-A .
double acting tail gate and hydraulic hoist for the sum of
$261.00 ac submittedin their bid of August 13, 1935.
Upon roll call the vote resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee
Page, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- None. motion car -
Under a motion by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee
Page, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED, that the President, Clerk and Treasurer of the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, be and
they are hereby authorized to borrow, from time to time, in be-
half of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, from the Deerfield
State Bank,. Deerfield, Illinois, a sum or sums of money not ex-
ceeding in the aggregate the,. sum of ($1000.00) for such time,
and at such rates of interest as said officers may deem expedient,
and to evidence the indebtedness to be created to execute and
deliver in the name and behalf of the Village of Deerfield,
Illinois, promissory note or notes, executed in the name of the
said Village of Deerfield by the said officers.
The above resolution shall remain in full force and be
binding until written notice of its revocation shall be received
by the Deerfield State Bank, of Deerfield, Illinois, and all in-
•debtedness or liability contracted there -under before receiving
notice of revocation shall have been fully paid.
The roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas -- Trustee Page,
- Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee
Peterson that the chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee be
authorized to purchase the necessary material for the Green -
wood Avenue Improvement asset forth in.the estimate of James
Anderson Co. .
Roll call resulted as follows:- Yeas- Trustee Page, Peter -
.san, Pottenger and Willman. Nays - None. Motion carried.
Moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Pottenger,
to adjourn. Motion carried.
Village Clerk.
September 10, 1935.
s The regular meeting of the President and the Board Of
Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by
the President Harry E. Wing at 8 P. M. with the following
trustees present : - McKillip, Page, Peterson, Pottenger,
Scribner and Willman. Absent- None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held August 13, 1935
dnd of the special meeting held August 20, 1935 were read a.nd
Report of the Health Officer Dr. C. Johnston Davis. No
contagious diseases reported during the month of August. Efforts
have been made by many of the property owners'to rid their pre -
mises of-.noxious weeds thereby improving the asthma and hay
fever conditions.
A motion was made by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee
.McKillip that a list of, description and name of owners of the
vacant property in the village be prepared and ready by June 1,
1936 with the other necessary legal papers -to notify these
owners to out noxious weeds on their property or the village
authorities would have it done at their expense.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas-
t Trustee McKillip, Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and
Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried.
_ The Road and Bridge Committee reported that fine pro -
gress was being made on the Greenwood Avenue Improvement and
that they would be ready to place gravel within a few days.
Fines amounting to*$130.00 have been collected to date
from =owners for overloaded trucks. Other cases are
still pending from which approximately $23:00 more;'ill be
collected. The expense to date has been in the neighborhood
o,f� $7.00.
The following bills were read : -
•'J,. R.• Notz Hardware Co'.
1 7
R. Nelson A s n 4
A. H.,Gastfield 6.00
M., A. Frantz 3.40t-
H.-McGuire 6.00 n
• Dewey Deal 15.50 N
Geo. Sticken 8.00"
Ernest Knigge 1.50 ^
Herbert Hertel. 24.00
Geo. Pettis 38.00ce
.,Illinois-Bell Telephone Co. 9.48 tea
William Galloway 11.10 r!
Public Service Co.. 30.20H
Pure 011,
Service Station 10.34ry f
71. P. Cawley 21.12N
Zion Office Supply 1.07 �.
Vant and Selig 61.03 �
City -of Highland Park 2571.75 r.
Reliable Garage 3.62?-,
Nark Knigge 36-25t-
Robert Steinhaus 2.00
Robert Cole 4. 00
Henry Petersen 8.00t-
James: Wilson
Leo Seiler 4.00+
Deerfield Filling Station 17.73
Deerfield Garage 30,15 =
Essco Mfg. Co. 20.57 `
C. T. Uchtman 11.00t,
Reliable Garage (Percy McLaughlin) 25.23
G. A. Whitney 9.00t\
116vied by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Pottenger
that these bills be approved for payment on receipt of the
�1 proper funds.
�.* Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas Trustee McKillip,
Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and Willman. Nays- None.
Motion carried.
The-following bills incurred in the Maintenance of
Greenwood-Ave. (Arterial Street #2) from the 'Motor Fuel Tax �
Fund were-read and on motion by Trustee Willman and duly sec-
onded by Trustee Peterson were ordered Paid.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas -
Trustee McKillip, Page, Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner and
Willman. ' • Nays - None. Motion carried.
George Pettis $ 6.00
Cookey Oil Co. 2.87
Mercer Lumber Co. 3.0.54
American Evatype Co. .50
The following resolution was read.
• .. WHEREAS, the following duly designated bank has fur -
nished the.Village Board with copies of bark statements as
furnished--to the Comptroller of Currency and the Auditor of
Public Accounts as of 6/29/35.
Deerfield State Bank, Deerfield, Ill.
BE IT RESOLVED, after consideration of these state-
ments, thin bank be continued as the depository for the funds
" of Florence E. Page, Village , Co•llector.
Moved by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee Scribner
' -- that the -resolution be adopted as cread.'
Roll call resulted as follows -; Yeas- All. •Nays- None.
44 Motion carried. c
• A letter from Peter J. Duffy regarding fees for spread-
ing asslessments for paving and lighting on the Frank Sack pro-
perty','--known as the Woodland Manor Subdivision was read and
referred to the Corporation Counsel. r
A motion was made by Trustee Page and seconded by Trustee
McKi•lli " that Snyder,-- 17alton� & Co.` be notified that if: `within
ten (10� days they do not file the proper indemnity bond to take
care of the unaccepted vouchers or redeem then, notice will be
sent to the taxpayers effected by these vouchers that their
assessment remains unpaid and that their receipts are of no