05/10/1945i �� i 2 f A motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee ' _Scott that the following having received the highest "number of votes for the respective offices are hergby declared elected: Village President for *four year term Robert S. Alexander Village Clerk for four year term Qhester Wessling Village Tgustees for four year term Anthony J. Mercurio Floyd Stanger Andrew G. Bradt Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz,.'Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays - None. Motion carried. . The tabulated statement on tie returns a- the- pepea;en showed that the following votes were cast on the following proposition:, Precinct Precinct No. 1 No. 2 Total To authorize an increase in the Yes rate of taxes which may be levied 220 365 385 on all property in the Village of Deerfield, Illinois for general No corporate purposes each year for 114 _ -118 !„ 232 the five -year period beginning " January 1, 1945 and ending Dec- ember 31, 1949, from the rate of , two- thirds of one percent to a rate of eighty -seven and one -half , hundredths ,of one per, cent. , A motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Tennis that as there were 385 "Yes" votes and only 232 "No" votes on the foregoing proposition,.the same is ]iereby declared approved. Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Te:1nis. Nays- None. Motion carried. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn. Village Clerk P3Kesidefft pro ,4b of the Board. May 10, 1945. The,regular meeting of the President and the Board of _� Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Homer G. Cazel, Chairman pro tem at 8 P. M. Roll call- Present- Trustee Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Absent-_ Trustee Benz. The minutes of the Meeting -held April 10, 1945 and the • special meeting held April 20, 1945 were read and approved. -The following bills were read and a motion was made•by Trustee Stanger,and seconded by Trustee- Tennid that these bills be approved for payment on receipt of` the proper funds; Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. Dr. C. Johnston Davis William A. Haggis; , _ 5.00' - Laura Dietz 5.00 Irene Rockenba.ch 5.00n Gertrude Wolf 5.00,E Florence' Jacobs 5.00R Clara Merner 5.00 Thilo Toll 5.00,x. -B. H. Kress `5.00 Irene M. Hout 5.00 Hazel Kreh 5.00,E Hattie Wessling 5.00,E T ___i. L. - TV 1 1.,..... _' r, ' nn 238 Highland Park News $ 43.20 Frost's Radio and Electric Appliance 4.72,.. . Mercer Lumber Co. -.57h Singer Printing and Publishing Co. 46.60 Sears, Roebuck & Co. 2.11 Consumers Co. 86.00" Deerfield Garage and Service Station 63.95 �-.. Reliable Garage 32.40r- National Brick Co. 4.73 U. A. Frantz - 4.09 *,, Deerfield Nurseries 25.50-c-- Deerfield Hardware and Paint 16.23v -... Seago, Bradley and Vetter 110.40x,,, Victor Adding Machine Co. 91.16, A. H. Gastfield 6.00c-, Public Service Co. 159.98 Russell Batt 4.50 n. Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard 100.00 Deerfield Temple Association -June rent 62.50 May Salaries A. H. Anderson 145.00 Percy McLaughlin 200.00 Yam. D. Johnston 200.00 Mrs. C. Wessling 85.00 Chester Wessling 25.00 Erwin Seago 40.00 George Sticken, Sr. 175.00 Charles J. 71arner 60.00 930.00 A motion was made by Trustee Scott and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that the report as submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing $51.80 in fines collected during the month of April, be received. - -Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays- None. • Motion carried. It was moved, seconded and carried unanimously that the following letter. of condolence be sent to the family of the late Victor E. Carlson. (See sheet inserted) A motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that this Board adjourn sine die. Robert S. Alexander was introduced as the newly elected President of the Board of Trustees and Andrew G. Bradt was introduced as the newly elected member of the Board. Roll call — Present- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio,'Soott, Stanger and Tennis. Absent- None. Trustee Cazel made a motion that $50.00 of the monies now j on hand in the OCD fund be turned over to the American Legion for expenses on the. Honor Roll 500 of the balance to the New I� Fire Truck Fund and the other 56% to the Youth Fund and any � further receipts be turned into the Youth Recreation Foundation. This motion was seconded by Trustee Stanger. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tonnis.: Nays None. Motion carried. -President Alexander made the following appointments and it was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Tennis that theae•app oinments be confirmed by the Board. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. �I Those voting being None. FINANCE AND AUDITING COMMITTEE Floyd- D. Stanger, irman -Fh111ig -A:- Tennis . Andrew G. Bradt The Finance and Auditing Committee will have in its Charge all-financial matters, including financial statements, 238 PA 1911, 4 W-1 RESOIGTION IN I=RY OF VICMR_E... CARLSON WHMIEAS, Victor E. Carlson, departed this life._on April 8, 1945, and it is fitting and proper that a record be made in his memory by the;President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois,.for which Village Mr. Carlson was the esteemed President of the said Board of Trustees for the past four years, and WHEREAS, it is desired to pay tribute to the character, spirit and dominant leadership of Victor E. Carlson, and WHEREAS, it is desired to commemorate his virtues, express our grief at his passing, and to offer the most sincere con - dolence to his beloved family, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Deerfield, through its President, Board of Trustees and other officers, in formal meeting convened, and on behalf of its citizens, hereby expresses the recognition and gratitude for the life and example of Victor E. Carlson, whose friendship and never failing wisdom was recognized by all and that this resolution be spread upon the Village records and that a copy thereof be suitably subscribed and presented to the family of Victor E. Carlson. ,Village -C erk...... <----+ I A NJ pillage f' esiaeny , Jeo ...Police.Magistrate.... ..Supt..�f ublic .11lorks . C Ch of-Police -t f Police.Officer. Village.Trustees... _ teze)_ rustee Elect n-T 239 budgets, etc., and will be charged with the duty of recommending to the Board any necessary auditing. They will approve, subject to the approval of the Village Board, all village expenditures. JUDICIARY AND LICENSE 0014 iITTEE Anthony J. Mercurio, Chairman/ H. G. Cazel George T. Scott The Judiciary and License Committee will be charged with the duty of recommending to the Board the drafting of ordinances_as well as any necessary legal work in connection therewith, and will also be charged with the duty of recommending to the Board the issuance of licenses, permits, etc., as well as' t making certain that collections are made on same. POLICE AND FIRE COMMITTEE • George T. Scott, Chairman H. G. Cazel Anthony J. Mercurio • The Police and Fire Committee will have jurisdiction over the Police Department, including their equipment and personnel and will confer with the Fire District in bringing • all- matters before the Board which require attention. PUBLIC WORKS - _ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE H. G. Cazel, Chairman George T. Scott Anthony J Mercurio The Public Works - Road and Bridge Committee will be charged with the duty of supervising; operating, and maintaining properties belonging to the Village other than those specifically provided herein to be under the jurisdiction of other committees, and will be charged with the general maintenance and upkeep of all streets and roads, road equipment, and bridges and the cleaning of streets and sidewalks. WATER COM- 1ITTEE Andrew G. Bradt, Chairman A Ph-f flip -A. Tennis • Floyd D. Stanger The Water Committee will have charge.of the construction, operation, and maintenance of all water mains and the operation and maintenance of meters and other related equipment. They will recommend to the Board, any changes in rates for water, and will make certain that water bills are collected as promptly as possible. HEALTH AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Phi-l- lip-A—.-Tennis , Chairman Andrew G. 'Bradt - • Floyd D. Stanger . The Health and Public Relations Committee will have in its charge all matters pertaining to the general health conditions in the Village, and all matters pertaining to public relations and .. publicity. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS - AUDITOR ** A. L. RODERICK BUILDING 001MISSIONER. ** SEWELL L. BARTLETT -COLLECTOR ** CHESTER WESSLING DEPUTY, MRS. CHESTER WESSLING ** CHARLES J. TURNER TREASURER - �' .. 240 CORPORATION COUNSEL ENGINEERS HEALTH OFFICER CHIEF OF POLICE PUBLIC STORKS SUPERINTENDENT ** ERRIid SEAGO M* ** RAPHAEL K. KINNEY ** PERCYe McLAUGHLIN ** WILLIAM D. JOHNSTON" DEPOSITORIES ** DEERFIELD STATE BANK DEERFIELD3 ILLINOIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK, CHICAGQ, ILLINOIS. Trustee Cazel made a motion, which was seconded by Trustee Mercurio that the following appointed by the President as mem- bers of the Plan Commission and the Board of Appeals, be confirmed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. APPOINTED BOARDS "BOARD OF APPEALS John A. Benz, Chairman WA LT Ell Henry C. Hawes Leslie Christensen Eugene F. Engelhard BOARD OF HEALTH Raphael K. Kinney, Chairman H. G. McMullen Mrs. a. P. Easton PLAN COMMISSION E. F. Nelson, Chairman Edward F. Segert Albert S. Arentz ?` Dwight L. Merrell Raymond S. Goodpasture New Appointment 5 years Appointment Sr P m ous Appointment- - New Appointment 5 years New Appointment 5 years Previous Appointment Previous Appointment New Appointment 3 years New Appointment 3 Ycars New Appointment 3 years STATUTE BOARD BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS Robert S. Alexander, Village President Floyd D. Stanger, Chairman - Finance and Auditing. Corrmittee H. G. Cazel, Chairman- Public Works- Road'and Bridge Committee William D. Johnston, Public Works Superintendent A motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Tennis that the Board of Local Improvements - nominate an. Engineer and submit the name to the Board for confirmation at their next meeting. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas -- Trustee Bradt,'Cazel, Mercurio, Soott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays — None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the Deerfield State Bank, Deerfield, Illinois, The Continental - Illinois National Bank and Trust Co., Chicago, Illinois and the First National Bank, Chicago, Illinois -be designated as the deposito#es for the funds of the Treasurer Charles J. Turner. Roll call Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott,. Stanger.and Tennis. Nays None. Motion carried.