07/15/1929K4 M July 15, 1929 A sbecinl Teetinc7 of the President and the Board of Trustees of .0 the VillAt�e 'of T}Aerf ield r' ss called to order by the President. at Roll call: present: FArrett, Segert, Selig, Labahn and TTchtmon Absent: Timm A motion r;as rin!P 17,v celig nnrl, ceconded by L,4bahn that all contrnry rules be susnended And the ordinance regarding the in- stallstion of Ornsmentrl Street I!ip-hts in ^oldman's Subdivision be TTlacel on its nsssage. TTnon roll call the follovring vote w?s t2 ken: Yeas- Barrett, Labahn, lelirr, -IPr!Prt :and 1Tchtmnn. "rays - ''Tone. Carried. A motion r sp rnMp by reliv nnrT seconded by Parrett that the follor,- inr ordinance be nnsped.. TTnon roll call the. follor^inFr vote eras taken: Yeas- Parrett, Labahn, Selig; regert ^nd TTChtman. Ypys -none. Carried. ATT nnnT'TTAITrTv P791rIT)TTTIT FOR THE CONSTRTJCTIrN OF A COITLETE SYSTEM Or OT?JTAu^TTTAI, R'''REFT LTC,HTTT,TG TY "dHITTIER AT7717-7E BrTS,,1r_7 T HF'RYTTAGE nQT,rr'AT..TTi_rFnI,T "T^ A -IMM E, ,ITT I.OLTGrFL10 A"-YTTr PETT7EEN WAUKEGAN RD. ( T,T�7(IrIT,"• Al" TIE) . AT1T) FYQO`T (',OTJRT,' TTT:HER�9TTA,!Ir ".DRIVE' :BET77,FIT 'XHITTIER A vvTTrTE A1i ��) 'pvP"'f rn'IMT r _ TTY 'uvTT' *• COURT pETTEF IT uERI VTTAGE DRI'TP AND A LIT ?F: T'ATTAT,T EL 'TTTTZ A.T.TT) 14.0r. F ^T YC'Rmu Or TuF YORTH "TREE? LINE OF T njTr,r7T,T O'? AIMT?TTr, ' A'�Tn T "* FIPI,T *TG A "E'LTUF: ' PET'"�Er?T LOA'GF'ELLO "1 AVE?�TUE A ?TT) A LING' PARAI,IF:T, T►rTTTT.ANT) 260 WEPT T?(RTH „OF THE ^RTH STREET LINE nr ""T"''I`TrP A1IN'*TTT, .TIT -TTr TTTLLA!` *E 0 FIELD; LArE COTJNTY, ILLINOIS, ATTT1 pRnTTTn1rTG rOP .PVTNIG .TTTT C01T or SHIT) ",�PROvE�.FENT BY SPECIAL A (7c!�+c±c;1FTv- ATTrT TT.Tr TcnTTTTTC, Or _I`fPRO77.7 ~'I`?T BONDS. A .motion .r"aa .m' e by L.,,nbshn and seconded by Selig.that the Preside t. be riuthcrf ?Pd .to .ciFn .hermit allov” ;_r"' TeleDhone Company to put telerhone _rolls ,ir,. a11.Py, ,south of Hazel _Avenue .b,etr^een Clay and prairie ,Avenues... ............... TTnon ,^6ll call the following vote v"710 taken: Yens- Parret, Labahn,' relic*,_ ^Pl7Prt ^nd yTTCh ±,rr,an, _ 'Tays- none.. Carried. e fallovring bill rss nxesente.1 I or ,payment.. Y- nschTill- T'?T;is ,ro.._ ., .., ....... .._ ... •. •. , .................:.'"294.20 The motion v'n,^ mzdP by T.Pbahn ,rind secon�Ly Tlchtman'th-Tt this bill' be nsid.... ............. TTnon roll 'crll the folloin .voce ryas taken: Yeas - Barrett, Labahn Se2irr; °eArt ,And r ?chtma.n• T ?ays -none. Carried. `�oti n ^� ^s m ?de by _Eerr.ett .*and seconded by TTchtm ?n that the 11illage obtain rermit for stnte to lay sider"alks on the north side of nPerfield Avenue in Priarroods " ubdivision. ' TTnon roll call the folio^ ring vote rps taken: Yeas- Parrett, Labahn, ^Alin, Se ert rind TTehtma.n. Ycys -none . Carried. 'Notion r s made by "PMArt an,-? seconded by TTchtrrmn thAt the plans submitted ',y ronsoer, gilder and. ChiinInn in connection with install -' Ption vrith r,,ter from T'ic^hlnnd par', Va; ns to our new limits be sent to '"j7hlsn1 nark for their annroval. TTnon roll call the f'ollor^ing "Tote ^,P taken: Yeas - Barrett, Labahn, Selig, gPrrPrt Pnrl TTChtmsn. !Ta.ys- none: Carried. AA:notim' rear nlle by "egert rand seconded by Fnrrett that the Board adjourn, rarr.iPd, r T'i1 h P r Prk P peid.ent of the Boardi