02/04/1929 + 02/15/1929Feb. 4, I929. A regular me -,tang of the Board of Trustees. of the Villag a of nee-Lu -. field wau. called to order by y7. 77, teary, president Pro Tem at 0 :.00 Roll call : - Fre-aent- Barrett, Huhn, Selig-- and Uchtmam. Absent- Segert. » . r The- minut" of the regular meeting held Jan. 7, I929 were read and; approved.,' A letter from Hoyt Xing of Wilmette-, Ill. requesting- the approval of a Plat of nedieation for a stre ,3t in the "- of 2e-ction a8, Twg. 43. North, Range, I2 r'. of the and F. H. Lake County, Ill. was. read. -- It .was moved Treatee- 11chtman and seconded �y Truatee, Huhn, that .action on, Mr. ring °Va. request ba }:aid over until the- next meeting. Carried. F'. H. Meyer, .60' General Fund- �neerfield'Garag �G. S.. parley _ 25..3U " 5..76 dater Fund National aff ice, Supply Co. 10.OQ General Fund 01 on' do rf s I.5 0l W. North Shore` Gaa_ .Co. la.I7 Lake County Lumber Q, & M'. .qtr. 3:7.08 A.. H. (,astfiel3 4.00 Public: , g ery i c e Co.-, _ Illinois Ble-11 Tel. Co. Mercer Lumber Co l'a. I0.64 M. A. Frant7z Z.90 Rel iabl e, r:arag e, a. 70 .r � Stevena., Maloney & Company 46.9? AM'erican,' Railway rxpreua ^,o : .6I A'. W. Knaak 11.99 Tom 01'Veil 58.00 y7ater Fund C hester Wolf 1'9.50 .Ted Sticken 25.00 Highland Park Fuel Co. 27.38 Deerf ield Filling Station 8.2'7 " " G'eo. Burnett 51.00 'r m " 4.00 Road. & Arid e Fund �'. H. Hanson Co. .. J. R. Kota Hardware Co. 5.49 C he-n t er A:. Wo 1 f x,I6. 00 a eo . Pettis 46.00 tt " 7dw" A. -Taylor 27.50 ^" " MW It was moved by Trustee Uchtman and aecond°d by Trustee- Huhn, that the- bills be, paid and charged to their respective fund&, - Upon roll call the- follo-ming- vote was taken:- Yeaa- Barrett, Huhn, Selig and Uchtman. Nays- None,. Carried. - It waa- r-moved by Trustee, Selig and s.econded by Trustee-Uchtman to adjourn. Ca_ri4td. . Aje_pecial meeting of the President and Board of - Truutee-a'of the .Viil ag.at. o f ' Deerf i e'ld' waa called to order by then P'residei t, James, J. Hood at 9: 00 P1 It. Roll call _ ent- Rarrett, Ce-ary, Huhn, S eg er t, and Uchtman. An ordinance providing for constructing portland alme-nt con- crete aide,,valks- f ive f eet in width in gor orma of T)ee-rf iTld Avenue, 9arrinOton Road ('S�inole, Avenue`)` Kenton. Road: (usage Avf;nnue), - Oxford- Road' (Ontario" Avanuay, and�Ueverly Place (Dakota A.venu °)` y in the- Village of' ) eerf ield, hake County, Ill inoir�, and: providing- for paying that coat of said: improvement. by Spacial Assessment and. the.'irasuing' of Improvement Fbnda�, was, read. It :pas moved by Trustee Huhn. and a,econd --d bS► Trus:teg Barrett that all contrary rules, 1,A suapended and the ordinance placed on its, pas a_ag e. ' Upon roll call the following; vote, was.. taken : -.-- Yaaa- Barrett, r:eary, Huhn, Sege,-rt., and' Uchtmam, Nays- Nona. Carria-d, It was moved by Trustee Huhn and aeconded by Truatea Aarxatt` that th.e. ordinance• be pasawd ape read, ` Upon roll, call the- following- vote, was taken: -, Yeas- Barrett, a'eary, Huhn, S % -ert. and Uchtman. Nays.- None. Carried'. 29- 11