01/02/1933 + 01/09/1933tJ 9
A motion was made by Trustee Timm and seconded by Trustee Willmann
. - that the following bills be paid. Motion carried..
North Shore Gas Co.3.1��
James B. Clow & Sons 11.35 -4\
Consoer Older & Quinlan '100.00
Neptune Meter Co, 24.23
National Brick. Co. 27.50
Deerfield Post Office 107.001N
Deerfield Garage 16.00
'The Ludlow Valve Manf. Co. 4.20
A. E. Degkez 2Q.68 v�
The Urban Press
J. R...Notz Hardware.Co. 14.49*
} Mercer Lumber Qo. 10.89
Reliable Garage 60.43IN
William Seiler 13.80`
Wilson Ne argarde r 18.254%
Leo Barzovraki 2150 %A'
H. 0. Plagge 8.80 v**_ s
Alfred Anderson 10.804`►
Deerfield Fire Department 8.00
Judge U. D. Owen 400.00
There being no furthur busineesthe meeting ou=eA.__
Village' P ident'
41 loge. , Clerk
. Minutees. of the meeting of Jan. 2, 1933
ieeting called to order by the President Mr. James J, Hood with the
following Trustees present J. R. Notz, E. H. Selig, E. F. Segert,
and A. C. C. Timm. C. 31. Willmann abcent
Minutees of the meeting of Dec. 5,,1933 were read and approved.
A motion ws,s made by Trustee Notz and seconded by Trustee Selig that
the - following bills be paid. Motion carried...
;IlZinoia Bell Tel Co.. - $58.5. -
Percy McLaughlin 3.06
Leo Barzowcki 3.80,4
C. Uchtmann 6.60
George a is en 2.80�n
Duke Knirgge 4.03
_-Alex McKay 3
Browning .53 V% ' ..
F. P:
Reliable' Garage t 77.83
Neptune "eter Co. '' 7.70%N ,
Escco Manufacturing Co 99.82'.
C. L. Huhn 47.00"
American Decalcomania " Co 54.00 V%
United States Post Office 10.00NN
„George Pettis 8.50
,.,C. A. Wolf 20.00 `n
Hedstrom Barry Co 50.77
Henry Petersen 30.0
Deerfield Fire Dept. 12�• 0
A motion was made by ,Txuatee Timm and seconded by Trustee Selig that
'.Geo. E. Engstrom make the audit for the year ending May 1, 1033. Motion
A motion was made by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Notz that
t;e Village of Deerfield pay rilliam McDonald Ten Dollars for the storage-- -
j of the Digging macines stored on his properity Motion carried.
There being no furthur busineess the Meeting adjourned until Jan 9, 1933
Village Clerk
Minutees of the meeting of Jan, 21 1333 -0 r•
w,Meeting called to order by the President Ur James J. Hood with the �.olloW
Trust -ees present J. R. Notz, E. ii. Selig, E. F. Segert, C. M. ,nillmann
A. 0. C. Timm absent.
A motion wac mdde by Trustee Notz and seconded by Trustee Villlmann
his rouse on Deerfield Ave.
that M. A. Frantz be allowed to epali