09/20/1929 + 10/07/192915 ;i
September 20,1929
A Special meetinsz of the President and the Board of Trustees of the •C
"illae of Deerfield wns ca11Pd to order by the President at
Roll Call: Present: Labahn',Segert, Selig and Timm
Absent: Uchtman and Parrett
The order of business was the opening.of bids for connections to be
installed to connect Highland Park water main with our main at East
pillage Limits.
._`.The following rids were submitted:
yrejci construction "Co. .... ..................$2480.40
,Tns. Iriti ............... .......................•2606.00
A motion was made by Labahn and seconded by Segert that the contract
be swsrded to Tss. riti.
Tenon roll cell the 'following; vote was taken: Yeas - Labahn, Segert, .
celirr and Timm. Vnve- none. Ca.rtied.
The ouestion,of storing lumber on Central Avenue, property of Jens
Petersen was discussed and the clerk was instructed-to write hiM a
letter,.nnd if sales were being made this practice was to be discon-
tinued, and lumber stored there must be used on the premises.
A. motion wa.s'then mode by.Selig and seconded by Segert that the
Posrd adjourn. Carried.
�ilZa�e nlerk resident of the Board
October 7,1929.... C1
• -A •Regular •meeting "of -the President and the Board of Trustees, of
the •Jr411aga �e f -Deerfield was •called .to "order by the President at
.8:15 P;Ir; ...... .
Roll cell: Present: Labahn, -Segert,. .Selig and Uchtman
Absent:- Barrett and•Timm
-the meeting ovened rith a discussion -of•obta.ining a, school nurse,
-and it -wPs decided •that a meeting of •tbe "Hee.lth Board would be held
-in Doctor Davis-office on October 9th..•`
• A'motion was made by•Labahn and seconded by Uchtman that we pur-
-chase 500 -ft o- of -fire -hose. . • ....
Tenon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas - Labahn, Segert,'
Selig; and TTchtma.n. ITays -none. Carried.
A motion was made by Labahn and seconded by•) 'Sglig that the�follow-
ing bills be naid.
Public Service "C'omnany ................. ...............a$ 7.46
Vercer Lumber Commanies .. ............................... 12.86
TheGlenview Press ....... ............................... 34.30
Deerfield. Pha. rmscy.... ... ............................... 9.00
ReliableGn rage .......... ............................... 4.65
Antes Sign Co. ..... ... ............................... 12.00
The Stamnograph Co. of America .......................... 2.35
ventune 'peter Comnsny.... . ............. ................. 89.28
Richhrd " Walsh ............ ............................... 52.00
Thomas " urnhy ............ ............................... 56.00
Alvin 'g. hnaak Oil Co. . ............................... 1.60
Illinois 'Pell TeleDbone Co. ...... ................. 16.48
R. A. Nelson...... ............ .... ...,.............. 2.10
B. � L. Cafe ............. .....f....................... 3.55
W. J. Desmond ......... r . ............ ........ .......:... 23.55
National Office Sunnly •
`C6. ... .....•••....•.•••••••••.10.15
1i .