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3C _v It was moved' by Trustees Barrett ,and - s.nconded_by Trustee segert. to, .adjourn . Carr i ed C,J -54. Z age r mrk .� as d o o i oard May 29. A. regular meeting of the President and Board of Truattta: of. the" Vil lag e of 7eerf i eld was called to birder by thn Fres.idcnt, James. J. Hood at 10s001-7.,,"N. Roll call : - Present- Aa;rre-tt- Geary, Huhn; a.qz art, Selig and Uchtman: Absent- Ilona. The- minutes. of the- r %ular meeting held April I, I929- were read and, approved. ' The minutea of the special meeting held April 22, I929 ware" and, approved. Thee ,minutes, of the special meeting held April 39, I929 ; :vare r.ead- and, approved. - The- audit report ofd the books. and records: of the Villag _of AearA- field, covering the- p:criod from April 2740 I92$ to April 24,; I929 by Brurzmel,- ^.'urran & Company was presented and read. It was moved liy, Trustee Barrett and seconded by Trustee- Seg art that the- audit report be. r-cceptad as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeaa- Barrett, C eary, Huhn, Segert and Selig , Nays- Norre. Carried. The followin,, report of the' committe& appointed tao crem n ate-`uusid bonds was. presented and read:: . R App fields Ill. . L� I329. 7e the members of .the committee appointed... a bard of ; Trustees of the Village of Deerfield -at their n..., ing of April 2?,, ` 19.29 do hereby certify that on thin date the following .bonds in blank were cremated in- our preaene3. - War; Bond Nos. Series Dated - Bate "due Amt of hand `'Total ; =Oct`T; I92a ot. 1; 1930 �3Zfi�:�c3 z 39` I -2 -3 B do Oct., It . I931 -100 300.00 39 I -3 -3 0 do Oct. 1,,"1932 I4r3 300.00 i - 39 I -2-�3 A do Oct. 1, - 1933 -I00 `300.00 Total bonds 5I 1. A Oct. I, 1928 Oct. I, 1930 100IOQ.04 51 I 13 do Oct..I, 193I I00 100.00 f 5I I a do Oct.-It 1932 100 100.00 51 1 n do Oct. 1, I933 100 I00.00 Total bonds 27 9 -10 A- Oct. Is I925 Oct. I ., : I ,, 7 540 %I000000 . 27 9 -I0 R do Oct. I, I9 ^8 a00 100.0,00 27 .9-io -0 do Oct. I, 19'� i00. I00 .0 _ J/: 27 9—IO. 1? do Oct. I, -1930 r)00 1040.00 27 9 -10 (io Oct. I, -1931 500 I040 00 27 9—I0 F do Oct. I, 1932 500 I00% ):00 27 IO do Oct. I, .1933 540 `1)00.00 r. ; 2? I4 H do Oct. If . I934 500 500.00 27 IO I do 'Oct. I, 1935 500` 540.00 Total. bondq. • j 28 9 -I0 A Oct. I, I9215 Oct. ,I, '19?.? X500 SI000.00 1 28 9 -M B do Oct. : I, '1928 500 I000.00 28 9 -10 . C , do Oct. I, I929 500 I000.00 28 9-10 D do Oct. I, I930 500 - I000 00 28 9 -I0 w -do Oct. I, 1931 500 I004.00 8 -IO F do O . ;_I, I93� 600 X00.00 Y 28 10 0 do Oct. I, 1'33 F00., 6004-M-, 28 10:- H do :I Oct, -I934 x}00 ;500.00 = r s 28 IO I do . Oct:- I 1935 500 500.00 To ....F .. _ bor�da °' .. '. IIIIIIIAII "AjMIFlrIR c ''- Old Not ;. SsriPn Dated Date di14 Amt of. bond -Total- to ✓ Aug.-i' I926 --Oct. .T., I9 ?8 a "'6 3 0. o �,3 A w do Oct. I,- I929 500, 5500.00 3?, k1 to 23� 0 do Oct. i 30 FiO� 3?, v14 to 23 v , 19� 6000.00 32 s'I4 to 23✓ F do Oct. is 1931 500 5000.00 do Oct. I, I9311 500 5000.00 l 32 X14 to ?3.✓ F do Oct. I, I933- 600. 5000.00 32 vI4 to ?3v O, do Oct. I 1934 _ 5i00 50.00 32 ,-I1': to 3✓ H do Oct. I, I935 500 5000.00 32 14-Ao ?�,� I do Oct. ' I, 1936 500 50o?.00 All :Total.bonds 6 X 34 22 - ?3• A Au,, Is. I926 Oct. I, 19 ?,8 500 �`z0o0.00 34 23 •. A do Oct. I, I9 ?.9 500 b00.00 34 23✓ a do Oct. ' I, I93'0 500 500.00 34 ,,,3 n 34 do Oct. ' I, I93I boo 500.00 ✓ 2 3� �; do Oct d 34 23✓ o ' I, 2932 500 5oD.o0 F do Oct. "I, 1933 600 Et)0.00 34 23✓ C do Oct. 1- 1934 500 500.00 I 34° ?3✓ ft do Oct. I, ' I935 b00 604.00 34 3�. Z ,. do Oct. ' Z 6 500 , I9? 600.00 Total. .bonds, 40 A Jain. I, .I927 Oct. , I, 1928 "I00 40 �- �'I40 00 40 8 ✓ 8 R do Oct. ' I, `1:� ?9 _ I00I04:00' . 40 ✓. n Oct. is 1930 100 100.00 �( 8 do o Oct. I, I9,,I 100 I00.00 40 8 ✓ F do' Oct. I, 1932 Ioo IO �Q 40 / V ' 8, d o Oct- I, I9 33 IAO 100.00 40 f 8 H H do do Oct. I,_ I934 100 100.0,0 Oct. I, 19,35 100 100.00 Total bond:) 50 50. I5.j(; -17 �'IF, -I ?`� A Jilly I, 19" 7 nct.. I , -. I929 1100 X300.00 �i 50 " ✓I6 -17 ✓, B_ �% do . Oct. I, 1930 100 200.Of3 50 SIG- -I ?', D do . Oct.-Is: I9 7I I00, 200, oQ bo- ✓I6 -17�. .. �, do Oct. • I, 1932 100 200,00-11 50 `'Z6 =I7� F . do Oct, i , I93a I00 200 oO, . 50 VIG -I 7✓ . C do Oct. I, ;: I934 100 200.00 1 ' 60 _ YIG,I7✓ H E. do Oct. I, 2935 100 200. 00 .; 50 VIG -17� 1 Oct. I,- `I, I93G 100 200.00 do _ Oct. I937 Io0 200:00 44 44 V6 -7 f A July �, 1927 Total bona) Oct I i9''9 $5 44 Y6 -7- T A do_ Oct. ' I; -1930 b00 2004.00 44 7,� n do Oct. I, : 1931 . 500 500.04 .� 44 � 7 � do do Oct. ° I 1932 500 bg0.00 ?� 44 44 7✓ 7,i - F do Oct. I I933 s Oct. I, ;.1934 500 500 500.00. " 600.00 °44' 7✓ 7 G do do Oct, it _ 59;5 500 600.40 44 ✓ Oct. I, ooh. I, I936 1937 500 6 ©o 504.40 500.00 1 Total bonds �555rje Uri I t was moved by Truatee- Selig and seconded bJy .Truatae Barrett that the Board of Trustees- adjourn sine die. Carried. The new Board of _.Trusteea; was called to order by the- President Win. 7% (1 eary . ° A , , "eZ ert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman.` Rolf call :.Fr ,aentarr ,tt Labahn �. ig Absent : - None. VILLAr � f1!7RKS ORnI11ATTC7 APpR'WrT). � 1 An ordinance re�a Ing To t n o ice off` Village Clerk of the I ' Village of rJeerfield, Lake County, Illinois, prescribing his duties., I - f ixing his_ corapen'sat ion, and mak ing rul es and regul.at ions, pertain - ing to his, office, was read. It was moved by Trustee Selig- and aeconded by Trustee Uchtman that- all contrary rules, ba suspended and the ordinance )�e plaaerT om Y it3 passage. 'Upon roll call th4- following vote was. taken:•• Yeas -` Barrett, 'Labahn, Segert, Selig, Time X Uchtman. Nays- None-. "Aar ried. It was moved by Trua.tdT Selig and aeconded by Trustee- Uchtmani µ that the ordinance be` passed as_ read. Upon' roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Barrett, Labahn, SeSert, eelig,, Timm and Uchtman. NayH. -None. . ^.arried. , QRnIrAN^^ n78I(=NATIN1 M 107RS OF ROARD OF LOCAL. I4,3ROV 147TJTS. An o:cZlinance eign�` sting slx rnn ra -o `tai and o - 'I`rusera of the, Village`.of •_T7eerf.ie-ld, Lake, County: Illinoia, who shall, . -with -the, President of said Village -, constitute the; Roa°rd of Local Improvements. of said Village, was. read. It was moved by Trustee` ailig✓t j and s.econded..l:xy. 7ruate•e- Rarr_att that all ccontrary rules: be suspended and the- ordinance- placad on its • pasaag e. . Upon roll call th- following vote: was taken:- Yeaa- Rarrett, Labahn, peg ert, Selig ,. Timm and Uchtman. Naya- None. m..arried. Zt eras_ moved by Truatea eel ig and ae=ndad by Truate•e Barre-tt that tee-• ordinana--,- ba passed as• read. Upon. roll call the folio.•.ving• voter was taken-: -- Yeas•- Barrett, Labahn, Sag er t, eel ig , Timm and Uchtman. Naya- 1 ,Tona. ^.arr ied. The n vly3 e1?cted. cr °rk ^Mr. "Clarencei: >: Jiuhh ^-then'.taok the oai21 of office` and assumed the- du tie-a, of Villagl,0 erk. Mati6.n1was. made:.,byeTY -Ustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee . Uchtmti that we adjourn as•the Board of Trustees and convene as the Board'of Local Improvements. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett, Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and TJchtman. Nays None.Carried. rd Henry-Peterson's resignation was then read to take effect.May 7, 1929 and resolution was made by Trustee Labahn and seconded by., Trustee Barrett that Board accept-.Mr. Peterson's resignation with regret and thanked him for his services to the village. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett, Labahn, Segert, Selig,. Timm and Uchtman. Nays- None Carried. President appointed Trustees Uc:htmanr_atid Barrettiagccommittee to get:in` touch with American Legion and find out in .what way the Village may be of service.in the Memorial Day Services. President Geary appointed Percy McLaughlin as temporary chief of Police and motion.was made by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee Timm confirming appointment of Percy M Laughlin as temporary chief. Upon roll call the following vote was - taken: Yeas- Barrett, Labahn Segert Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays- None.Carried. Orville Enderbach was.appointed temporary policeman to take place of Percy McLaughlin and motion was made by Trustee. Labahn and seconded by Trustee Uchtman that appointment be confirmed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett, Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays- None.Carried. President Geary appointed C. A. Wolf temporary policeman for the period May 7, to '12 inclusive. President Geary appointed Lincoln Pettis superintendend of Public Yorks to take charge of inspection and inspectors. Trustee Barrett made motion confirming appointment which was secon- ded by Trustee Uchtman ` Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Barrett,• Labahn,, Segert-,' Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays- None. Carried. This meeting was adjourned until May 20, 1929, I_ Village Clerk President of the Board.,/ 1;500 I00 500 I00 500 I00 F, 00 I00 500 I00 500 100 500 100 500 I00 500 I00 Total bonds _ t - .__ -chi Oct. it 19.;0 43 = IO- II--I2 y' a do Oct.. is Iy"' 43 IO -IT -I? D do Oot. 14 103f. 43 IO -I1 «1? ✓ do trot. It I903 43 20 -II -I2 ✓ F' do Oct. S, 1934 43 IO= II -S2✓ R do Oct. I, I035 s 43 I0- -II =I2 H do Oct. I, 1936 43'- IO -II -I3 ✓ L .. do Oct. 'I, IS5? Total bonds ci Q3000X0 300.00 I000.00 400.00 I6,00.00 300.00 1500.00 400.00 I000.00 400.00 I000.00 400.00 1000.00 4:00.00 2000.00 400.00 I000;00: 400.00 WO . b' 6.00' Q_ tg, �r A Hay 1, I925 Oct. I, 1927 500 )2_2 -30-VI A do L507.00 i do 1500.00 G er trude 'golf u2 22 2 H� 3�0-3I A B do do Oct. 1, do I928 .. 2 e, �" do Oct. I , 11129 # 22 22 30 P -26 a ,�. 0 D do do Oc.t, do I TARO Carolyn RrowrrirZ ' 22 - -2 - -aI D do 6.00 do Thilo . H. Toll 221 f_6 "• ' do 55.00 Van & oel ig 108.00 .� +► Shor -Lino Linnn Supply ^o. Oct'. 1 I93I Frank Jacobs, Sr. 22 - 29 -30 -a I K do 50.00. do +� Il lino ia. Rell Tel. Co. 22 26 -27' ` F do Oct. I, I932 Hrummell, "urran & ^o. 22 28- ?9 -30 -aI F do .5 I It. 6.15 do Glenview 22 26--27 ' G' do Oct.. I, , I 93 G eo Stickan. 22 28- 29 -30-3I G do I.51T do " ^.ity of Highland Park 22 26-27 H do Oct. 1,,'1934 Alfred Gastf iel d 22 28- 29 -30-3I H` do I0.00 d J. R. ?Totz Hardware- ^o . 22 26-27 1 do Oct . I, I935 f 22 , 28=- 29 -30-3I I do do 1;500 I00 500 I00 500 I00 F, 00 I00 500 I00 500 100 500 100 500 I00 500 I00 Total bonds _ t - .__ -chi Oct. it 19.;0 43 = IO- II--I2 y' a do Oct.. is Iy"' 43 IO -IT -I? D do Oot. 14 103f. 43 IO -I1 «1? ✓ do trot. It I903 43 20 -II -I2 ✓ F' do Oct. S, 1934 43 IO= II -S2✓ R do Oct. I, I035 s 43 I0- -II =I2 H do Oct. I, 1936 43'- IO -II -I3 ✓ L .. do Oct. 'I, IS5? Total bonds ci Q3000X0 300.00 I000.00 400.00 I6,00.00 300.00 1500.00 400.00 I000.00 400.00 I000.00 400.00 1000.00 4:00.00 2000.00 400.00 I000;00: 400.00 WO . b' Lake Do. Lumber Coal & M'. Co . 54:I2�G eiiAral D enrf i el d Pharmacy 8.30 " Alvirr W. K_naak 25 7.25 Rel iabl e C.arag e h.20 " Deerfield Filling Station I3. 2I " Reliable Garage 2..25 Henry Peteraen Cheater Wolf Ia.00 " m " n . " " Wm. F. Plagg a 6.00' 500 boo ;4500 O't}_ 500 I500.LC 500 1500.010 504 I500.00 640 L507.00 i 500 ` 1500.00 Lake Do. Lumber Coal & M'. Co . 54:I2�G eiiAral D enrf i el d Pharmacy 8.30 " Alvirr W. K_naak 25 7.25 Rel iabl e C.arag e h.20 " Deerfield Filling Station I3. 2I " Reliable Garage 2..25 Henry Peteraen Cheater Wolf Ia.00 " m " n . " " Wm. F. Plagg a 6.00' G --o. B eckairn ' 6.00 Laura Dietz 6.00- Mamie- Karch 6.00 G er trude 'golf 6.00 " Una Stanger 6.00 Julia Peteraorr 6.00 Fred Stryker. 6.00 I. M. Hol a 6.00 Clarence Sharden 6.00 Carolyn RrowrrirZ 6.00 S.vlvia Hutchison 6.00 Thilo . H. Toll 2.50- " "• ' Deerfield Fire Department 55.00 Van & oel ig 108.00 "' +► Shor -Lino Linnn Supply ^o. I.50 Frank Jacobs, Sr. 66.00 " n Deerfield-Temple Assn. 50.00. " +� Il lino ia. Rell Tel. Co. 16;.30 F. H. Mbyer, Poutmaster .6a " n Hrummell, "urran & ^o. 697.50' " +* Public Service Go. .5 I It. 6.15 Glenview 28.50 WN H. Barrett 6.25 rater Eu}Id G eo Stickan. 3.wX North Shore, Gas, Co. I.51T +� " ^.ity of Highland Park 3711. 78 Howard Stryker 8.00 Road & B7r ido a Fund - Alfred Gastf iel d 4.00 1. IA. Hole I0.00 "' J. R. ?Totz Hardware- ^o . 2.85 Mercer Lumber ^.ompaniea 55.92 It -,raa moved bf Trustee Huhn, and seconded by Trustee- Uchtman that the bills be paid and chaigad to their respeAive- funds. Uporr roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas.- Barrett, Geary, Huhn, S% #:rt, 8.el ig and Uchtman. Nays- None. Carried. -___ 1 X11.01, "Rpm N101Omllp i g1F1giP1q1"lpin i -- - - i - --`tna -t'"t e report be, accepted. Upon roll call the- following vote was. taken : - Yeas- Barrett, C eary,- -Huhn; aeg art, aSelig= and Uchtman. Nays -- Norre. - Carriedd. RTSOLUTION TO ISSUE' 4"500 ANTI1.11IPATIOT1 WARRANT A ^.CT. TTAND TAX. V re-so u n autEo -r zing -tEA issu rig -ocean antic I-p-alion, lvarrant in the amount of 1500.00 payable to the Deerfield State Funk at Der- field, I'll., against the- tax levied for the- support and maintenance of a band for municipal pruposeu in the Village- of Deerf ield for they year I929, was. read. It :vac- Moved by Trustea- Selig and aeconded by Truatee- Geary that the relolution be- passed as read. Upon roll call. the following vote was taken : -- Yea & - Rarrett (r eary, Huhn_, Seg ert, Selig and Uchtman. flays✓- None.. Carried. � The following bills were- presented and read :: Lake, Do. Lumber Coal & W.'. D eerf i el d Pharmacy Alvirr W. Knaak Reliable Garage Deerfield Filling Station Reliable Garage Henry Petersen Cheater 77olf Wm. F. ' Plag g er l eo . Beckann Laura Dietz Mamie- Karch G er trude Tolf Una Stanger Julia Peteraorr Fred Stryker. I. M. Hole, Clarence Sharden Carolyn R ro wvnirg owlvia Hutchison Thilo . H. Toll Deerfield Firer Depar.tment Van t & S el ig Shor -Lino L inerr Supply "o. Frank Jacobs, Sr. Deerfield-Temple Assn. Illinois, Rell Tit. flo . F. H. Meyer, Postmas.tar Hrummell, Curran & "o. Public Service Go. ri Glenview Press. W. H. Barrett G eo Sticken. North Shore, Gas Co. City of Highland Park Ho,war d S tr yk ,�r Alfred Gaatf iel d I-. 14. Hol e J. R. Motz Hardware- "'o. Mercer Lumber Companies Co. 54.I2 (l eneral Fund 8.30 M R 25 7.25 " n 1'.20 Q Q t 22 2,�, WP' B✓ A May I, 1985 Oct. 1, 1927 X500 A3003;00 (7 22 � -34-�� A do do 100 300100 , . 22 22 % P19 307- -3I B B do do Oct . I, 1928 do 5 00 I00 I000.00 400.00 .. :u �'✓ C_. do nnt_ _T _ _TC��A._ 6.00 r !� 6.00 "' n 6.00 2.5G' " n. 55.00 " 108.00 I.50 n n 66.00 �+ n 50.00 » n .6e- n n 697.5G n' " 5 IL 6 a 28.50 ^' .. +* 6.25 Water Fujid 3,eQO 1 .5 37 "' n 37II.78 8.00 i - --`tna -t'"t e report be, accepted. Upon roll call the- following vote was. taken : - Yeas- Barrett, C eary,- -Huhn; aeg art, aSelig= and Uchtman. Nays -- Norre. - Carriedd. RTSOLUTION TO ISSUE' 4"500 ANTI1.11IPATIOT1 WARRANT A ^.CT. TTAND TAX. V re-so u n autEo -r zing -tEA issu rig -ocean antic I-p-alion, lvarrant in the amount of 1500.00 payable to the Deerfield State Funk at Der- field, I'll., against the- tax levied for the- support and maintenance of a band for municipal pruposeu in the Village- of Deerf ield for they year I929, was. read. It :vac- Moved by Trustea- Selig and aeconded by Truatee- Geary that the relolution be- passed as read. Upon roll call. the following vote was taken : -- Yea & - Rarrett (r eary, Huhn_, Seg ert, Selig and Uchtman. flays✓- None.. Carried. � The following bills were- presented and read :: Lake, Do. Lumber Coal & W.'. D eerf i el d Pharmacy Alvirr W. Knaak Reliable Garage Deerfield Filling Station Reliable Garage Henry Petersen Cheater 77olf Wm. F. ' Plag g er l eo . Beckann Laura Dietz Mamie- Karch G er trude Tolf Una Stanger Julia Peteraorr Fred Stryker. I. M. Hole, Clarence Sharden Carolyn R ro wvnirg owlvia Hutchison Thilo . H. Toll Deerfield Firer Depar.tment Van t & S el ig Shor -Lino L inerr Supply "o. Frank Jacobs, Sr. Deerfield-Temple Assn. Illinois, Rell Tit. flo . F. H. Meyer, Postmas.tar Hrummell, Curran & "o. Public Service Go. ri Glenview Press. W. H. Barrett G eo Sticken. North Shore, Gas Co. City of Highland Park Ho,war d S tr yk ,�r Alfred Gaatf iel d I-. 14. Hol e J. R. Motz Hardware- "'o. Mercer Lumber Companies Co. 54.I2 (l eneral Fund 8.30 M R 25 7.25 " n 1'.20 " +* I3. 2I 8..25 +� ' 6..48,^x..• ri, ,� 1Z. 00 " �* 6.00` 6.00 " n' 6.00 " +� 6.00 n n- 6.00 " +� _ 6.00 6.00 " 6.00 6.00 " n 6.00 6.00 "' n 6.00 2.5G' " n. 55.00 " 108.00 I.50 n n 66.00 �+ n 50.00 » n .6e- n n 697.5G n' " 5 IL 6 a 28.50 ^' .. +* 6.25 Water Fujid 3,eQO 1 .5 37 "' n 37II.78 8.00 Road & Rr idg e Fund 4.00 I0.00 2.85 55.92 It .Yaa moverd by Trua.tee Huhn and aeeond,;d by Trustee- Uchtman that the bills be paid and chased to their reapecAivs funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas.- Barrett, t; Aar y, Huhn, 8% ert, gel ig and Uchtman. I aye- None. Carr ied. F a 39 A Special meeting of the President andthe Board:of Trustees was called to order by the President, T.W.Geary at 9 :35 P.M.Yay 20, 1929. Roll call: Present: Barrett, Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm Uchtman. Absent: None. Resolution was read asking for the permit to connect paving in Briarwoods with the Deerfield State Road. A motion was made by Selig and seconded by Labahn that this resolution be passed. Upon roll call the following vote,was takes: Yeas— Barrett, {.'Labahn, Segert, Selig, Timm and Uchtman. Nays- None. Carried. President W.W.Geary made the following appointments On Board of Appeals Louis Ashman Term ending 1931 Arthur Merner " If 1932 These two men have succeeded Mr. Timm and Mr. Nelson, whose terms have expired., Plan Commission Fred Meyer Term ending 1930 Harry ?ding " " 1931 These two men have succeeded Mr. Kress and mr. Hunter, whose terms have expired. Attorney Engineers Supt. Public Works Building Commissioner g Controller &.Financial secretary Depositors Martin C. Decker Consoer, Older & Quinlan Lincoln J. Pettis Frank Jacobs George Engstrom Deerfield State Bank First National.Ba.nk — Chicago Fire Marshall John Huhn Assistant Fire Marshall Oscar Schwab Health_ Commissioner Doctor Davis • Police Chief Percy McLaughlin Truant Officer Percy McLaughlin - - Treasurer Wm. Plagge Water Inspector John Webber who will also do the water tapping and inspecting of sewers . .. .....and •water ,taps. . ±. �All.appointments,made_by this Administration are made from an ,efficiency viewpoint.and are subject to cancellation at any time :when, in _the . judgment ,of the Board ,of Trustees, ,they deem it necessary- .for .the be of ,the .sergice. The •Village .President .aprpoints a. License Committee on the Board of ,Trustees, :consisting ,of ,Wm. Barrett, ,Chairman, with associates Ed $elig, and .Conrad ,uchtman. A motion was made ,by _Labahn .and seconded,b'_ .Timm that ` these appointment,be, confirmed. �.;..,.,. Upon _roll.call . the following .vote ,was .taken: •Yeas - Barrett, .Labahn, .Segert, .Selig, .Timm .and .Uchtman...Nays_ None.. Carried. This meeting adjourned until May 24,1929.