07/11/194411L_ �A i 207 It was moved by Trustee Oazel and seconded by Trustee Stanger that application be,made to the Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois to provide electric service to our ornamental. street lighting system on Westgate Road under-Our existing.Rate 105- Municipal Pumping and Street-Lighting contract through the metering facilities of the Warrington Road circuit and on the gate posts at Brierhill Road under Rate 113- Governmental Service. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion carried. No further business appearing, it was moved, conded and carried to adjourn. was, /---) Vi lage Clerk. resident of the-Board., July 11, 1944. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President } Victor E. Carlson at 8 P. M. The following trustees responded.to the roll call,_Benz, Oazi2 Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Absent- None. i The minutes of our regular meeting held June 132 1944 were read and approved. I, Trustee Benz, Chairman of the Water Committee reported that th �. there were no delinquent water bills. It was moved by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Cazel that we bill the Deerfield- Bannookburn Fire Protection Djetrict $7.60 for water used in fire drill. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Those voting r "Nay" being .'one. A letter from the Deerfield Cemetery Association requesting a permit for water was read and it-was moved by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that we waive the permit charge and bill them for labor and material at cost, which cost will be approximately $32.50. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. The following bbi11T�$teerB�nzand thattthese billsbbe Trustee if, -Stanger and seconded y as, and when funds are available. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Oazel, M Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays - None. Motion carried. * * * *------------- -- - - -- - - - - -$ 37.42 Dominick Sherony Reliable Garage ------------------------------- 56.02 The Union Paint and Varnish Co.---------- - --- -- 9.10 Highland Park News---------------------- - - - - -- 22.80_ Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp.-------- - - - --- 8.37 d Bree------------------------ - - - - -- 18.40 Reiland an The C. H. Hanson Co.--------------------- - - - - -- 3.50 120.75 George Sticken, Sr.AAAAAAA --------- - - - - -- Sea &o, Bradley & Vetter--------------- --- - - - - - -- 3.69 Frost's Radio and Electric Appliance----- - - - - -- 12.02 Robert Savage----- . ------------------------ - ---- - 12.75 Zion Office Supply----------------------- - - - - -- 47.07 Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard ------- - - - --- - -- 93.59 -------------------- - - - - -- - 112.97 Vent &Selig -------------------------------- - -. Public Service 00.----------- -- -- --- -- - - -- 171.4? .00 -- Commercial Light Co .---- = 678 ------- - - - - -- - --- -- - 8 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.------------- - -- - -- 12 () 8 A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the Tax Levy Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1944 and ending April 30, 1945 be passed as read. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Benz, Oazel, Mercurio, Scotto Stanger and Tennist Those voting "Nay" being None. AN C11DINAT-iCE OF UXSPILLD0 ILLTINOX3 I'OR THR, LWY. OF TAXrZ T 011 THE :�Ijj%!, Cr 4 ­ IT V 1-ISCAL YEAR .1"EGIN'NING 14AY 1p 1944* AND WZ% IT ORDA1.11:D, BY, AN'D. BOAr-D or 1:1 i i U L, T EX AS CP T I LE VILLAGL OP L4BRF1BLD'tA,4KE COUNTYp ILLINOIS V) r, CT T 0 7 1 1: That, the 5= of X1**701.75#' this a being the total a=ount of all apprq;riatlow al for spool' and co rpora . to.fund pur- T:Poa0Gj .legally zada, and 'to.bc' collected from the "tax levy fora the fiscal 7oar beginning :ray Is 1944t,and.endin- April 30, 19450 shall be and the awe in horoby levied on all property subjoot Co f taxation with- the Village iof Doerflold as the' said property is asso3sed for State and. County purposes for.tho..'ourrent, year* SECTIC11 1s The purposonfor which said lavyla mado,, and the aum and amount levied for each' purpo3c roupoctively, are-as followni Amount to be Total' Appro,-k).*' 'Included In, riationa tax- levy 0 r 1 P-.17 A L IV-.11 I A1,71 11. 1 STRAT r o.,7 Ir YP i r4l 3 1 �SA 24coutive ualarLos I'l-.'Proaldent, and Tructota 500000 107,00 2 - -Villago olorle 300.00 04000 3 ­VllluZ6 Treauurer. 450.00 96.00 4, Villago Collector. 3130.00 75.00 5 -,Villago_C=;.trollcr ;450X0 90100 TOTAL L -2,wU60-00, .433.00 LoCal expenses 9 - Corporate co=881 roan 600.00 120.00 10- Lxtxr. legal e.V� onae 1, 000.00 214.00 TOTAL" 1 V 0000 , 00 342-00 C. Orrice axponsos, - 12- AudItInU, " 60.00 53 9 IV'► Zttatloner:r and supplies, 100,poo 22.00 14- Orfice,equipment, C00000, 42.00 minting and publications 750*00 160,00 .10-1nouranoo, 760.00 100.00 .17* Telephone and tolctraph 100*00 11-00 la-'Contingont 200.00 43.00 w 2,350000 501.00 209 A. t`.3a arI CS 1 .,Village mar3hall , 20100.00 951100 ; 1 71440 ; 3 - zar �a:xG;� palSoa " 000-00% :23i1 Ott TOTAL 4$00 100 � 1,�d3.t... 3. L'quip=ant, .=tcrr:ala,..and aupplias 4 - Incuranaa ,y .a 150.30 � 59.0�q0 5 r .Tolephono and : talagraph 1.1Q.t 0 44.i.10, a .. Gasolino and oil ' ' 500000 ,' 198000 7 - Purchue or new pol loo oar 1,25040 495:40 0 - na,paira to' polloo' oquipnant 500.00', : - 1900001 w . "00 100.00: 9 Cantu: Ont ' CO 1, / . 0 V TOTAL, Q, JiJ ,I OTAL TOLICG�D{,�P4nT — �}. p�' p«� dye ., .{�y ` - n0,„q D-z, AJ .Li"f.i..`.I.ilEr.IlP ~5 ��b 11 TIM 1 .. ,ant of n turine bondo ?, t2+�p.i3Q 2, tQQ. t1tJ Ii 2 lrnteraa t t. ox� bonds 2,p IS3.7ii 20 1C30'.7b . 3q - Currr�nt-orn ntal 1S hta 1.' 3,6600.00 ':, :2s12`akOQ Curren- �trafric� ':lighta,' 40 «Ot3 ` 146.00 Installation; and H inton — tzat� or$ ' } 3troot and ulla: ligh4 : 300 ,00 182,00 (b) Grnaz ental lights_. Z,f1t7a «Q0 t3Cu «30 tal 100000 61.04 t , J,100, 00 3,120 00 .. ; F:3: L�tR 1 -6 . ; 443-► , . _ � _ otr►lAplarop- I I:zouxxt 'to lit ria.tiona i imoluded in tax lry D, Othor Lxpanuon .. - 19 » : iaotion ."4�son alb .. 2 200.00 4 42'.00: 20, 11-1toreut on obligations ' ' 200,00 4 43 «00 = = 21 » -publ.iahinj ordirmno'ca 2 2501,00 : :b3.flt� .�Lx�ot band prer.�u a : C C3{?.UD £ £35 «00 z z 2.3 - '.Building a=misvionor : :000 -00 1 107,00 24 .- apea#.al- oalariou - Special • Azaoou, monta t 530 I In 7.40 2:� • • t ; tan,t 2 d 42 Q t 2G - ?crt or Villu&O 11a 11 3 37t►.41t� :: , , 8 80000 ,.n Q.l iii . .. A' 32'V 0100 L L TOTAL A 14"?1STI I A TIt3. s s .. L". l l4, 335.00; 2 2,,206'600 v POLIC 1 .. . _. e '.DIAL Approp- Amount to be riations included in Tax Lovy I pLAv rrr AND R' CVFATT0 ?,3 a 35 .. SulrarI63, and .rraCa 260:00 33 - F:quipmesnt, mutnrial-s, and supplies 050:00 I TOTAL 4; .. 300.00 - a. ?Ps' 1 n'Sr:% iJ,lS9.0C:! , rJ n rl� r�l i!�il��� .lJ la~J�`►�',itt��,1 �,�� i /�_L� ), - 1 - Labor 0 . 450000.00 - 's;teir iala 20,000.00 - 3 Z,aCinocrinC adrVicos 50000.00 - 4 - Legal services 5,040.00 TOTAL. SBur-RAGIL " T;1 POSAL 75,030.+00 w 1, 500.00 150.00 TO7,iL Cr,11BRAL CURPORATL I= 1049073M 12#601M, - r D ROAD AND 1!R1DGF -- T'U I*- «., IAbor for stroata, repairs 29100.00 w 100.00 yaterials -for atroet repairs " 000.00 - .3 -► Insurance on equipment 1£10000 - 4 - ijant for equipment 300.00 +::- i,opairs too equipment ' 200,00 - e M Contingent 200.00 3,330.00 100900 1 - 'Purchase of 'viuter w 17,000.00 - "ular7 of water ;suet. 3 .. Muter inatallutioni maint• Y' onanco, and ropaira 600000 4 -► Labor far repairing of t: �drarsta and ,pipe v = appina muteriali and o ponse 2110000 6 -" i?epaira to equipment 6000110 { 7 • P'urcas.so of near equip -aunt 1, "00.00 - 0 - Salary of vator collector 720000 - f 3 - giant of Village null 37000 - 10 - Auditing and offices oxpensse 350000 11 - and oil - equipment - _ .Casolinc 12 - Contingent 500000 - 0,220.00 x w " nr rArll• nIAIT 11111' n101AlIAllpll ^ ^^ ^^ "IAA 11111 211 �s Dotal Approp Amount to bo riationn 'Included in Tax Levy__ • s -1 � Labor{ l � 4#000.00 2 materials 600000-00 4; h - f Tractor for asnow rw;ovai authorized Undor Saoticn 6004%, Chaptar 24,0 Illinois x2 Viucd Sta tutaa ,l i43 I,000.00 z"1t 1,0000.00 St! %" ` IRY 0 V A??ROPR1!:' (? S AND LEVY General Fund Administration 0zpa zsoa 100335 00 2,200.00 .polio dopartrcent ftuld 7,410.00 - 2j937.00:. Bands and intorast fund 41188,75 , . , 4,1£8.75 ..Stroat lighting fund 00140,00 3,120100 Pla7 ,round. Lud raaroution &00.00 -► &ewaraaCe disposal fund 731000oo .. Coutinasnt 1,3CCi. 1q 150#00 `.i "OT,.L C :?3� �: L i'G' �i3 104#073 '75` .;.i2,501a75 . n Bridge Fund. 3* 630 00 Road ► ' 1c�t� t�0 Water ' ,Lcpa: t: €ant fund, Votor Zucsl tax 1und —UP000,00 : Purohaso of 3novy.?low - Soo.•' OJ A 11,000.00 ` 1#00,0,00 j 14 1 923.75' . 13#701 «75 .SM1101t 31 ihnt the VjjlaCe Glnrk Is hsrcby directod to rile wl th the Gounty G�,rork of Labe Ccunty, Illinois, on cr before the - saCOrd Tuasda�y in Au�ua , •s .. 1044* a copy, of Lhira or c'.ira: cs duly cortifiad by said, Village 3EXT1011 4; " t .thim,'Or' di anc e ' shall be,,* in full, fcrea r J 3 f i affoet fr= and aftar ita pausal; o and O L-e cri'f old, Illinois `. i'ranented and read 7— 1 -- A -D. - 19.1 -1 Paasad l f j P�. x;. 10 0A 2 r � Approved A.�.• l;t, c . AV EST Approved:aa �o form It was moved by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Stanger that a bill in the amount of $22.00 be sent to Robert Sage for damage to street light. ' Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yew- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis? Nays - a None. Motion carried. Trustee Cazel made a motion that the Road and Bridge Committee be authorized to purchase gravel and crushed stone for the repair of certain streets in J. S. Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield Subdivision. This motion was seconded by Trustee Scott. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. Trustee Scott made a motion that the report as submitted by the Police Magistrate showing $7.50 in fines collected for the month of June, 1944 bebreceived. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - All. Nays- None. ?Lotion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Scott and duly seconded by Trustee Cazel that Police Chief McLaughlin and Night Officer Anderson be allowed vacation pay the same as last year. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas Trustee Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and;Tennis. Nays- .Trustee Benz. Motion carried. Trustee Cazel made a motion that George Stieken, Sr. be placed on a monthly basis of $175.00, one half to be paid from the Road and Bridge Fund and the other half from the Water Fund and also that Water Superintendent Johnston's salary be increased to $200.00 the same to take effect as of July it 1944. This motion was seconded by Trustee Mercurio. is 213 Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trudtee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Those voting "Nay" being None. A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Tennis that the same settlement be made with Dr. Charles J. DaUis on a Special Assessment Bond Warrant #83 which he is holding as was made in the Winzer vs Village of Deerfield suit. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays - None. Motion carried. Trustee Tennis made a motion which was duly seconded a, ' by Trustee Stanger that the following resolution be adopted. Upon roll call the following vote was, taken. Yeas - Trustee.Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried.'= WHEREAS certain installments of certain special_ assessments which have been levied against.the following_: described properties are unpaid: IMPROVED PROPERTIES Paul Olsen Lot 68 Deerfield Acres 29 -43-12 Total principal delinquent - - - - -- $429.90 William Galloway Lots 73 and 74, block 5, Deerfield Park Land & Improvement Assn,, 29 -43-12 Total principal delinquent - - - - -- 257.50 ' UNIMPROVED PROPERTIES =° g, C. Koller Lots 59 & 60, block 5, Deerfield Park Land & Improvement Assn.,` - _ 29 -43 -12 Total principal delinquent- - - - - -- 305.00 s Otto Kna.ak. Lot 3, block 2, Deerfield Park Land & Improvement >,Assn. ,=- 29 -43 -12 Total principal delinquent- - - - - -- 670.25 Galloway Lots 69, 709 71 and 72, block 5, j ,William Deerfield Park Land & Improvement f. Assn., 29 -43-12 Total principal delinquent- - - - --- 400.56 S. S..- -Love Lots 61, 629 63, 64, 65., and 66, block 6, - Deerfield Park Land & ' Improvement .Ashen. ,. 29 -43 -12 ' Total prineipal..delinquent- - - - - -- 604.04 Ear1_.Frost Lots .l, .•2, -3 and 4, _ block 14, _- ..Deerfield Park Land & Improvement, ` Assn., .29-43-12 - -- ' Total principal delinquent- --- ---- 5$7.46 Frank Forks _.. _Lot 2, Karch'.a sub. to Deerfield • 32 -43 -12 ` _ ' Total principal delinquent- - - - --- 192.15 ' K. E. Hubert Lot 75,.Goldman's North Shore. Golf Links- Subd., 33 -43 -12 .. Total principal delinquent --___ 379.29 AND WHEREAS the President and the Trustees of the Village of Deerfield are willing that proceedings be insti- tuted for the foreclosure of the lien of the unpaid install - w ments of the aforesaid special assessments levied against the above described property; G