_ 3.1.
After reconvening as a Board of Trustees it waa, moved by Trustee
Huhn and aeconded by Truate-e Barrett that • the- Villag e F'ng ineer b.a in-
structed to have a catch -basin installed in Deerfield Ava. irr. front of
the- -home, of lira, Julia P-eteraen.
Upon: roll call the following- vote was. taken: - T,as- Barrett,
teary, Huhrr, Begert, Selig and Uchtman. Maya- None=. Carried.
The following, . billa. were read::
Public. Service- .^.ompan-y 547.5a General Fund
. %. u4a..50 vTatr--r Fund
North Shore- G'aa Company 9.79 General Fund
A. "17. Krraak ' I6.34 r en er al Fund
Deerfield Fire- Dept. 75.00
neeA -field Pharmacy 4I.00
Illinois Re-11 Telephone Co. 7.90 "' "
National Off i ce, Supply ^,o . 9.00 m "'
A. H. (;astfiald - 2'.00
Lake-, Co . Lbr. . Coal & Mat. Co . 37.08
J. R. Notz Hdw. -o. .80 .
Vent & Sal ig 226.85
Ill ino is office, Supply co. 19.6a
W. H'. Barrett 87.02 Wat cr Fund .
N'ep.tuna tdeter ^o . I29.00
Deerfield Filling Station 4.05 General Fund
C. M. at. P'. & P. R. R. .57' 'Water Fund
Sundh 7lectric Company, Inc. 3-.00
Geo. Id. Fettia 28.00 Road & Bridge Fund
Fdw-. A. Taylor 23.50
Chester A. ?golf 5.00
Johrr, Viaoky, 6'.00
Edwin_ B'ackriarr 44.2Q'
It was moved by Trustee Huhn and e.econded b3► Trus.tee Selig;
that the bills, be- paid, and charged to their rs•spective funds.
Unorr roll call the- followings vote, was. takenv: Yeaa- Barrett,`
r,eary, Huhn, Seg ert, ' Selig- and Uchtman. Naya- None-. Carried.
It was moved by Trustee- Uchtman and aeconded by, Trustee* Barrett
to'adjourn. Carried.
�Z_ - � ag e` ,, �r � ea: a -•
March 22, 1929.
A special meeting of the President and Rio ard of Truatesa of the
Villag .-.e• was called to order by the- sireaid.ent, James 'J,. Hood at 8 ::00
P'. M .
- Rol1 call:-.- Present -- Barrett, r'eary, Huhrr, Seg ert, "Selig and
Absent,- None. '
The, matter of changirg; the, names of atreets-, ere'c:ting atreet
aigns and the, numbering; of houaeB; waa brought up.) for_ discussion,
but was tabled until after May. 6th.
It was moved by Truatee Huhn and seconded by Trustee, Selig to'
adjourn as. a Board of Trurattre-a and convene as a Board: of Local Imp
provements:. Carried.
After r convening as, a Roard of Truatesa the following- ordinance
was presented and' read:;
An. Ordinance providing for grading, paving., curbing-, draining , and
otherwiae- improving the roadways of portions of Warrington Road, Knoll-
wood-Road, Kenton Road, Oxford Road,. ?tsatcliff LanA�, Beverly P1aaw..
Kingston T =rrace, Margate Terrace, Warwick Road, Carlisle P ace,', - Cumnor
Court`,` -and 7aeax Court;; constructing- Portland cement concrate sid?-walka
f iv -(5)' f -,at in width in 'portions of .the above, named atreet;: and. con-
atructing- a connected system of ornamental atre -.t lig hting- in portions
of Deerfield Avenue- and- in portions of all of the, above, named streets.,
exaep.t Fsaax Court, in the Village- of Deerfi ,3ld, Lake County, Illinoia,
and providing for paying the cost of said improvment by, special
assawsHment and the issuing of improvement bonds,.
It was moved by Trustee Barrett and aoi nded by Trustee Beg
that the ordinance be pasaed as read.
U *on roll call the following vote was taken. Teas- Barrett,
Geary, Huhn, Segert, Selig and Uchtman: Nays. None. Carried.
It was moved by Trustea Barrett and aeconded by Trustee Huhn to
adjourn. 0 rigid.
Village Clerk . �'- Pre -- ard.