October J, 1934.
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees �
'of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President
Harry T. Clavey at 8 P. M. with the following trustees present —
Page, Peterson,,Pottenger, Scribner, Millman and Wing. Absent- --
The minutes of the regulex.meeting held September 4, 1934
were read and approved.
Trustee Ming, Chairman of the Finance Committee resorted
Cash Balances on hand in the various funds as follows— eneral
$406'.59, Mater $2706.22, Road and Bridge $19.46.
A report read by the Chairman of the Auditing and Printing
Committee from the auditors Wilson & Co. showed that the records
of the Village Collector and Village Treasurer for.the month.of
August were checked and found to be correct. Trial Balances
of the General Ledger and Local Improvement Asset and Liability
record were drawn off as of August 31, 1934 and found in
Trustee Pottenger stated that, the Illinois Bell Telephone
Co. is willing to -give common battery.service in place of the•
magneto service now in use and also a five cent toll rate be;rc .'
Deerfield and Highland Park but the monthly rates will have to
be increased anywhere.from 25 to 75 cents, depending on the
class of service u The telephone cohpany also informed
him that their records usiness from the Deerfield Exchange
to be a losing proposition at the present time.
Motion by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Pottenger
that we join in a petition to the Illinois Commerce Commission
requesting lower rates with the understanding that the Village
is not taxed any expense in connection with same.
Roll call resulted as follows— Yeas all. Nays— None`.
It was suggested that *he septic tanks be pumped out at
least three times per year and then only partially so as not
to remove to great a quantity of the baoteria.
The President appointed Trustee Pottenger to notify-
certain owners of signs along Waukegan Road to move same
so that they will not obstruct the vision of traffic coming
in from side roads or streets.
Trustee Scribner reported the repairing of leaks in the
water system on North Waukegan Road and on West Deerfield
Avenue which resulted in a saving daily of approximately 14,000
gallons i k
Fire Chief Jack Johnston reported that the fire truck
was cleaned up and varnished by men employed and ,paid by monies
received- through the Bogardus Act`.: .
Police Chief McLaughlin stated that he collected $54.00 in
fines for the month of September, 1934.
The following bills were. ;read—
Leo Seiler
$ 7.50,n
George Morey
`4.00 n
Ernest Knigge
Howard Stryker
Sam Rookenbaoh
City of.Highland Park (Current Water Bill)
William .H. Vogel
William R. Hertel
Hoffman-Service Station
., 3.96v.
Zion Office Supply _
n n
n � n
n n a
1 American Evatype Corporation
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.
n n n n
Deerfield -State Bank,
•: n n n
Glenn R. Bowman
Deerfield Nurseries
Andrew Decker
Henry Peterson
H. McGuire
�,n p
.40 n V
14.50-) f.
.55�, './
1.60, J
1..34 ►, V
10 0 OOT, .
911 00_
Reliable Garage 55.50"4
=r -