motion that we inform the Sylvan Club that reduced loads will
not be allowed, _and . that _.22 _Caliber Rifles only shall be used.
es ,granted . in _permit of .November 10, 1943. the motion-was se-
cor}ded by Trustee Benz. Roll call. was .as follows; leas- Trustees
Ber}z, Cazel, Mercur. io, - Scott , .Stanger_,, and Tennis. Nays- None.
Motion carried.
The _matter .of the property - donated to the Village of Deerfield
By ,the heirs of-Ambrose and Fay,Montevon is .to be ,brought to the
attention of the Chamber_.of_.Commerce and also the Boy Scouts
before final action is taken.
A motion was made-by Trustee Scott-and seconded by
Trustee Cazel that Fire Extinguishersbe purchased for the squad
car, Diamond T and International Pick-,up. The motion unanimously
..carried, those voting "Aye" being Trustees Benz, Cazel, Mercurio,
Scott, Stanger and Tennis, and -those voting, "Nay ", none.
It was moved, seconded, and carried to addurn.
Village Clerk
July 15, 19430
The regular meeting -of the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield was called to.order by the President
Victor E., Carlson at 8 P. M. with the following trustees.respond-
ing to the roll call; Benz. Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis.
Absent— Trustee Stanger.
The minutes of our regular meeting held �, 1943
were read and approved.
A motio4 was made b$ Trustee Benz and duly seconded by
Trustee Cazel that Clifford and Blow contact the State'Highway
Department to determine the possibility of putting in drive-
ways privately at owners expense.
Roll call— Yeas— Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and
Tennis. Plays- None. Motion carried.
Trustee Cazel moved that George Sticken, Sr. be paid an L.c _'.:a
additional Twenty five Dollars ($25.00) for services rendered in
connection with the cleaning of Septic Tanks. Motion seconded
by Trustee Benz.
Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- -
Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Nays— None.
Motion carried.
The following bills were read and a motion made by Trustee
MerotLrio and seconded by Trustee Scott that these bills be
approved for payment, if, as and when funds are available.
Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being
Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Tennis. Those voting
aNayn being None.
Illinois —Bell Telephone Co --------- ------------ A 10 75'r-
Richard Walsh ----- ------
Christ -Willman,Jr.---- - - ---- _- -_ -- - -�
A.-F. Cashmore --- -- --- -----.._-:-----------------
Addressograph Sales Agency-------------=- - - - - --
Zion Printing and Office-Supply -- ---------
Chester Wessling, Village Collector -Misc. Expen
Mercer Lumber Co.-----
Sears, Roebuck & Co.--------------------- -------
City Sanitary Service----------------- - - - - --
HermanHertel— -----------------------------
National Brick Co.-------------------- - - - - --
375.00 R