06/08/1943awn U _June 8, 1943. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by President Victor E. Carlson at 8:15 P.M. . Roll cell - .Present- Trustees.Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scotts' Tennis, and Stanger. Absent - None. The minutes of our regular meeting held May 10th,1943 were r eadi,with they-name of the Health Officer changed from Raphael. K. Kinney to Dr. C.Johnston.Da.viq,the same were approved. . A mat.ion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by "'Trustee Scott • that the City Sftni tary Service be paid- for rental of Auto Eductor and two men at.the•rate of 7 75.00- per-day.from June 8th 1943. until the completion of the work'of-cleaning out the septic tanks, providing the same is completed by Saturday eveninf3,June 12th, 1943.the vote resulted as follows; Yeas- trustees Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Te:nnis.Nays- None. Motion carried. The following bills were read and a motion made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Cazel that these bills be paid as funds are available.Upon roll call the following vote was taken; Yeas- Trustees Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. City of Highland Park--------------- - - - - -; 2908.65 It-, City Sanitary Service-------------- - - - - -- 255.00t- M.A. Frantz------------------------------- 9.20 Reliable Garage-------------------- - - - - -- 20.18 K Herman Hertel---------------------- - - - - -- 26.25^ George Sticken --------------------------- 138.751-,' Vant and Selig--------------------- - - - - -- 90100 Herders Incorporated--------------- - -- - -- 1.28t\- Vant and Selig -------------------- - - - - -- 22.97 Cooksey Oil Company---------------- - - - - -- 49.65 �\ -Deerfield Garage and Service-Station - - -- 43.83r- Mercer Lumber Compan;�-------------------- 14.59 Reiland and Bree------------------- - - - - -- 1.75r Mueller, Company -------------------------- 11.011 Sears, Roebuck & Company------------ - - - - -- 4.45T-, National Brick Company------------- - - - - -- 3.30 Purnell & Filson------------------- - - - --- 45.6100 Albert L. Roderick----------------- - - - - -- 375.00 Brand Brothers--------------------- - - - --- 4.59n William A. Haggie------------------ - - - - -- 5.00 Laura B. Dietz-------------=------- - - - - -- 5.00 Irene A. Rockenbach---------------- - - - - -- 5.00 Ruth R. Pattis---------------------- - - - - -- 5.00,,, BerniceM au------------------------ - - - - -- 5. Wt., Clara M.Merner --------------------------- 5.00�', Dr. C.J. Davis---------------------- - - - - -- 8.00t.- Frosts Radio & Electric Appl.------ - - - - -- 8.33 IreneHout------------------------- - - - - -- 5.00 t Thilo M. Toll----------------------- - - - - -- 5.00 David M. Inman ---------- ------------------ 5.00,4 Kathryn 1u1. Fitost------------------- - - - - -- 5.00t Hattie P. Wessling----------------- - - - - -- 5.00 h 0 Hazel G. Scott--------------------- - - - - -- 5.00 �3 Illinois Bell Telephone Company-- - - - - -- less Public Service Company------------- - - - - -- 187,28t\ Consumers Company------------------ - - - - -- 45.74 t 4348.06 The report.-; as submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt was read and a motion was made by Trustee Scott and duly seconded by Trustee Mercurio that this report be received. Roll call re- sulted as follows; Yeas- All. Nays - None..Motion carried. 181 � a _ _ 11 182 The report as submitted by,Auditor Albert L.Roderick was discussed and a motion made by Trustee Tennis and seconded by Trustee Stanger to accept the report and that the same be placed on file. The motion unanimously carried. A motion authorizing William D.Johnston to purchase a derri.ek hoist at the price of,; 20.00 was,made by Trustee Cazel. This motion was seconded by Trustee Benz. Roll -call resulted as follows; Yeas- Trustees Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tanis. Nays- None. Uotion carried. The following Appropriation Ordinance: was-read by Village Attorney Seago and a motion made by Trustee Stanger and se- conded by Trustee Mercurio that this ordinance be passed as read, The vote resulted as follows; Yeas- Trustees Benz, Cazel•, Mercurio., Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- None. Motion carried. ! 2, EQUIPMENT MATERIALS AND'" Appropriations SUPPLIES • - VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD A- Insnrance . 160.00 B- -Telephone and Telegraph 110.00 - An ordinance termed the Annual A Dpro• priatlon Bill in and by which the corporate , C« Oas, and Oil ..:....:............« 500.00 D- Repairs in New authorities do appropriate such rum or E- Furchaee of Equipment 1,000.00 • F- Contingent sums of money .which may • be deemed ......... ........ . .. 100.00 iTOTAL POLICE. DEPARTMENT necessary to defray all necessary and all liabilities of the Village of Deer. ' field, Lake County, Illinois, for the fiscal beginning BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FUND '00 A-- payment of Maturing Bonds • year the first day of May, A.D. �1948,,and ending-on the thirtieth day of 2,000.00 B- Interest on Bonded Indebted- a ' April, A.D. 1944, and specifying the ob• •"''••••• °• • 2,800.00 APPROPRIATION ess - jects and purposes for which such appro. priations were made,. together with the rTOTAL T FOR 0 t' ' BONDED DEBT ;4,800.00 «FUND amount appropriated for each object or purpose­ . STREET LIGHTING STREET AND ALLEY LIGHTS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI• k A- Ornamental Lights .... « «..„, 4000.00 ` B- «Traffic L1al+ts DENT AND BOARD OF. TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD. LAKE . ..................... 240.00 2, INSTALLATTON AND MAINTENANCE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SECTION'l. That the following sum or ' A- -Street and Alley Lights .-$ , 800.00 • „'-'•• «« '' Ornamental Lights ., 800.00 .sums of ,money, or eo- much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same C-- Traffic Lights ••••••••• :•••••.•• -... 100.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR STREET .are hereby appropriated for the objects and purposes herein specified to defray i LIGHTING FUND ..,.......84,940.00 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FUND AND/011; , , . all necessary expenses and liabilities, and `' GOVERNMENT WORK for all corporate purposes of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, For Construction, Repair and Remodeling Both Disposal Plants and/or -,Government for the fiscal year beginning. the first day of Work .. May, A.D. 1948 and ending on the thirtieth I r (1) Labor „ 46,000.00 day of April, A.D. 1944. - (2) Materfale •- :•,- ,.,,..'.,,.,.. "--' -; 20,000.00 GENERAL FUND : 1. EXECUTIVE SALARIES (8) Engineering Services «. «. « ". '. 5,000.00 (4) Legal Services ....................« 5.000.00 A- President and Trustees .... :.; 600.00 11-- .Village Clerk TOTAL APPOPRIATION•FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND /OR GOVERNMENT %................ • 800.00 C-- Villsge Treasurer «. 450,00 D- Village Collector ' WORK .... ;75.000.00 .• .' „:..E PLAYGROUNDS AND RECREATION , F.«-Comptroller 1,050,00 ^•••••• 0.00 •2. LOCAL EXPENSES A-- 4alarles and Wages 250.00 B- Equipment Material and Sup. ;` D A--Cor orate Counsel Fees 600.00 I! -Extra Legal Expenses -- •pliesROPR A TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR PLAY. ; Contingent 1,000:00 8: OFFICE EXPENSES« r ; a A- Auditing' .....:.......» 600.00 •..« B- Stationery and Supplies « 400.00 v ' C- Office Equipment ".., 100.00 D- Frinting and .Publications 760.00 GROUNDS AND RECREATIONS l .. E- Insurance ; 760.00 'F-- Telephone and Telegraph 100.00 ...:.... • -4 ..... ....••• «•••• .•..•. « •; 500.00 ' , CONTINGENT . „, C--Contingent 200,90 4: OTHER EXPENSES t For Contingent, Miscellaneous and General Unforseen- Expenses not included in any A--- Election Expense „« 100.00 B-- Interest•on Obligations 200.00 items above ................ ..... -. ;1,500.00 t SUMMARY.A CEP Ordinances 250.00 „', General Corporate Purposes .« «« 9.860.00 'i D- Surety Bond Premiums 800.00 D- Bulldin Commissioner •••.. 600.00 Water Department Fund.........: 28,400.00 'Street and Alley Fund 12,280.00 1 F-- Special Assessment Special Police Department Fund ..... . . ..... . - 6,560.00 � - Salaries 600.00 5. RENT FOR VILLAGE ' • Bonded Indebtedness Fund .... „« • 4,800.00 Street Lighting Fund . „ .............: 4.940.00 OFFICES ........ ..:. ' . 860.00 TOTAL'APPROPRIATION FOR - Sewage- Disposal and /or Gov.rnment, Work .: »... ., », «: 76.000.00' GENERAL FUND ;9,850.00 „...„ 'Playgrounds -and Recreations ..... 500.00 ' - WATER DEPARTMENT FUND ; Contingent -Fund 1,500.00 A=--Purchase of Water ... 17,000.00 TOTAL', „: B= Salary as Water Super. _ SECTION: 2. That all unexpended bal. Intedent ........................ 2,100.00 ancee of any item or items of any appro. C•- Maintenanee Installation and - . -. Driations made by this Ordinance may be • Meter Repair « 600.00 D-- Repairs of Pipes and « expanded in making up any insufficiency In any Item or items In this appropriation. Equipment ...... .......... 2,500.00 E- Tapping Supplies SECTION 8. This Ordinance sball be in and Ex full force and effect from and after its penes „ « 200.00 F= Purchase of New Equip -; ` passage, approval and publication in. ae. eordanee with the laws. ment 500,00 G- Contingent . . *500.00 TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT' SECTION 4.. That this Ordinance be, ppublisbed Wan official newspaper of the Village of,Deerfleld,'Dlinols:' ( , APPROPRIATIONS 1123,400.0.0 , VICTOR E. CARLSON, STREET AND ALLEY FUND- - A- -Labor . President" of the Village "of ._ :.: ........ 2,100.00 `B- Fquipment and Supplies 450,00 r Deerfield, Illinois. Presented and read -- June S. A.D. 1948 C- insurance 180.00 } D --Rent :.:.,„ -Passed ­,June 8, A.D. 1948 ; 800.00 X-- •Expenditures fnr Improvements Approved -- June 8, A.D. 1948 Published --June 17; A.D., 1943 Paid from Village Share of ... ATTEST Motor Fuel Tax ' -- . (1) Labor 4.000.00 CHESTER WESSLING ' Village Clerk 1 (2) Materials" « 5,000.00 F-- Contingent `Approved as to forma AD. %948. TOTAL. STREETS «AND 'ALLEYS f 200,00 ER WIN SEACO. A # FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS _1112.230 60 ' POLICE. DEPARTMENT,FUND L SALARIES ... " A- Village Marshall, 2.100.00 # =B -Night Marshall 1.500.00 . A letter from the Sylvan Rifle Club requesting permission - to use reduced hand loads, at their rifle range at the National Brick Companyf ka clay pit, was read and Trustee 1ercurio made a 0 ill .N.