11/12/1935X13 Moved by. Trustee !7111man and seconded by. Trustee Piottenger that, we. adjourn.- Motion carried. llage_,Clerk. Presiden, f the ard. November 12,,` 1935. • ' A regular meeting,,ofl the. President and. the' Board of Trustees of: the: Village, of Deerfield was called to order; by the President Harry; E, Wing..at 8 P. M. Roll call. Present- Trustee Mckillip, Page, Pottenger, Scrib- ner and,Willman. Absent- Trustee Peterson. The,' minutes ofl the ,'regular meeting.. which was hold October 12, 1935, - the' special meetings ,held October 15, 1935 and November 5, 1935' were read and approved. The financial report was read by j;hb _chairman Trustee Page. The'Health Officer C..Johnatau Davis.reported that there was one case of chickeh ,pox and' six oases of whooping _cough- calledtto h1s'-attention duririg'.`the month of October, 19350 The auditor. Albert L. Roderick read his 'report on the exam- accounts and records of the Village. Collector and Village,,Treasurer, and with the exception of.. a few minor differences .were found- to_ be in balance. " 'It was movedd.by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee McKillip to. accept the auditors report-as read. " Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried. _ - Trustee Pottenger, chairman of the Public Works'Committee stated that the village engineer informed..him that on inspection he found that the East Side Septic tank is so constructed that the flow ,sho'uld be reversed at weekly intervals. ' Trustee Millman, the chairman of the Road arid.Bridge Committee informed the' board that they. had. a price' of 16¢ per gallon for asphalt tar' 'to be used in filling_ cracks in' the pavements. This • price includes heating.but does not include labor for spreading., Motion made by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee Pottenger.that we place an order for 600 gallons at 16,' per gallon for repairing cracks in pavements. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas - Trustee McKillipq Page, Pottenger, 9bribnerand Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. ' A mo.tion was made by, Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee Scribner that we allow an expenditure up to $27.00'for repairing the old `truck. Upon "rbll call the following- vote.was taken- Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays - None. Motion carribd. After. home` discussion relative to the purchase of a snow plow, Trusteb Millman made a motion which was duly'seaended by Trustee McKillip that the President appoint a committee to look into this matter. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas -'All. Nays- None. Motion Carried. ' The President appointed Trustee Page,'Willman- and Pottenger to act on this ` comm1%tee. - A resolution authorizing.the Deerfield State Bank to be continued as the depository for the funds of Florence K..Page was read and it was moved by* Trustee Page.. and seconded by.. ,Trustee 'Willman that the resolution'be passed as read. Roll`;call resulted as follows- Yeas-,Trustee McKillip, Page, Pottenger, ` 'Scribner and Millman.'Nays- None. Motion carried. A.le,tter from,the Lake County Tuberculosis Association was read requesting,' - permission to hold a Tag, Day' in` the' Village of `- Deerfield on Saturday $ December" 219'1935* - -It`.was moved by Trustee Pottenger, and seconded by Trustee 'Page'to grant The Lake. Counjy ',Tuberculosis'Association permission " to ..hold -a"' Tag Day, on December" 21;' 1935. Upon roll calf the following: vote was taken. Yeas- All. Nays- t 3 None, Motion carried:` j- \1 214 A letter from Theresa Petersen, Village Treasurer and Comptroller submitting her resignation was read-:by-,the Clerk: It was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded.by Trustee Page that the resignation of Theresa Petersen as Treasurer and Comptroller of the Village of Deerfield be accepted*,,-' Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee McKillip,.,Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. A letter from Corporation Counsel McGaughey in regard to the recent conference between attorneys for the Bondholders Protective Association and counsel for McGuire and Orr relative to foreclosure of liens growing -out of special, asses mm pro- Q -. by ceedings was read and a motior% was made Trustee 1�cip iat we advise Mr, L. C. Mead,and McGuire and Orr that the Board is of the same opinion as that outlined by our Corporation Counsel. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas - Trustee McKillip,, Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Mbtion- carried. . A resolution requesting.,the State Highway. Depart ment "'to ` grant the Village permission to tunnel under pavement of State Aid Route 11, Section Z for the purpose of making-a water service connection was read. It was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded';by Trustee Page that the °resolution be.passed•as-read. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- All. Nays-'None. Motion carried. Moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded by Trustee S9illman that the President of the Board write.a letter to Governor.'Horner that he inform this Board why the State Highway Department,does not enforce the law in regard to overloaded trucks on'state high- ways within the corporate limits of villages. ; Upon roll call the following vote was taken- Yeas - 'Allo Nays- None. Motion carried. The following bills were read: - ` A. L. Roderick 50.00 h' " A. J. Johnson 41.83,r J. R. Notz Hardware Co. 11.83 Cooksey Oil Co. 27.97 Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard 47.00'' " Leo Mau 2.00 r ' Ferd Sallach 4.00- ' Harry Mau 2.00T7 Harry McCoy 2.00 Herman Cooksey 2.00c_, � Mark Knigge 27.50 �v, Andy Morton ; 5.00 Chas. Hatch 2000 x-:. Harry McCoy 4:00. Jack Kohler la.00v,, Henry Petersen 32.50x.- A. C. Grub e r t i 2.00 zz,, ; Deerfield Mill Corporation 28.70 "." W. J. Galloway 8055 . M. A• Frantz 2.82,r- Deerfield Garage 19.50 City of Highland Park 6.08n' 10 to Badger Meter Mfg, Co. 3.58' 84.10 Ne psunp 24.95 r Ill. Bell Telephone Co. .. 10.63 r Braun Bros. Oil Co. 136.95 Zion Offibe Supply, 957 Deerfield Pharmacy 16.48 Public Service Co. 29.78 r Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 6.08 : ' A. H. ' Anderbon 2900,t ..:. -Moved by Trustee Page and seconded bp,- ,Trustee Pottenger that these bills be approved and.paid on receipt of proper funds. Roll call resulted as follows - Yeas- Trustee mcKillt-ps Page, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. - Motion carried. A- Motion was made by,7twtee Scribner and seconded by Trustee Page that.the Village'pay.,the. service charge,;on.the residont' phone of the Chief of Police Percy McLaughlin.