09/12/1944f '
_ ?15
Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas Trus tee 'Benz, Cazel,
Mercurio,, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays - None. Motion carried.
A !notion was made by Trustee'; Benz and seconded by - �,rustee
Mercurio that we make a request for $650.00'ds our quota from the
Community and War Fund Drive for the Youth Recreation Program,
Roll call.. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott,
Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee
Mercurio that a special meeting be called for August 22, 1944
for the purpose of taking up and discussing the ordinance provid-
ing for the licensing of amusements, businesses, or occupations
and providing for'the violation thereof.
Upon roll ca11 the following vote was taken. Yeas All.
Nays- None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Cazel
that the Deerfield Bowling Alley be notified to arrange for an
exit at the rear of the bowling alley for the use of the pin boys
in case of an emergency and also that the front doors are in
working order at all times.
,Roll call resulted'as follows.- Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel,
Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Naya- None. Motion carried.
Trustee Stanger made a motion that the Police Department be
instructed to notify the Elmhurst-Mauufacturing Co. to provide
proper toilet facilities for their employees. Motion seconded by
Trustee Benz.
Motion unanimously - carried,.. Those voting nAyen'being
Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger d Tennis. Those
voting nNayn being None. '
No further 'business appearing, it w move , e ed and
carried to adjourn.
illage Cler esident o the Board.
- September 12, 1944.
A regular meeting,of the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President,
• -.Victor E. Carlson at eight.P.M.
Roll call Present, TrusteeBenz,Cazel,Mercurio, Scott,
Stanger and Tennis. Absent- None.
The minutes of the regular meeting held August 8th, 1944
were read and approved.
Arthur Nickelsen felt that he should not pay a license
for his dog and this matter was referred to Police Magistrate
Hunt for settlement.
A motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by
Trustee Cazel that Robert B. Harrington be granted permission•
to tap into the Village of Deerfield water main on North Ave -
nue on the payment of $50.00 and the cost of installation.
•Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas - Trustee Benz.Cazell
Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis; Nays- None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Benz that we accept the check
as presented by the Deerfield.Chamber of Commerce to the Village
s of Deerfield in the amount of $715.00, with the understanding
that we use only that portion of it which will be the equivalent
of licenses figured on the basis of Cates as stated in the
' proposed ordinarice for the licensing of amusements, business, or
occupations. Thesbalhboa, vif any ;nfs tb, bd,•refunded:- tg-the Chamber
of Commerce or ear - marked for next year's deficit. The motion was
seconded by Trustee Stariger.
Upon roll call, "the following vote was taken: Yeas - 'Trustee
Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott,-Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None.
Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Tennis and seconded by.Trustee
Mercurio that we extend a vote of thanks to the Chamber of
Commerce, the merchants, all other citizens who have had a
part in.aiding the Village Board at this time.
Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas = All. Nays- None. The
motion carried.
The following bills were read:
ReliableGarage------------------------ - - - -
Union Paint'and Varnish Company - -- ---- - - - - -- 18.56
City of Highland Park ----------------= ------- 3405..30
" Deerfield Garage & Service-Station ----------- 28.69
Albert Roderick 410.00
Consumed's Oompany --------------------- - - - - -- 6.67
Union Paint & Varnish Company----------- - - - - -- 20.91
Dominick Sherony--- ;------------------- - - - - -- 13915
Waukegan Oil Company ------------------ - - - - -- 42.20.
Seago, Bradley and Vetter ------------- - -- - -- 6.69
.Zion Printing and Office Supply 7.82
Mid- Continent Pet. Corporation -------- - - - - -= .93
Henry Tuttle, Sr. 15.00
Frost's Radio & Electric Shop --------- - - - - -- 43.24
Purnell & Wilson, Inc. ---------------- - - - - -- 8.34
Illinois Bell Telephone Co- ------------ -- -- -• 13.24
Public Service Company of Northern Illinois-- 1 78.44
It was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee
Cazel that these bills be paid - if, as, and,when funds are
Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel,
Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. ?lotion carried.
Trustee Stanger made a motion that the clerk be instructed
to order Vehicle and Dog Tags for19450 the Vehicle signs to be
made up in a com bination of red, white and blue if possible.
This motion was seconded by Trustee Benz.
The motion carried unanimously.-Those voting "Aye" being
Trustees Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis.Those
voting "Nay" being none.
A motion-was made by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee
Benz that a new sewer'be installed from the north side of the
pavement on Brierhill Road to catch basin in "Dorcas Home" property.
Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel,-
Mercurio,'Scott, Stanger aid Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Scott and seconded by Trustee Stanger
that the report as submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing
$28.00 collected in.fines during the month of August 19449 be
Upon roll± call the following vote was taken: Yeas -All. Nays-
None. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Benz, and seconded by Trustee
- Stanger that the following resolution as read be adopted. Roll
call resulted as follows- Yeas, Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio,
Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays, None. Motion carried.
SS. '
Your petitioner, falter W. Bohm, of the City of Chicago,.
County of Cook and'State of Illinois, respectfully represents as
-1. That he is the owner of record.• of •.the following
described real estate, to -wit;
Lots l to 28, inclusive, in Block "An, and Lots l .to 14,
.inclusive, in Block HBO, of Briargate Villas,'a subdi-
vision of part of the I Northeast quarter of the South
East quarter of'Section 28, Township 43 North, Range
12, East of the 3rd P. M., in Lake County, Illinois.
2. That there is attached hereto a copy of the plat of
the premises hereinabove described.
3. That there are no buildings constructed on any part
of the aforesaid property. ,
• 4. That the streets as shown in said subdivision have
never been improved and have ceased to be--of use-.for the purposes
for'which they were dedicated. '
FA 5. That the streets in said subdivision-are not through
streets and are not required for the use of the public.
6. That by the vacation of the subdivision the public
will be relieved'of the burden of maintaining the streets in said
subdivision, and the public interest will therefore be subserved.
.7. That special assessment, warrant No. 34, for East
Side Sanitary Sewer System; was confirmed on June 7, 1926, and was
levied against all.of the lots in said subdivision, upon which
there are five installments remaining unpaid; and that the under-
signed for the purpose of, 'inducing the vacation of said subdivision
agrees to pay said assessment in full.
8. That a special assessmeht known as West Skokie Drainage
District, Warrant No. 5303, for the deepening and widening of the
existing drainage ditch, confirmed May 5, 1939, was levied upon
all' the lots in said subdivision; and that the undersigned as an
inducement for the vacation of said subdivision agrees to pay said
special assessment in full.
9. That all of the taxes assessed against said premises
have been paid in full. '
' 10. That said premises have no marketable value as a sub-
division, and only have a market value as acreage property.
l _ 1
-- WHEREFORE, the - undersigned respectfully petitions that an
ordinance may be passed by your Honorable Body vacating said sub-
in accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the
State of Illinois in su o case made and provided.
DATED this day of September, 10-44.
Signed (Walter W