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04/25/1932 + 05/02/1932
gn Ralph Horenberger Clerk ED. Stryker Julia Peterson -Prescent 2 ` 'Fred Sallach .Judge Frank Jacobs Jr. ,+ John Huhn u Mildred Gunkel ' Clerk* ' _._Mrs Ray Dobbins n ,Mrs Henry Juhrend u , `•�xeThere b ng no - furthur business the meeting a 4,6urned. "�__ illage Pr._ ent V 1 e c Minutees of the Meeting of,April 2B, 1932 The following Reported present President James J. Hood, Trustees Wm. H. Barrett, Ed. Segert, Ed'Selig A. 0. 0. Timm, and C -M. Willmann Canvass of the vaten of Aprils 19, 1932 For Village Clerk Prescent #1 O.E.Huhn 296 Votes' Mrs Bessie Anderson 57 Votes Prescent #2 C.E.Huhn 265 Votes Mrs Bessie Anderson 66 Votes Total Vote for Village Clerk 0. E. Huhn 561 Votes Mrs BescieAnderson 123 Votes For Village. Trustee Prescent. #1 . J. R. Notz 292 Votes C.M.Willmann 296 n,. Ira . H &le 289, If , James J. Hood 4 ,++ Harry Olavey 4 n , W. S. Page 4 u Prescent #2 J. R. Notz 273 n O.M.Willmann 267 , ++ Ira• Hole 262- n George Byrnett 2 ++ _ J..A. Hoffman 1 +� Matt Hoffmann 1 ++ % John Evers 1 ++ _ A motion was made by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Timm that the following be declared elected For Village Vlerk C. E. Huhn For Village Trustees J. R. Notz C. M. Willmann Ira M. Hole There being no Xurthur buoinees the meeting adjourned` Village P si den t illage Oler -Uinutees of the meeting of May 2, 1932 Ueeting called to order by the President of the Village of Deerfield Mr James J. Hood with'the following Trustees Present William H. Barrett Edward H Selig Edward F. Segert, A. 0. 0. Timm, O. .M. Willmann Trustee I._M, dole absent. _. Minutees of the meetings of April 41 1932 and April 26, 1932 were read and approved. A motion was made by Trustee Selig and seconded by trustee Timm that# the following bills be paid. ' Publi© Service Co. ` $516.28 Vant & Selig 218.10 V\ Consoer Older And Quillin 22.50 Public Service Oo. 13.85 M. A. Frantz 16.00 - Citizens State Bank 3.00 A i Illinois Bell Tel Co Public Service Co. National Office Supply Co A. E. Decker A. E. Decker A. E. Decker Public Service Co. The Urban Press The Kirchner Heckel Co J. R. Notz Hardware Co, a Illinois Bell Tel. Co. Mercer Lumber Co. Public Service Co. Illinois Bell Tel. Co. Shor -Line Linen Supply Oo. Public Service Co. .National Office Supply Co. Deerfield Temple Association Mercer Lumber Co. A. E. Decker Mercer Lumber Co. Wilson Neargarder C: A. Wolf Howard Stryker Deerfield Fire Dept. W. W. Wilcox Mktg Co. Richard Walsh North Shore Gas Co. C.-A. Wolf Herbert Barrett Deerfield Mill Corp. Frank Thornber & Co. Illinois Bel Tel Co. Public Service Co. Frank Thornber & Co. Essco' Manufacturing Co. National Office Supply Co. Peter Pirsch Co. J. R. Notz Hardware Co. Cooksey Oil Co. Public Service bo. Carl Stadler R. M. Vant Edwin Beckman E: L. Stryker Ralph Horenberger Julia Peterson Frank Jacobs Jr. John Huhn Fredinand Sallaek Grace D. Dobbins Ada Juhrend. Mildred Gunckel James H. Fristch A. E. Decker . $7.70 510.98 1.75 11.75 r.10 10.35 726.02 10.50 9.65'-"\- 6.98 58.03 33.61 88.29 1.85 4.50 13.75 3.25 20.00 32.92 4.00 28.05 18.00 16.00 63.25 37.50 42.00'- 67.50 13.34 16.00 21.38 1.50 18.74 7.10 101..47 3.97 5.32 3.75 11.39. 2.28 371.79 -6.00 6.00 It\ 6.00 \N 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00-\ 6.00 6.004'. 6.00 Nt1_1 6.00 \N So00' 34.36 91 Village President James J. Hood read the audit of the Village of Deerfield and amotion was made By Trustee Barrett and seconded by Trustee Segert that the audit be accepted as read. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Segert ande seconded. by Trustee Selik that the old Board of Trastees adjourn and that the new Board of Trustees Convein. Motion Carried. - President James J. Hood called.the meeting to�order with the following - trustees.present J. R. Notz, E. H. Selig, E. F. Segert, A. 0. C. Timm, 0. M. Willrrann. I. H. Hole Absent. President James J. Hood appointed the following committes and the various other appointments a2, "A. JUDICIARY COIIIIITT.�:- - C IiAI F1i AN - - - - - - - ., - - - -lIR . C . IT . S7ILIdSAI7 11r. J. II. Not- I.Ir. R- 11. Selig STREET ORI)IIIANCE , (IMM 5TRvF.:.' 11A;IT`: 3) - IIJ01 POLICI; DEPT. FITFORCE - ORDIIiANCF3 - CONTACT LAI/ .DH'241I111U. 7,NT - PAiiK BOARD CHAIRI,SAii - - - - - LICF411.3I: COls:il^TFI:- _ .. w r _I1: C. 3I. ;tILLIiAII LIZ . E. 11. S 'lid i EIr. 1:. P. :,agent DOG LICENSE TAX'- V7I1M1'M.,TAX j i CIIAIRUAR - - - - PRINTING w AUDITING COIil IMEH- - - -IIR. l.. C. ,c. -mnx, tIr• , J. R. Notz NT-7-7 TFLFP!IONP- CULL IL18T .DIRECT VILIjAGB P11111:'IIIG Do C01111ISSIORS 0HAIRMA: - - . - - - - .- - - PITBLIC VMS I.rI:. F. II. ,SFLIC 3 l:ir. I. II. hole IIr. B. F. 5egext - x: Ina ludo s all C OR20HAT -TON nROPFI :: imi ((7� rni rum mnii ROADS, AND P OLICR) . 6-ILT :i71310IT OF ME :J? Pte'. , TIM BAND. AND ALL Milm- ITUTI01 3 OF � PUBZIC WIt0MM1 17'3. II x L3R 7RPt1RTI,II;IIT- 'TIi.LItG' ": 14"ACI1111FRY - TRUCIX „- PAVT.1Rt1T (01,"AN UP TAYLOR ,. Y(W'' 13 31MVIT. ) COISIItII1ITY HOUR - :3TRI:rT I1AIi14 - P '2OFFMOT, XLIVx :1tY. CI3AIF1'..Lll - - - - - - ROADS- BRIUGF w POLICE (;011:11:"THP, I.L ► :. J. I?. HOTZ bSx. B 1~'. Sogert _ IIr'. A• C • C. Timm NIGIrr POLICE - R> ORG.AITII'M POLIO?'. MMU TIPINi' - S'. IBITa CLMAIIING - " POST OFF IC1, • Y IT)ING PARXING - WAIM71GAIT iiUJ) MIX111G. CRAM -A11 - - - - - .. - '1IATI9 001MITTI..u. - - ~ - -Ii1:. F. F. SRGFRT 11r. L. I1. Selig Iir. J. 11. Notz A17DI ^ORS BUILDING .COISItI:iS1OId?:R - - - - - - - - - - - IIH. FILTON FRANTZ'. COL1'TC1L OR - _ .. _ - - - - - - - un. C. F. HUffiT. Ct7L MOLLM .,. FIMMICIAL 6NCRRTARY - - - . - - - - - - I111. GROI.GF R. ??NGSTROIS: CORPORATION C01?I M, - - - - - - - - - - H011. BART IN C. 4EmR,R. - DFPOSITOR.IES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 1=11FIELD STATE BWX FIMT IILTIONAL BALL - CHICAGO R;iGIITi�;RRS - - - - - CGI100FR OLDS' - - - - - - - - - - ,R w QUINLAR FIRE HARSHALL - - - - - - - - - - - _.. - _ iili. JOLT HQH1I. ASST. FIRE 2IARS?iALL - - - - IIR. OSCAR .8CH.",AB• � PMALTH OiFICM - - ~ - - - - - - - -- - - - -:)P.. C. JOHNSTON DAVIS. - POLICP, CHIRP (ACTING) - - - - - - - - IIR. PERCY HC LAUGHLIN. SRCRR':ARY OF BOARn OF LOCAL II1PR0VI?;Iv11 1i i:1 ?. WILLIAM F. PLAGG?:. rTATR?? WORKS SUP' RIIfT NDRItT - - _ _ _ _ _... r - 1,111. JOHN VEBER. Y