06/16/1930 + 07/07/1930Nept$ne Meter Co. .... ...................... 132.09 A. D. Joolin Manufacturing Qc .............. 8.37 O. E. Rollman ............................... _ 70.20 C Thomas -O'Neil 135.75 Robert Mau .. ............................... 106.13 Public Service.0o . ...:...:...........'... -.. 34.04 Upon roll call the following vote was taken Ayes: All Nays: None, F Meeting was Adjourned until June 16. 930 at 8 :00 pm /% Clerk June 16, 1930 The Special meeting of June 16, 1930 . was called to order by the President Mr. James J. Hood at,9 :15 P.M. with the following members present Trustees I.M.Hole, E.H.Selig, E.F.Segert and C.M.Willman . I. A motion was made byTrustee` Segert and seconded by b Hole that. a , Check be drawn on the Special fund for$1664.92 to cover half of the auditing expense for the last five years this amount to be paid to the general fund upon roll calf. the following vote was taken Yeas Trustees Hole,_ SeligI Bogert and Millman Nays None. carried. Amotion was made by Bogert and seconded by Hole that the bill-for 6b $ 650.00 from Ashman Reedy & Co. for auditing be allowed Upon roal call the following vote was taken Yeas Holel Selig,- Segert and Willman Nays none carried. Amotion was made by Selig and seconded Millman that bills of M.A.Gsening for $267.65 covering printing be allowed upon rollcall_ the. following vote was taken Yeas Hole,:Selig, Segert and Willman Nays none carried. The bill of Miss 1: Huhn be tabled by motion Trustee Selig And a _- second by Trustee Will;%ann Upon.roll call the following vote was taken Yeas Hole, Selig Segert and Willman Nays none carried.: The clerk was instruted to write to Mr. James O'Connerinforming. him that- anyone he appoi"ntsin WEST DEERFIELD Township where he may cut -weeds in the Village of Deerfield the Village will no$ pay him if the property Owner fails to honer his bill. There being no FurthurvBusiness the meeting adjourned.: n yVillaga President • Village Clerk July 7. 1930 k The fiegular monthly meeting of July S. 1030 was held at the Masonic._. Temple and called to order by the Preaident.Mr James J. Hood. ' Roll call, Pkesent ' True teea'Barrett•,'Hole, Segert, Timm #& Willman Absent Trustee Selig; .............. Amotion was mane' Trustee' Timm and' seconded' by TruateeWillman that all �Oontrary rulbs be' strapended' and' the' ordananceplaced' bn Passage.' A motion was made' by' Trustee• Timm and' seconded' by TrusteeSegert that the Plumbing: Drdanance' be' passed• aa' read :' Upon• roll call the followi vote was taken` Yeas all' Nays' none: carried: A motion Was made' by TrubteQ' Timm' and' eeconded by Trustee' Barrett that all contrary: iiules: in iegaid• to' the' etieet names by suspended and the ordanan_ ce placed• oii it8' passage: Upon roll call the following vote was taken Yeas All Nays Non©, Carried. ' Fi Amotion was made bp. Trustee. Timm and seconded by Trustee Barrett That the �rdananee• regarding• 0h. Oi.ng. Street names be passed as read Upon roll .call tho. following. yote•was# taken Yeas Ail•Nays None, Carried A motion , was made. by. Trusteo. Timm. and. seconded by Trustee Segert i That the Village of .Deerfield.aocept.the•Property as Dedicated for a Street known as North Ave. • upon. roll, . call. the. following, vote was taken Yeas all Naps none. Carried* ............... ., A motion was made by Timm and seconded by Trus ee Stillman that the bill of Miss L. Huhn be regerred to Hon Martin 0. DecVer,for his opinion upon