03/09/1943fl. 17.1 Roll call on the approval of payment of above bills resulted as follow 6. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays - None. Motion carried. Trudtee Benz made a motion that Trustee Cazel contact Mr. J. Kress of the Public Service Co. relative'to changing the time for the turning on of the lights in the evening to a later hour and also to have lights turned on part time in the morning without additional cost to the village during the season when it is still dark at the time that residents go to the railroad station. This motion was• seconded by Trust69 Scott. Upon roll call the following vote was - taken. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Mercurio, Scott and 'Stanger. Nays- None. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Benz that hereafter any committee hiring services to be payed out` of village funds must have the approval of at.least two members of that committee. < Motion unanimously carried.* Those voting . "Aye+l being Trustee Benz, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Those voting."Nay" being None. It was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Benz that the resolution requesting additional funds•in the ancunt of $1504.96 from the Motor Friel Tax Fund for the completion of payment on Section 3 CS, be adopted., Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Benz, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays—None. Motion carried. ' Trustee Mercurio made a motion that a letter be drawn up by Tri%�tee Mercurio, Police Magistrate Hunt and Clerk Wessling and sent to operators of pin ball machines, notifying them that if any minors are caught operating these machines on their premises, they will be oubject to a fine and their-license revoked. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Benz. Mercurio, Scott and Stanger: Nays- None, Motion carried. Moved, seconded and carried Village Clerk March 9, 1943. The regular meeting of the. President and Board of.Trustees of thh Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Victor E. Carlson at 8 P.I.I. Roll call - -- Present,Trustees Benz,Cazel,ilercurio,S cott and Stanger. Absent - -- Trustee Crush. Thp minutes of the regular meeting held January'8th and February 6th, were read and approved. A motion was made.by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Benz that a letter regarding duplication of assessments on certain portions of the Ziesing property be drawn up by Trustee�,',Mercurto and submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas,all- Nays, none. Nation carried. The following bills were read, and a motion made by Trustee Stanger and seconded_by Trustee Benz that these bills be approved for payment on receipt of proper funds.. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- Trustees Benz,Cazel,Mercurio,Scott and Stanger. Nays -None. Illinois Office Supply Company-------- - - - - -- 19011 City of Hfj3hland Park----------------- - - - - -- 2679.45r`, Mercer Lumber C"any ' ------------------ - - - - -- 8.70 Fred Stryker ------------------------- - - - - -- 64 -50 Reiland & Br.ee ------------------------------- 6.5Q 172 Robert Hermann------ ----- .------------ ---- - ---- 49.50 Neptune M ber Company---- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- 21`,72 George J. gayer Company ----------------- = ----- 12.82 Edward Hines Lumber Company------------- - - - - -- 5.97 Deerfield Gar. & Serv. Stn.------------- - - - - -- .1.44 Horders Incorporated -------- =----------- - - - - -- .77 George Sticken, Sr .----------------------- - - - - -- 208.88 Frost's Radio & Electric Appl.---------- - - - - -- .67 Addressagraph Sales Agency- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- 1039 Reliable Ga rage------------------------- - - - - -- 71.56 Illinois Bell Telephone Company--------- - - - - -- 7.25 Public Service Company ----- '----------- - - - - -- 205.53 f It was_ moved by Trustee Stanger and duly seconded by Trustee Mercurio that.the Police Commissioner notify the police officersto .collect all unpaid pedd ]Wr's licenses. Motion unanimously carried% thos -e voting "Aye" being Trustees Benz,Cazel,Mercurio,Scott and Stanger.Those voting "Nays none. , The matter of paying special assessments on property donated to the Village of Deerfield by the: heirs of Ambrose and Fay Montavon, was discussedland Trustee Stanger was instructed to confer with Mr. Irwin Seago. The Police Magistrate, Dan Hunt, submitted his report for the month 6f February showing fines in the amount of "17.00, eollected.On Motion made by Trustee Scott,seconded by Trustee Stanger, and unanimously carried, this report was'received. A motion was made by Trustee Benz and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that a water permit be granted to the Thornhill Farm. Roll call resulted as follows:Yeas, - -- Trustees Benz,Cazel,Scott,. Stanger and I4Sercurio.Nays, None. Notion carried. Trustee Stanger moved that permission be granted to John Nelson to operate a wood working mill in the Knaak Garage' building on Deerfield Iioad,said permit to be cancelled six months after the termination of the war.This. motion was seconded by Trustee Cazel and the roll call resulted as follows - -- Yeas, Trustees Cazel,Scott and Stanger: ]7ays,Trustees Benz and ?Mercurio. Motion carried. The following ordinance was read:and it was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the same be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas--Trustee Benz, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS OF THE `TILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AT -A GENERAL ELECTION FOR THE OFFICES OF TRUSTEES AND A POLICE MAGISTRATE TO BE MELD AT SAID VILLAGE ON THE 20th DAY OF APRIL, 1943. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the VILLAGE of DEERFIELD, Lake County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That a general election be held 'for the offices of Three Trustees and One Police- Iiagistrate of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, which election is hereby called to be held on the 20th day of April, 1943, between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon of the said day. SECTION 2: That for thetpurpose of said election the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield on the North, East and South and the C. rd. St. p. & P. Right of .'.7ay on the ;lest shall constitute the boundaries of Precinct No. 1 and the polling place for this election In said Precinct No. 1 is hereby established at the West Deerfield Town Hall, Deerfield, Illinois and the corporate limits of:the Village of Deerfield on the North, West and South °and the C. Id. .St. P. & P. Right -of Way -on the East shall constitute the boundaries of Precinct No., 2 and the polling place for this election in salyd Precinct No.. 2 is hereby established at`the C. Johnston Davis garage, Deerfield Road and Chestnut St., Deerfield, Illinois.