05/24/1929 + 06/03/1929May 24 , ,1929 v
A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by President
Geary at 9 :15 at the office of Wm. Barrett.
Roll Call: Present: Barrett, Labahn, Segert, Selig,
Timm and Uchtman
Absent: None
A letter from Mr. Carter dated May 24,1929 was read, and
President Geary ordered the clerk to answer in regard'to.tile
left of sewer jobs in Soloman's and Taylor & Powers' subdivision.
The Scarlet Fever epidemic was then discussed and air. Timm
was requested by President Geary to get in touch with Doctor Davis
and have letter written by Doctor Davis as to how the situation
has been handled and should be handled.
A motion as then made by Selig and seconded by Labahn that
the Board ourn. Carried.
llage Clerk President of the Board.
June 30 1929 V
A regular meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by President
Geary at 9 :30 P.M..
Roll Call: Present : Barrett, Labahn, Segert, Selig,
Timm and Uchtman
Absent: None
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 6 were read and
approved. The minutes of the special meeting of May 20 were read
and approved. The minutes of special meeting of May 24 were
read and approved.
A letter from American Legion, Deerfield Post 738, was read,
and Trustee Labahn made the motion to allow the Legion to erect
signs at points designated. This motion was seconded by Trustee
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett,
Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays -lone. Carried.
President appointed Trustees Barrett, Labahn and Uchtman,as
Committee to investicate the giving of permit to Clarance Varney
to operate Pool Room, and report back at Special meeting of
June 14,1929.
The '.following bills were presented and read:
Glenview Press ............ .... .........................$40.25
Arthur J. Ender .......... ............................... 77.50
Lew Hendee, Clerk of County Court....... .......... 10.00
Lew Hendee, Clerk of County Court ....................... 10.00
The Stampograph Co. of America ........................... 16.15
A.H. Gastfield .......... ............................... 13.00
Julius Johnson ........... ............................... 74.80
Wm. H. Barrett .. ...... :.............................. 2.00
J, R. Notz Hardware Co . . ............................... 17.65
Highland Park Fuel Co.................................... 24.00
Armstrong Paint & Varnish Works 7.63
Deerfield Filling Station .............................. 7.60
A..H. Gastfield ......... ....:.......................... 2.00
Fred Seilg ................ 54.00
Geo. M. Pettis ...... .... .....:...................... 54.00
Chester A._7Polf ......... ............................... 90.00
A.D. Joslin Yanufacturing Co. .......................... 11.65
Shor-'Line Linen Supply Co. ...... 1.50
Frank J. Leeb ............ ............................... 37.5U
Meierhoff Hardware Co . ..................... .50
Geo. Sticken ............................................ 3.00
National Office Supply Co . ................. 0..%- 10 - 25
**::::: ..... 17.80
Illinois Bell Telephone Co . ............... **
Public Service Co. ................
It was moved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee.Segert
that these bills be paid, and ' charged to respective funds.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett,
Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays—None. Carried.
The meeting wa then adjourned until June
Village Clerk President of the Board.
A special meeting of the,Prdsident and the Board of Trustees
Of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by President
Geary at 9:45 P.M.
Roll Call: Present: Barrett,.,Segert,
r. Selig and Udhtman
Absent: Labahn -and -Timm
An ordinance providing for grading, paving, curbing, draining
and otherwise improving the roadways of a portion of Longfellow
Avenue,,Whit,cier Avenue, Hermitage Drive, and Byron Court, in-
_._''-':'cluding the roadways of all intersecting streets, and providing
for the making of-said improvement by special assessment and
the issuing of improvement bonds, all'in the Village of Deerfield,
Lake County, Illinois; together with an edtimate of the-cost of
said improvement itemized to an extent that we deem necessary and
duly signed by the President of this Board; and we recommend the
Passage of said ordinance and the making of the improvement con-
templated theribin.
It was moved by Uchtman.ond seconded by Selig that all contrary
rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on its passage.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas-Barretts
Segert, Seli'g and Uchtman. Nays-None. Carried.
A motion was made-by Uchtman and seconded by.Selig'- that the
Ordinance be.passed as read.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas-Ba.rretts
Segert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays -None. Carried.
A motion was made by Barrett and seconded by Segert that we
notify the Briergate Golf Club and-the -_ ,Chicago, 'Iilwaukee, St.
'Paul & Pacific R.ii that the price of water them on-..and after
August 1'1929 will be 20 cents per hundred.
-Upon roll call, the following vote was taken: Yeas-Barrettt
Segert, Selig and Uchtman. Nays-None. Carried.
A motion was made by Segert.and seconded by Barrett that the
Bo,ard adjourn Carried.
o J0 ;e ,Board. La
village _ _.LK e r k Presiden t f
t rd.