May 13, 1941.
The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees
of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President
0. M. Willlman at 8 P. M. with the following trustees responding
to roll call -; Cazel, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider.
Absent- None. .
The minutes of the regular meeting held April 11, 1941 and
the special meeting held April 18, 1941 were read.and approved.
The following bills were read and it was moved by Trustee
Schneider and seconded by Trustee Palmer that these -bills'be
approved for payment on receipt of proper funds.
Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Cazel,
Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays- None. Motion
Albert Roderick ------- ---------- ------------- $210.00 "»
Singer Printing and Publishing Co.------- - - - - -- 18.001-1
Vant and Selig--------------------- ----- - -- - -- 110.88 �,
The Highland Park Press----- - - - - -- - - - - -- 48.00
Vernon Garage---------------------------- - - - - -- 5.0%\
Zion Office Supply Co ----------- ---------- - - - - -- - 17.05r
Lester Marshall-------- -------------------- - - - - -- 10.00 V,-
E. A. Meyer Construction Co.----------- - - - - -- -- 48.00 h
The Union Paint and Varnish Co.---- - - - - -- - --- 35.28
The Hvale Forge ---- __-- ------------------------ 2.41
Ted Sticken ---------------------------------- 8.25''
JackKrase, Jr ----- ---------------- -- ._... ---- 1.50 .
Andy Morton --- --------- ---------- 3.00x-
American LaFrance Foamite Corporation - - - - -- 26.80..
Deerfield Garage and Service Station------ - ----- 22,60\'-,,
Jens Petersen------ ---- ------- ----------- - - -- -- 60.00N
Russell 0. Batt ------------------------- -- - ----- 12.00
Deerfield News ------------------------------ 33.20
Chester Wessli4g---------------- -------- - - -- - 13.15
Arrow Contractors Equipment Co ------------ - ---- 188.081-
Illinois Brick Co.------------------------- - - - - -- 1.85
Pittsburgh Equitable Meter 0o.mA= ►--=----- - -- - -- 52.76.,
James B. Clow "& Sons ---------------------- - - - - -- 82.465
Florence E. Page, Village Collector------ - - - - -- 14.261`
Cooksey Oil Co.-------------------------- - - - - -- 57.59
Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard ---------------- --- 50.00N
Standard 011 00 .-- ----------------------------- 17.88n
M. A. Frantz ----------------------------------- 34.15
National Brick Co.- -- - - - - -- _-- - - - - -- '17.94 .
Pure Oil Products Co.----------- ----- ---- - - - - -- 11.971-
Mercer Lumber Cc . - - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- 7.29
Henry Tuttle----------------------------- - - - - -- 32.50
Consumers Co --------------------------------- -- 200.63t,-
J. R. Notz Hardware Co..------------------ - - - - -- 9.53
Reliable Garage--------------------------- - - - - -- 66.75 t
Point Comfort Service Station--------- - - - - -- .99
Frost's Radio and Electric Appliances - - - - -- '16.52,
Public Service Co .------------------------ - - - - -- 223.19 -
Graybar Electric Co---------------------------- 7.69*,
Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.--------------- - - - - -- 25.40E,
Judges and Clerks of Election April 15,`1941 - - -: 60.00 -
Graydon St. Clair------------------------ - - - - -- 10.00
William Barrett-------------------------- - - - - -- 33.50~
A. Santi---------------------------------- - - - - -- , 8.00N
C. A. Wolf------------------------------- - - - - -- 163.50'...,
Andy Morton------------------------------ - - - - -- 121.50N
JohnReeb-------------------------------- - - - - -- 6.00
Herman Hertel ---------------------------------- 107.25 N-.,
John J. Evers------------------------ - - - - -- - -- 36.00
Village Firemen-------------------------- - - - - -- 116.00
Milton 0. Olson ---------------------------- ---- -- 17.50 n
R. T. Traylor -- ------ - - - - -- - -- ----------
-- 26-25,,,
1 l;
The Engineer's Final Payment Estimate in the amount of $264.70
payable to L. G. Quitley, Evanston Illinois, for sewer constructio4
Section 2D-CS, Art. Street No. 11 (Elm St.) and also a bill in the
amount of $91.00 in favor of Buhr, Berryman, Peterson, .& Buhr, Inc.
for engineering and inspection services were submitted and it was
moved by Trustee Cazel and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that these
bills be approved for payment out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds.
Motion unanimously carried. Those voting flAyell being Trustee
Cazel, Crush, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Those voting "Nay"
being None.
A motion was made by Trustee Schneider and seconded by
Trustee Crush that the Treasurer be instructed_to prepare a
journal entry to transfer from the Water Fund an amount equal to
the Overdraft in the General Fund and thereby establish the several
funds on their present cash balances.
Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Crush,
Palmer and Seneider. Nays- Trustee Pottenger. Motion carried.
It was moved by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Pottenger
to adjourn sine die. Motion carried.
The new President of the Board, Victor E. Carlson and the
new trustees, George T. Scott, John A. Benz, Anthony J. Mercurio
and Floyd Stanger were introduced by the outgoing President C. M.
Roll call; Present- Trustee Benz, Cazel,*. O.rush,* Mercurio,
Scott and Stanger. Absent- None.
..President Carlson appointed the following committees and
Finance CommitteLez"
Floyd Stanger, Chairman
George T. Scott
Anthony J. Mercurio
The Finance Committee will have in its charge all
financial matters, including financial atatemants, budgets, etc.
They will approve, subject to the approval of the Village Board,
all Village expenditures.
Health Committee
Edward B. Crush, Chairman
George T. Scott
John A. Benz
The Health Committee will have in its charge.all matters
pertaining to the general health conditions in the Village.
Public Relations and Publicity Committee
George T. Scott, . .,Ch-a-
Edwa A-B—. 0rush ff.
John A. Benz
The Public Relations and Publicity Committee will have
in its charge all matters pertaining to public relations and
publicity in the Village.
Judiciary Committee
Anthony J. Mercurio, Chairman
George T. Scott
John A. Benz
The Judiciary Committee will be charged with the 'duty
of recommending to the Board the drafting of ordinances as well
as any necessary legal work in connection therewith.
License Committee
•Floyd Stanger, Chairman -
Anthony J. Mercuro
Edward -B. Eirush
The License Committee will be charged with the duty
of recommending to the Board the issuance of licenses, permits,
etc., as well as making certain that colleotions - are made on
Auditing Committee
John A. Benz, Chairman
Edward B. 4rush (3. W,, --� ^�^�' ��. �►,� �s
Floyd Stanger .
The Auditing Committee will be charged with the duty
of recommending to the Board any necessary auditing.
Printirm Committee
dw :Crush, Chairman,
H. G. Cazel
Floyd Stanger
The Printing Committee will be charged with the duty
of recommending to the Board all matters relating to printing
and advertising.
Public Works Committee
H. G. Cazel, Chairman
Anthony J. Mercurio
Floyd Stanger
The Public Works Committee will be charged with the
duty.of supervising, operating, and maintaining properties
belonging to the Village other.than those specifically provided
herein to be under the jurisdiction of other committees.
Road and Bridge Committee
H. G. Cazel, Chairman .
Anthony J. Mercurio
Floyd Stanger
The Road and Bridge Committee will be charged with
the general maintenance and upkeep.of all streets and roads,
road equipment, and bridges and the cleaning of streets and
Water Committee
John A. Benz, Chairman .
George T. Scott
H. G. Cazel
The Water Committee will have charge of the con-
struction, operation,_ -and maintenance of all watermains -and the
operation and maintenance of meters and other related equip -
went. They will recommend to the Board,-any changes in rates
for water, and will make certain that water bills are,%-collected
as promptly as possible.
Police Committee
George T. Scott, Chairman,a
Edwa d-B `Crush
H. G.- Cazel
The Police Committee will.have jurisdiction over the
Police Department, including their equipment and personnel.
Fire Department Committee
Anthony J. Mercurio, Chairman
John .A. Benz
H. G. Cazel
The Fire Committee will have jurisdiction over the
fire department, including their equipment.and personnel.
Building Commissioner
Corporation Counsel
Depository for Village Funds
Fire Marshall
I Health Officer
A. L. Roderick
Seth M. Gooder
Chester Wessling
C. J. Turner.
Milton O. Olson
Deerfield State Bank
C. W. Uchtman
Dr. 0. Johnston Davis
Water Works Superintendent William D. Johnston
Village President Victor E. Carlson
• Village Clerk Chester Wessling
Village Trustees Homer G. Cazel (2 years)
Edward B. Crush (2 years)
George T. Scott (2 years)
John A. Benz (4 years)
Anthony. J. Mercurio (4 years)
Floyd Stanger (4 years)
A motion was made b• Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee
Mercurio that the - a ova -_-e i#ppointments be confirmed as read. Motion
unanimously carried.
It was moved by Trustee 0azel, seconded by Trustee Stanger
and carried that the appointment of-various officials as read be
approved by this Board. Motion carried,.
A motion was made by Trustee Crush and duly seconded by
Trustee Benz that the License Committee and Corporation Counsel
Olson be prepared to present a Liquor Ordinance for adoption at
a special meeting to be held Tuesday, May 20, 1941. Motion
carried unanimously.
On motion by Trudiee Crush and seconded by Trustee Mercurio
it was requested that'David Fisher be present at our special
meeting of May-20, -1941 to discuss the matter of a permit for the
proposed construction of a home in the West Deerfield -Manor
Subdivision. Motion carried.
President Carlson called for a special meeting of the Presi�ent'�
and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield for the purpose
of adopting a Liquor Ordinance, to meet with Mr. David Fisher
relative to permit for proposed residence in West Deerfield Manor
Subdivision and also the matter of requests for the refund of
Cash Deposits made at the time of taking out Class D Liquor
licenses to be held May 20, 1941.
A resolution designating the Deerfield State Bank as the
depository for the funds and moneys of the Village of Deerfield
in the custody Chester I. Wessling as Clerk and Collector was
read and on motion made by Trustee Mercurio, seconded by Trustee
Crush and unanimously carried the same was adopted.
A resolution designating the Deerfield State Bank, Deerfield,
Illinois and The First National Bank Qf Chicago as the depositories
.for the funds and moneys of the Village of Deerfield in the
custody of C. J..Turner as Treasurer was read and it was regularly
moved by Trustee Crush and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that this
resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried.