10/03/1932 + 11/07/1932Minutees, of the meeting of October 3, 1932
Meeting called to -order by the President Mr James J. Mood with the following;
Trustees present J. R.,Notz, E., H. Selig, E. F. Segert, A. C. C. Timm,
C., M.: Willmann,
.....: _ dinutees of the meeting of ,September 6 were read and approved
--The question of burning the .weeds was left until the meeting in Nov. 1932
` --Notz was au`th (brined to -bu *R have the ,truck repaired and also the snow
' Plow
I The question of paying rent ..for the . room back. of the Post Office was discussed
and it was: decited that in as much as our lease expired on May 1, 1932
that we would not enter into any, agreement for the use of that room.
° A motion was mad by Trustee Timm and seconded by Trustee Selig that Consoer
Older and Quinli& %etairited,as our Engineers until May 1, 1932 at the rate
of Twenty Dollars per Month. Motion carried.
A motion was made By Trustee Segert and seconded by Trustee Notz that the
' lion. U. D. Owen is authorized to negociate with the City of Highland Park
Illinois in regard th the water costs and also that the necessary papers
be prepairdd and filed with,The Cecait Court of Lake County Illinois. -
Motion carried.
.emotion was made By Trustee Segert and seconded by Trustee llillr -ann that
the Village of Deerfield Illinois pay Judge M. D. Owen the sum of Three Hundred
:,;and Fifty on account.Motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee.Selig and seconded by Trustee Segert that we
adjourn . Motion carried.
Minutees of the meeting of Ovt. , 1932
M`eet"ing�- called to order; by the.President Mr. James J. Hood with the following
Trustees present J. R. Notz, E. H. Sellg, E. F. Segert, A. C. C. Timm,
and C. M. Willmann,
A motion was made. by Trustee Notz and seconded by Trustee Segert that the -f
following Resolution be adopted.
Viiloge Board�of Trustee Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois.
Whereas;. The`Illinoi.e Division of Highways, originally constructed Route
42A through . the Village of. Deerfield with a paved roadway
eighteen feetin width and
WHEREAS; subsequent to the construction of the pavement, the Property s�+r
Owners of this Village, by Special Assessment widened the paved
surface of this highway through a portion of the Village and
`IkJiEREAS; the state Division of Highways is now increasing the width of
the .paved surface on this `Route to forty feetto ,and through this -F41
-Village and.in.eo,doing•will utilize the pavement built by
Special Assessment, ,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; the Village'B6a,rdeofithe''Village of Deerfield that
we'feel that the Property Owners.,of.the Village should now be,�
entitled to receive from the State of Illinois a'refund of the
cost of widening the said pavement to-a width of forty feetfi and
BE (DTFINALLY RESOLVED that a coupy of this resolution requesting such al
refund be transmitted to the Director of, the Department of ,`Public
Worka and Building, Springfield, Illinois. i
President Village Board of Trustee
BY James J. Hood President
Village Clerk C. E. Huhn
Oct. 24th) 1932
There'-being no furthur business the `meeting adjourns .
President he Vi
ClerY, of Deerfif Illinois
M& utees of the':neetin of Not *. •7, 1932
Meeting-'called to order by the President of-the Village of Deerfield
` Mr. James J ;Hood with the, follo�;ing 'members 'of the Village Trustees
present J. R. Not-. E. H: Selig 'E. F. Segert, A. -C. C. Timm,'and'
C. MI. Willmann,
A Letter from the State Highway Department in regard to the payment of
of the pavement on Lincoln Ave between Osterman Ave. and Orchard Lane,
was read.
A Motion wa.e made By 'trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Willman that
the Salaries-of Percy McLaughlin and C. A. Wolf shall be changed 49e
starting Nov. 16, 1932