that the Village of Deerfield purchase one oxygen tank, safety
valve and necessary fittings to connect same to the fifty =five
gallon chemical tang now on the fire truck provided price of
same does not exceed -Forty Dollars.
Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee Page, Peterson,
Scribner and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Peterson and seconded by Trustee
Willman that a committee be appo14 ;, o raw up resolution
in recognition of efficient sere s',re dered as postmaster for
the past fifteen years. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas -
All- Nays -,Xo e. Motion carried.
Chai - - -, ppointed Corporation Counsel McGaughey, Trustee
Willman and Clerk Wessling to draw up the resolution.
Motion made, seconded and carriec,to adjourn.
'April 11 1935. v
-A regular meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President
Harry T. Clavey at,8 P. M.-
Roll call- Present — Peterson, Pottenger, Scribner, Willman
and Wing. Absent- Trustee Page.
The minutes of the regular meeting heldtMarch 4, 1935 were
-read and approved.
The Health and Public Relations Committee reported health
conditions in the Village of Deerfield to be in a much better
condition than in a great many of the neighboring towns. -
The auditor's report relative to the accounts of the Village
Collector and the Village Treasurer Was read and accepted.
' The Chairman of the Public Works Committee stated that a
catch basin should be built in connection with the West Side
Septic Tank. This work could be done with relief labor.
Motion by Trustee Wing, duly seconded by Trustee Pottenger
that a catch basin be built in connection with -the West Side
Septic Tank and that the Septic Tank be cleaned out.
The roll call resulted as followsA Yeas- Trustee Peterson,
Pottenger, Scribner, Willman and Wing. Nays - ,None., Uotion
carried. -
• A registered notice from the Sanitary Water -Board of the
State of Illinois requesting -us to send a representative to a
public hearing to be held on Saturday, April 6, 1935 at 9 :00
A. M. in the office of the State Department of Conservation,
Chicago, I11. to consider the stream pollution caused by the
Village of Deerfield was read. -
• It, was moved by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Willman
that George S. McGaughey, Corporation Counsel be appointed to
represent the Village of Deerfield at the - public hearing of the
Sanitary Water Board to be held on April 6, 1935 at Chicago, Ill.
- Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- All. Kays—None.
Motion carried.
The chairman of the Water Committee reported billings for
the month of March, 1935 in the amount of $889.72. Collections
on March accounts- $675.52; previous 1935 and 1934 accounts -
$134.95; on 1933 accounts- $10.00. Claims have.been•filed with
the Referee in Bankruptcy by the Corporation Counsel McGaughey
for- the.amount which the Briergate Golf Club owes the Village
of Deerfield for water used and for special assessments. -
• It.wa.s moved by Trustee Scribner and seconded by Trustee
Willman that the Corporation•Counsel McGaughey be instructed
to file.a.n objection to the classification of our claim against
the Briergate Golf Club.
-;The roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee Peterson, .
Pottenger, Scribner, Willman and Wing. Nays- None. Carridd.
-'Moved by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Scribner that
the-following resolution be passed as read. Roll -call resulted
as follows- Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried.
�R-'�. BSc" a'-°--•- �--•,.-':'".' �° �'�'"'*�7w�.-,R^�- a.n..�..,r.,- . - - -®
'WHEREAS, the following duly designated banks have furnished
Village Board of Trustees: Village of Deerfield, Ill. ,
with copies, of bank statements as furnished to the Comptroller
of Currency and the Auditor of Public Accounts as of 12/31/34.
BE IT RESOLVED, after consideration of these statements, the bank
be continued as the depository for -the funds of Florence E. Page,
Villa ;e Collector.
The foregoing ressclution• was M—, by the Village Board at
a meeting held the / — day of 1935.
The following resolution in recognition of the servicee'rendered
by Fred Meyer as Postmaster of Deerfield was read.
w..r... -" .,- .....}.s- .....�«.. ... -..F.� R -... _r,sy S.Tyf�--- .yn....:Y^ ^. -.
11 In r
e 11E1, U ! 3, rred Ia coyer for .nany Years po Master of tho VillraCo
D - )eerfleld, Lako county, Illinois, has tendered him resianat on
anal ,rotired fro -m tho off ice; ltd
l'5111ds, 1411his Board, foals that I.r. `� }eyo. �, t�o� yica �u .t1i0' past
has bean of _ gro at .mcnent to s tho of bo r&rf Ia1d and to this
ccm. Uaitf9 and
it 16 ap-r;Jreciatod by thing Board that k ho avo unstintIn
ly..or his time vmd `o,frort o in ;too Ante ' �xc ,3agc ,"d tam
Post oftica Department : loro, and porforned the dUtios of. hit. 'offiCe
In an, .ofTViclont ami ca,.zmendabla tanner.
7111a11 .i+ "110R" .i. ,L .a z Ol.ttY ".tD ` tha V this :Jo cZ.i.'d eo o record .rii
publicly come ding Ur. L`.o;;ar for his honest and faithful se.rVice,
and that a copy of this resolution too sproad upon, the rocords of
the Vil.lago of Door -Plald o and a copy t1ioreof . ail�wd to 1:'r. 'Yayeor,
that uo may in thin nanner publicly o'.'; lard ;s ` tiiE3 es teen and co=ond€t-
tion of the pooplo of tl o of DE3csrfield.
t �
Moved by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Peterson that
the resolution be passed as read.
Roll call resulted as follows -: Yeas- Trustee Peterson,
Pottenger, Scribner, Willman and Wing. Nays- None. Motion
President Harry T. Clavey made the following appointments
of Judges and Clerks and the location of Polling places for
.the Village,,election to beheld April 162,1935.
First Precinct Town Hall
Judges Fred Horenberger
Edward Bleimehl
Fred, Selig
Olerks' Kathryn Frost
Frances Diebert
Hattie Wessling
Second Precinct James Fritsch Residence
Judges Leo Seiler
George Morey
W. H. Steffes
Clerks Ruth R. Pettis
Mildred Love Gunckel
Lowell H. Meintzer
It was, moved by Trustee -Wing and seconded by Trustee Scribner
that the appointments be confirmed. Upon roll call the following.
vote was taken. Yeas- All. Nays- None. Carried.
The question of carrying Public Liability and Property Damage
driven by the Water Works Superintendent and
Insurance for the cars
the Chief of Police was discussed and it was moved by Trustee Wing
and seconded by Trustee Scribner that a Publie Liability Policy
Property Damage, Policy for $5,000 betaken out for
$IO /20,000 and a
the car driven by the Water Ylorks Superintendent and also a Public
Liability Policy for $25 /50,000 and a Property Damage Policy
driven by the Chief of Police, these cars to-be
$10,000 on the car
used for business and pleasure and to protect both.the owner =d the
be subject
Village of Deerfield against liability, th6se policies to
to cancellation after the
opinion of the Corporation o Pottenger.,
Roll call resulted as follows. - Yeas- Trustee Peterson,
Scribner, Willman and Wing. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn.
_ r