03/05/19341 ��8 Conrad Uchtman $17.50 �I -� Conrad Uohtman 12.00 --� --.. Illinois Bell Tel Co. 11. 70 J. R. Notz Hardware Oo, 13.3lUxkaxclx4'kxxp C Richard Thompson- 4.00 Wilson A Co.. .13 ;33 .,. Nilson & 00. 165.00 Henry Peterson 11.00 Zion Office Supply Co. .95 , Public Service Co. 730. e9 Fred Pantle 7.00 George•Pettis 4.00 Florence E. Page 15.00 Mercer Lumber Co. 10.09• Earl Johnston Service Station 15.38 J. A. Notz 8.00 Ralph Dunham 8.00 Conrad Uchtman 5.00 Oscar Schwab . 8.00 Henry Johnston ' 6.00 'Jack Johnston .8.00 Alfred Gastfield 8.00 - D. W. 3[eye r ' ,Meyer 0 :. '. John Huhn r 8.00 Highland Park Press 75.37 • A motion was made by Trustee Willman and seconded by Trustee Notz That the request on the part of tho Citizens of Deerfield to,stop. the Train Whistling and smoke nAniance in the Pillage of Deerfield be referred to the Village Attorney. Motion Carried. 'A,.motion was made by Trustee Pagelland seconded by,Truotee Notz That the Feeting adjourn. Motion carried. Village Presi on Village Clerk Minutees of the meeting of March 59 193 Meeting called to order by the President Ur Harry T. Clavey with the following Trustees present George. Page, Harry E. Wing,, Wm. D. Johnston, 0. M. Willman, and J. R. Notz, Absent C.8.9cribner Minutees of the meeting of Feb. 51 1935 were read and approved A motion was made by Truc$ee Notz and eeconded.by,Trustee Sling that the otreet known as Borth Ave. orArterial Street # 1, be - elimanated from the care of the Village of Deerfield Illinois Motion carried. A motion wa.n' made by Trustee Wing and seconded by Trustee Page .that the Ch6vago Federation of Aged and Adult Charities, be given a permit to tag in the Village of Deerfield on May 7, 1934, motion carried.' x motion was made -by Trustee Wing and secohded by Trustee Johnston that ' the following bills be paid. Motion carried. Frank Jacobs Jr. - $1.50 Conrad Uchtman L 50 Aug Grandmason 4.00 Frank Thornber.ad. - 20.76 Henry Petersen 4.75. M. A. Frantz 1.45 J. R. Notz HardwF re 00. 3.77 Reliable Garage 7.90 Neptune Meter Co.- 25.56 Highland Park Press 5.58 28.48 Public Service Oo. F. E. Page .45 Zion Office Supply 2.35 W. P. Cawley 7.40 .50 0. W. Uchtman 15.75 International Harvester Co. 16.50 Peter Pirach & Sons do. , � 4.80 George Pettis 7.00 Fred Pantle 7.60 Fred Pantle 4.00 Henry Sooffker .75 Deerfield Pharmacy