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08/18/1930 + 09/15/1930
[) 8 Mo ©re cCass Lyman & ,Hubbard Public Service Co. I.M.Hole There being no furthur business Aug 180 1930 Clerk A35 235.17 ►� 691,81 8.00 the mBeting Adjourned.until' President The meeting of Aug 18, 1930 was called to order by Turstee Selig actin' s as President Upew- Y: Rollcall present Trustees Barretlt, Hole, Segert, Selig &.Timm Absent President James J. Hood nd .Trustee Willmann : , :-- Upon amotion made by Trustee Barrett And seconded by TrustieSegert that the property belonging to Mr. Bailey be referred to the Board of Appeals -for hearing.Upon roll call the following 4h,6-solle vote was taken yeas all nays none Carried. A motion was madecby TrusteeTimm and seconded by'Tmustee Hole That the -Pry 4he- p- rope3;4y_on- sa4hethe rezoning of property on .both sides of the sAea4 streat between Orchard- Street and Hazel ave'be referred to the Board of Appeals upon roll call the following vo$6 was taken yeas.all nays,none carried. A motion was made Trustee Segert That theVY11age Allow Mr,- Attwood To paint the water tank for the some of$180.A0 upon roll -call the .644-110 following vote was taken yeas all nays, none carried. F -rank- MoVell4a- A motio was made by Turstee Barrett and seconded by Trustee Segert That the following bills be paidUpon roll call the following vote was 4h taken yeas -all -nays none Carried. Frank MoNellis 90.00 Carl Fischer& _ ..... _ _ .8, 7S 4v4gr 8W +. Conn Chicago Co 3.20 Deerfield Grammer School-Rent 18.00 ,There'.beingno Furthur'Businees the Meeting journed. _ wr rrwwrr Pres nt Village Clerk The Meeting of Sept..15, 1930 was cii.11ed to order by The President Of the Village of..Deerfield Mr. James J. Hood. Roll call present Trusties Barretty,Hole, Selig, Segert '_And Willmann Absent Trustee Timm. The minutes` of .Aug.. 5, 1930 and Aug., 18, 1930 were read and approved. Fire Cheaf John Huhn Reported on the firemans•eonvention { Building Inspector M. A. Frantz reported that there are seven familes liveing in Deerfield Acres Subd. who have not connectcA to the sewer. A motion was made by Trustee Barrett and seconded by Trustee,Selig That all Contrary.-rules be suspended andthe resolution-regarding the rewo resoning of the property on the west side of-0aerj4old- --.. Lincoln Ave between Central Ave and the County Line; A motion eras made by Trustee Barrett and Seconded by Trustee Selig that the resolution be referred tb the Board of Appeals.For there Consideration. A motion was made .by TrusteeSelig and Seconded by. Trustee, .Segert• that the following bill£ be paid. Mercer Lumber Co' 45.49 Public Service Co. 629.24 0. E. Huhn for Express 1.15 I. M. Hole 20.04 � .V Deerfield Grammer School 33.00 Mr. McNiilis 60.00 Illinois Bell Tel Co 23011 +��.R1'1111���'I Ir III ��I.Illll ll rr In lll� rir