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ES /VW 1 -6- 458 -6 -B 7/6)0 ? • �` ORDINANCE NO. 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEER - FIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: That -the zoning ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois passed and approved February 6, 1924 be and it is hereby amended as follows: "That the following described parcel of real estate: 'The South Easterly half of Lot 53 and all of Lot 56 in Goldman's North Shore Golf Links Subdivision in the North half of the North West quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd. P.M., according to the plat thereof', recorded June 7, 1924, in Book "N" of Plats, page 7 as Document 241049 in Lake County, Illinois, I being now within the district zoned for "B" residence district of the said liliage of-Deerfield, be and the said parcel of real estate is hereby rezoned and changed from the said present zoning to that for "local business district". rr SECTION 2: That this rezoning ordinance has been recommended and the subject matter hereof approved by the Board of Appeals of the said Village of Deerfield as is in the statutes, and ordinances of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois in such case made and provided. SECTION 6: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its date of passage and approval. U_ PASS fI�h Ut s / 0 day of ayes APPROVED t 1s t0 day ATTEST: ,Vi ge C erk of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE; COUNTY, ILLINOIS: GENTLMN : The undersigned members of the Board of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield, Lake u onty, Illinois, respectfully re- present that a public hea ng was had on the foregoing ordinance on the /D 9- day of , 1946 at �o f clock T. M. after due notice as is - s a u e and ordinance in— su h case mare and provided, and that the foregoing ordinance is hereby recom- mended. 1rSGAi NOTICES " WOME TO WHOM IT Pursu MAY CONCERN: Percy pp�fifilt%PLVeWe , by y Vvl son, aa_.'Trtriae_ for Percy Wil- son do Corp�y�.y Agreement ae eE 7�^�•�rust owner of th®ofplttswrtr 1944, estate, to- wit: Q ecr edgi real The Sou asterly t Jrof 63 and all .of b6 in s f North Shore GOlf Links Su) viyyiion .' the North half -of °the North,ftiit£ Section 33 Township quarter of 12, East olrthe Third Pr cip� jMeriidaiane necor�jpg to the plate thereof, corded June 924, in Book "N" of Pla„{s, page 7 ns pp�� j Illinois'A e ? 10d Z�'kgxo. County, for the rezoning of'_[the above described parcelti f a sly ttljt� g $r !e$�hh'dence district•. o' ofioca u in Bs ��is�trict," a p 11 -'be hidd befo the Boar f • als of the ViAfg¢ oUeer. field, t Illinois is the Village Hall • ` tlh7f'..*Q.i64'>j}4i[d@'yQ l of Septem er, ,1$ 4Ip_ ur of 7:00 o'clock p.m. ff varying orb the. propose exwhib(}� t ,Mce twill be Parties.�lyg�'n$1Ma_ri ��; fn�,�•urne from �l�''y� u0o wi11•.45.e gsii�7'fFdiHLFt , Presi r She said` o eer �e w, Tom" I� 'th 6 . rDeerfi&AgL_j,&ke ys �q � This no FeV9 )a it+ tFie.fol wing four fie Village of rqugnty _ Soil( DAG?`bf W°Plt"7I T*jip Mall > Bue °tiAl �>#o�i i t� ue 5¢tl� waut k, �£ u i Mil - Bulletin �o rdpt IIn� antes pet Office. BOAhD Of+ APPEALS (2 2') By Jonlj A. BENZ, Chairman. Uh rman ES /VW 1- ..468r6 -B :5/46 TO: BOARD OF APPEALS, and 0 TO: PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois Deerfield, Illinois PETITION FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN GOLDMAN'S NORTH SHORE GOLF LINKS SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TWP. 43 NORTH, EAST OF THE` 3rd. P.M. The undersigned, P�ffiCY WILSON, as Trustee for Percy Wilson & Company under a certain Trust Agreement dated September 1, 1944, being the owner of The South Easterly half of Lot 53 and all of Lot 56 in Goldman's North Shore Golf Links Subdivision in the North half of the North West quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 1;e, .fast of the 6rd. P.M., according to the plat thereof, recorded June 7, 1924, in Book "N" of Plats, page 7 as Document 241049 in Lake County, Illinois, represents that under and by virtue of the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the Village of Deerfield adopted February 62 1924 the above described real estate is zoned for "B" residence district and it is the desire of the undersigned that the said zoning ordinance be amended so that the above described property shall be zoned for "local business district ". The undersigned represent that the zoned classification now applicable to said real estate bears no relation to the public health, safety, morals and welfare within the meaning, purport and intent of the zoning law of the State of Illinois; that the highest and best use of said real estate is for "local business district" and that the surrounding growth and development, to- gether with the future development of needed local business dis- tricts within the said Village of Deerfield, warrant and justify . 11.1 .. . . the rezoning of the said real estate. Accordingly the undersigned pray that a public hearing be called by the Board of Appeals at the earliest convenient date for consideration of the proposed amendment and that an amend- ment to said zoning ordinance as herein prayed be recommended to the President and Board of Trus tees for adoption. Dated this go 4---day of , 1946. Respectfully�somr ed., r ere y VVII 'o , as xrus tee ror Percy Wilson & pany, under a certain Trust Agr went dated September 1, 1944 -2- ES /VW 1 -6 -1 458 -6 -B 7/:5/46 • N 0 T I C E TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: • Pursuant to a petition presented by Percy Wilson, as Trustee for Percy Wilson & Company under a certain Trust Agreement dated September 1, 1944, owner of the following described real estate, to -wit: The South Easterly half of Lot 53 and all of Lot 56 in Goldman's North Shore Golf Links Subdivision in the North half of the North West quarter of Section 63, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., according to the plat thereof, recorded June 7, 1924, in Book "N" of Plats, page 7 as Document 241049 in Lake County, Illinois, for the rezoning of the above described parcel of real estate from "B" residence district to that of "local business district ", a public hearing will be held before the Board of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois in the Village Hall in Deerfield on the / 00 day of ��,�':'�_./� , 1946 at the hour of p V o'clock M. where copies of the proposed varying or amending ordinance will be exhibited for examination to interested parties. The hearing may 'be adjourned from time to time. The Board of Appeals will submit any proposed ordinance to the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village of Deer- field within five (5) days after its final report. This notice has been posted in the following four public places in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois: A ia.�.. 32M9 tli BOARD OF APPEALS By _ rman cp. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Lake ss' L. - - , J ©hr} .. L... W U , , , , , , .... , being first duly sworn, according to law, do hereby certify that I am one of the pub- lishers of.. a secular newspaper published weekly at.. Deerfield, , , , , ...., Lake County, Illinois, for more than six months prior to this date and that the advertisement of which the attached is a true, perfect, and complete copy was published in the said De erf is ld 29th Review on the...... .day of.. August ............. 194A ., and once each ................thereafter for................. consecutive ....................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... 30th........... day of ..... A11940 .......... , A. D. 19.. A Notc ry Public.