04/26/1934 + 05/07/1934140 The question of water extention in Landis Sub'd was referred to the
Village Attorney Ur George McGaughey
A motion was made by Trustee 'Wine and seconded by Trustee Willman that -ri
the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.
V age Preci 0 t
Village Clerk
Minuteec of the 'meet ng �of April 26, 193?�
Meeting cal-led'td orddr by the Praident Mr.,Harry T. Claveywith:the 4Q1.10-
following-Truatees Present Harry Z. Wing, Wm D. Johnston -C..U.
Willman and J. R. Notz. Absent 0. S. Scribner and,*George.4Page.-.
The meeting was called to make a canvass of the election of
April 17, 1934 with the following results
For Village Clerk Cheater Wessling 277 Votes
Homer G. Oazel 261
Ralph M. Horenberger 275
For Village Truatcon 0. M. Willman 4965
Ralph S. Peterson 488
M. A. Pottenger 388
Chas Scavuzzo 303
Robert Cole 186
Torwald G. 'Johnson 280
'Earl Frost 3
• -Edward Selig 1,
For .Police '=gistrate 1,7m. Bickford
Wm . Johnston 354 N
17m Barrett 2 ,
..Thavefor the Village President declared the following elected �to,,ffice
For Village Clerk Cheater Wessling'
F6r'VIllage Cruatees 0' M. Willman
Ralph s. Peterson
U.tA. Pottenger
For Police Magistrate- W.,A..'Bickford
Shall the sale at retail of Alcohal 44q is Liquor be p0hibite'd
In the Village of Doerfield,•Lake County, Illinois.
No,. 429 Votes
You 398 0
Therefor the Village President Declared that the sale of Alcohalic
Liquor shall not be prohibited in the Village of Deerfield, Lake
County, Illinois.
• There being no furthur busineoc thevmeeting Adjourned*
VAJIage President
Village Clerk
, ,
Minuteec of the n;oeting of May 7, 1934
Meeting called to. order by the-,President Mr Harry lav cy Ti I t
the following Trixoteec precentGeorge Page Harry Wlng, C.S.
Scribner, J. R. 2[otZ9 o. M. Willman, and Wm. D. Johnston.
Uinuteen of the meeting of.April 21 1934 and April 26,,1934,--
were read and approved.
Fianance Xob%% Qom, no 2102% Report.
11calth and Country relations no report.
Judicary no report.
License com reported that the doe tags had been orederbd'.) also .that
209 auto tags had been cold to date.
Audit report of April 18, 11934 for the month oflarchl.was redd'.
reporting that Truck tag number 26 was never entered. . also, fines' 'ra
reported were not entered correctly, a motion was made by,trustee
wing and seconded by trustee Page that the audit beFaccepted as
read . motion carried-,.
Trustee Wing madd a motion that the consultation with 2 accountants
in the Village of Deerfield Illinois be held and t1idir recomendations
as to setting up'cortain Village accounts be brought,up at a'furthur
meeting* a second to this was roo&ived from Trustee 'Page --'. '-'z-,.
Motion carried. Treasurer# Comptroller, and water
The resignation ilex Willman as