labor ......................$ 600.00 iN-- Equipment 1,000.00 C-- Contingent 100.00 D- Expenditures for Im. provements Paid From Village Share of Motor Fuel Tax 41) iAbor ..' ..... (2' Materials 8,000.00 ; TOTAI. STREET -AND ALLEYS FUND APPROPRIATIONS - 6,600.0( Polka Department Fund L- Salarlea A- Village Marshal $ 2,000.00 B- Emergency Salaries 500.00 2.--- Equipment, Materials and Supplies A- Insurance ............$ 75.00 B- Telephone and Tele- graph .. Oii ....... .. 70.00 C-Gae and 180.00 D- Purchase of Radio . Fquipment ..... 800.00 E- Contingent :. ... 100.00 tOTAL'POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ._„...„ .. ............. _.. 8,225.0( Bonded Indebtedness Fund " -- Payment of Maturing Bonds .„ ................$ 2,000.00 Intereat on Bonded Lights ................ . 100.00 B- Ornamental Lights 100.00 C - •Traftie I.ivhts 100.00 , TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR , STREET LIGHT FUND „ „.......�::. "" 4,640.0 0 Sewage Disposal For ,Construction, Repair and Reffiodeling Both Disposal Plants I Labor - $60,000.00 2 Materials ,„ 20,000.00 4 MEngineering Services 5,000.00 Legal Services 6,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS.FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL _$80,000.00 Playgrounds and Recreations A- Salaries and Wages.._ 600.00 B- Equipment, Material and Supplies ............ _... 60¢00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATIONS . .. ».„ 1,000.00 Contingent Fund For Contingent, Miscellaneous and General . Unforeseen Expenses not Included in any Item Above .... ----- $ 500.00 Summary General Corporate Purposes , ...»...$ 9,377.00 AN ORDINANCE TERMED THE ANNUAL ATPROPRIATOTAI, Indebtedness 800.00 APPROPRJATION =� TION:BILL IN AND BY WHICH Ti 13E, CORPOEZATD AUTHORITIES DO AP. FOR BONDED DEBT .. ✓..2,800.00 Streets and Alleys Fund „ „ 6,600.00 PROPRIATE SUCH SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY WHICH MAY BE DEEMED NEC. Street Lighting Fund 1.- Street and Alley Lights ll T:SSARY TO DEFRAY ALL NECESSARY A- Ornamental Street Lighting Fund ..._ 4 000 EXPENSE AND ALL LIABILITIES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, Lights .....$4,000.00 _ 13-Traffic Lights ... 240.00 LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR B�GINNING THE FIRST DAv 2,- Installation and Maintenance A- Street and Alley OF MAY, A. D. 1936, AND ENDIN ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRI" A. D. 1937, AND SPECIFYING TH OBJECTS AND PURPOSES FOR WIHC SUCH APPROPRIATION WERE MADJ TOGETHER WITH THE AMOUNT A] PROPRIATED FOR EACIL OBJECT 0 PURPOSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY 771F. PRE.SIDEN AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TH VILLAGE. OF DEERFIELD, LAX COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the following sum c sums of money, or so much thereof as me be authorized by law, be and the same at hereby appropriated for the objects an Purposes herein specified to defray all ne4 eseary expenses and liabilities, and for a corporate purposes of the Village of Dee: field, Lake County, Illinois, for the fisca year beginning the first day of May, A. I 1936, and ending on the thirtieth day c April, A. D. 1937. General Fund 1.- Executive Salaries A-- President ... „ „.......$ 1.00 B- Trustees .............. » „. 1.00 C--Village Clerk ........ 125.00 D-- Village Treasurer 600.00 F-- Village Collector.. 1,2'00.00 F-- Comptroller .„ 600.00 2-Legal Expenses „ A- Corporate Counsel Salary ................ 600.00 B -Extra Legal Expenses ................1,000.00 C- Contingent Expense Fund Expens ......es .. . _ » „. 100.00 3.-- Oliice A- Auditing . 600.00 B--- Stationery and „ Supplies 100.00 G- Office Equipment-. 100.00 D-- •Printing and Publi. cations ........ .... 760.00 'E- Insurance 750.00 F- Telephone and Tele• graph ................. 160.00 G- - Contingent ......... 100.00 -Other Expenses . A- •Election Expense.. 400.00 jl- Interest on Obliga• tions .................... 100.00 G- Publishing Ordi. nancee .. ........ 250.00 D- Surety Bond ..... 250:00 5. -Rent for Village Offices' 1,700.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL FUND ............... „...$9,877.01 1.-- Salari Fire Department Fund es A -Wages for Fire- men. ..................: »..$ 750.00 2- Equipment, Materials, and Supplies A- Maintenance of Motor Equipment 250.00 li- Gasoline and Oil.... 60.00' C- Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Equip- ment .................... 100.00 D- Insurance .. ..........„ . 800.00 E- Chemicals and Supplies _ ....... 150.00 a F Water Rentals of Fire Hydrants ... 100.00 G-- Purchase of New Iii tingent "„ 100.00 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ' APPROPRIATIONS •,.. „ „ ..................$2,800.0( ' Water Department Fand A-- Purchase of water „..$15,000.00 11- Salary of Water Superintendent ............ 2,000.00 C- Maintenance, Installation and Meter Repair 500.00 D-- Repair of Pipes and Equipment 8,000.00 E- Tapping Supplies and Expense »..: „.......... 200.00 TOTi... ............. 500.00!. TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ........ „ ................$21,200.0( Streets and Alleys Fund A- -Labor ......................$ 600.00 iN-- Equipment 1,000.00 C-- Contingent 100.00 D- Expenditures for Im. provements Paid From Village Share of Motor Fuel Tax 41) iAbor ..' ..... (2' Materials 8,000.00 ; TOTAI. STREET -AND ALLEYS FUND APPROPRIATIONS - 6,600.0( Polka Department Fund L- Salarlea A- Village Marshal $ 2,000.00 B- Emergency Salaries 500.00 2.--- Equipment, Materials and Supplies A- Insurance ............$ 75.00 B- Telephone and Tele- graph .. Oii ....... .. 70.00 C-Gae and 180.00 D- Purchase of Radio . Fquipment ..... 800.00 E- Contingent :. ... 100.00 tOTAL'POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATIONS ._„...„ .. ............. _.. 8,225.0( Bonded Indebtedness Fund " -- Payment of Maturing Bonds .„ ................$ 2,000.00 Intereat on Bonded Lights ................ . 100.00 B- Ornamental Lights 100.00 C - •Traftie I.ivhts 100.00 , TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR , STREET LIGHT FUND „ „.......�::. "" 4,640.0 0 Sewage Disposal For ,Construction, Repair and Reffiodeling Both Disposal Plants I Labor - $60,000.00 2 Materials ,„ 20,000.00 4 MEngineering Services 5,000.00 Legal Services 6,000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS.FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL _$80,000.00 Playgrounds and Recreations A- Salaries and Wages.._ 600.00 B- Equipment, Material and Supplies ............ _... 60¢00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATIONS . .. ».„ 1,000.00 Contingent Fund For Contingent, Miscellaneous and General . Unforeseen Expenses not Included in any Item Above .... ----- $ 500.00 Summary General Corporate Purposes , ...»...$ 9,377.00 t Firs- Department Fund ..... 2,800.00 =� Water Department Fund 21,2'00.00 Streets and Alleys Fund „ „ 6,600.00 ?1 Police Department Fund .......... A,2 .00 ll Bonded Indebtedness Fund _........ „x2,300.00 ,J Street Lighting Fund ..._ 4 000 „ Sewage Disposal ........ w I 0.00 Playgrounds and Recreations" : 1,000.00 , Contingent Fund 500.00 TOTAL „ ........:..:... „. „._._ .. „...$131,042.00 1 Section 2:' The unexpended balance of any i Item or items of any appropriation- made by this Ordinance may be expended in mak- ing up any deficiency in any item or items in the same general appropriation and 'for the same general purpose, or in a like, ap. I propriation made by this Ordinance. Section S. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its " passage, approval and publication in ac- i cordance with the laws. Section 4. That this Ordinance be pub. ; fished in an official newspaper of the Vil. lage of Deerfield HARRY E. WING, President of the Village of Deerfield Presented and Read. June 9th, A. D. 1936. Passed, June 9th. A. D. 1936. Approved, June 9th, A. D. 1936. Attest: CHESTER WESSLING. Village Clerk. Approved as to Form, June 9th, A. D. 1936. GEO. S. McGAUGHEY Corporation Counsel. -R17I t ' P# i ?1 .i ,J e r I [I* An ordinance amending the Wat er'Ordinanceofl the Village of,Deerfield, providing for rates -to,be charged to consumers 1, was read and it was moved by Trustee Willman and,seconded by Trustee Peterson that the same be adopted. Roll call.resulted as.follows.- Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and Willman. Nays-.None. Motion carried. lb AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WATER'. ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE. OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PROVID- ING FOR RATES TO BE CHARGED TO CONSUMERS. BE, IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS.: Section '1.*'.­Thai jhe. Water Ordinance passed August 7., A.'• D. 1933, and amended August 13 A. D. 1935, shall be changed and amended i� Section 2 thereof as follows: ."Section 2., That" the. rate charged the 'Consumer for water shall be in the gross :and net amounts according to the number of cubic, feet used and :be based on Ahe following schedule' Cubic Feet Gross Amount Net�.Amount First 2,000 ..... . ... . .... $ .40 -------- $'.32 Next: 3;000 '-30 Next 6,000 i.._...... 28 Next 60,000 -- — ------------ Over 60,000* .24" I , Section 1.,:Any ordinanee -or'parts of ordinances.-in conflict herewith are hereby ex='repealed. a. This ordinance shall be In full .force and - effeet from and after' July let, after its passage, approval and publication according to law. ,President -Approved, and' Adopted by the ;President and Board of Trustees of the Village: of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, this 9th, day of June, A. D. 1936. HARRY E. WING. President of the Board of Trustees '�ef the Village of Deerfield, Illinois Attest CHES.TER WESSLING, li.ge Clerk. Approved.': GEORGE S.* McGAUGHMY, Corporation Counsel. X15 The following bills were read ":wm. -H. Barrett ------- 7 ---------------------- 4 10.25 17.*.Uchtman --------------- -------------- 39-50 Earl Johnston -------------------------------- 7.00 Alfred Anderson ---------------------------- 29.50 Highland Park Press --------------------- ---- 38.70 National Brick Co- ------ -- ---=------- - - -- -- , '20.00" Zion office Supply, -------------------------- 32.18 AndrewE - Decker --------------------------- 8.06 Neptune Meter Cc- -------------------------- 46-98- Illinois-Bell Telephone Co- ---------------- 9r.15 Traverse Cfty Iron Works -------------------- -,12.00 City of Highland Park ----------------- 2485*35 Firemen --------------------- --------- - 175-00 j. So parley Co. ------------------------- V, & 3.81 Olendorf's --------------------------- - - - - -- .29 V. R. Notz Hardware ­7 --------------------- 8.40"� *Vant and Selig ----------------------------- 10.00 Mercer Lumber Co. -------------------------- 48-35 ConsumersCo. ------------------------------ 1.08 if 11 ------------------------------- 26-23 M.F.T. it It ------------------------------ 39.31 IA.F*To Pure Oil Co. ------------------------------- 38953 M.F.T. ConsumersCo. ------------------------------ *90 M.F.T. ------------------------------ 2.27 Pure Oil Co- -------------- ---------------- 26-22. Albert L. Roderick ------------------------- 75*001 1711liam J. Galloway ------------------------ 10-30 Ted Stickens ­7 --------------------- - - - - -- 2.00_ Gerry Thompson ----------------------------- 4:25 JackKress --------------------------------- 3.00 Sam Rockenbach ----------------------------- -- 7950 ConsumersCo. ------------------------------- 5.82 C. Hatch ----------------------------------- .50 14. Dunn ------------------------------------ 4.00 R. Stickler ---! ------------ ----------------- 3.00 Reliable Garage ---------------------------- 11080 It was moved by Trustee Scribner and sedonded by Trustee McKilliP that the above bills be approved for payment on receipt of proper funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee McKilliPs Palmer, Peterson, Scribner and.77illman• Nays-•None. Motion carriedo