07/05/1932 + 07/19/1932CJ
Minutees of the =cting of June 20, 1932 ,
_::4. .Meeting called to. order by. the President Mr. James J., Hood with the ;.
z1olloving Trustees•prpsent J. R. Notz, E. H. Selig, E. F. TI=', Segert
A. 0. 0. TI, 'and 0. M.. Wi,Xlmann.
.A motion was mane by Sruotee Segert and seconded by Trustee 9 lig� �f�
:that the now.water ordinance,be passed as reed Motion carried.
There being no furthur; business the,, - meeting. adjourned.
Clerk Preside .
e =e
inutees 2
of the meeting o July ul 5 19
Meeting called to order by the President Mr James J. Hood•with the
" following TrusteespresentJ. R. Notz, E. H. Selig. E. F. Degert,and
A. 0. 0. Timm 0. M. Willmann and-
- e—a ant.
• . Minutees of the meeting of May, 23, 1932 June 6, 1932, June 14 1932
`:Viand June 20, 1932 were read- and approved
Atmotion -rjaa made by Trustee Timm and-seconded by-Trustee Notz that the
President Mr James J. -Rood appoint Dr. C. R. Sugden as asst. Health Q.
• rOfficer for the Village of Deerfield Illinois Motion Carried
,.,The President Mr. James J. Hood made the appointment as requested.
`Ur James J. Hood made the following appointments on the Highland Park'
''Hospital drive for funds, Paul Hunter, James-O'Connor, Mrs Gertrude
Warner, Mrs 0. W. Boyle, C. E. Huhn with E. H. Selig as its Chairman-
A motion wasdmade by Trustee Timm and seconded by Trustee Selig
that the'Village of Deerfield appropreate $240.00 a year for Enginerring
.'purposes Upon roll call the following vote was taken yeas Gelig•Notz Timm
and Zood Nays Segert..Motion carried
A. motion was made•by Trustee Selig•and seconded by Trustee Timm that
all contrary rules be suspended and that the.ordannece on fire works
be' placed on its passage, Motion carried..
A motion nae made by Truatte Selig and seconded-by Trustee Notz that the
ordinance on use and control-I of fire works bn the Village of Deerfield be
passed as read . Motion carried. •.
A motion was made by Trustee Selig and seconded by Truatee�Timm that
That the lots belonging to Ed. J.•Long known.as Lots 12, la, 14, 15,
17, is, of Deerfield Acres Subdivicion be diverted to acreage in a
accordance to plat furnished. Motion carried. _.
The following resolution wasx made by Trus�ee•Notz ands seconded by Trustee
Segert. BE it resolved that on and after Jluy 7, 1932 the Village Clerk and
Collector is to be present at all•hearingeof the Police Magistrate and
the Justice of VallooPease. He is •to collect at thatxifte or those .times
all the fines assessid by said Officials and depositthem to the credit of
the Village of Deeefield in thier•bank, The Officials are -to retain
their fees at the same time thereby balancing each case as it is closed.
The Clerk and Oolloctor will at the same timegive the Judge a receipt -.for
the fines received. Resolution carried.
There being no furthur business the meeting ad ned,
Presi ,
Minutees of the meeting of July ;:19, _1932
Meeting called to order by the President Mr. James.J. Hood with
the following Trustees present J.-R. Notz, E. H. Selig, E. F. Segert,
A. C. C. Timm. and 0. M. Willmann: .
The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the issuing
of btilding permits to Ur E. F. Weigle for the purpose of:.erecting
chicken houses on his peoperty, The following were represented _to make,their
compaa.ints D. W. Mayer, 0. M. Christiataon, and Ed. Koebelin, Mr. Stahl
representing ms E. F. Weigle and E. F. Weigle spoke in behalf of the issueing
of the-permits. The Village Board said that it was in order with_the
Building codeof the Village of Deerfield to build chicken houses as
this is classed-as farming.
There ing/no furthur business the meeting adjourned until Au 1, 19320
Cler Presi t