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� -21s Zimmerman : end Norman- - - - -:. :.__ -= -.. 16045 K . Walter ol- .,..------- --------- -- - - -- 267 *00 Chester, Wassling- Village Collector —, 28,65 Perfection Legal Blank Co.--- - - - - -- - 1.14 Frost's Radio & Electric Appliances --- 2.24 ' Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard - ---- -» 25.00 Dearborn Imo Shop.:....:--- `-- ----------- 64.75 Norland Wickersham -- - - --N- 93.00 Deerfield Zemple Association- Rent - - 125.00' Salaries for November, ....Percy .McLaughlin - ---,» 275.00 Alfred Anderson--- - - - --. 200.00 �iilliam_Johnston- -- - - -- 275e00 George Herrmann -- �- �--� -- 225900 Mrs. Chester t ".essling -- 150.00 George Sticken,Sr ------ : 24540. Allyn "Franke----- - - - --- 5040 Chester Wessling-- - - - - -; 50600 Esther Giss------------ 25.00 C. J. Tamer.— 1___ 00 _00 1575.00 a Trustee .Peterson made a motion vrhich was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the_,report as submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing' 4192900 in fines collected during the month of October, 1949 be accepted. r) Upon roll call t#e following vote was taken. Yeas - All. Nays None. Motion carried. Percy Wilson and Co._submitted a plat for ri subdivision at Greenwood Avenue and Chostnut Street which was referred to Raymond Goodpasture, Chairman ofrthe Zoning Commission for approval.. The President Andrew G. Bradt appointed Harold Root,Sr* to serve as a member on the,pl.an Commission and it was moved by Trustee Peterson and •seconded by Trustee.Hinehsliff that the appointment'-be ratified by this Board. Motion unanimously carried, Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Banfieldj Hinchsliff,<King,cMeintzer, Peterson and Wilsou; Those voting-"Nay" being None. .:.^ It was moved, seconded and carried ,to ad journ. to ajou .. r -:.. Village Clerk / Presi ent of the :Board„. November 22, 1949• Notice having been given three day3 in advance for aC special meeting of the President and Board of- Trustees -of-the- Village of-Deerfield to con - sider an ordinance,calling- for °a - special - election -to change the tax rate in the Village of Deerfield»and- other•matters which may-cone-to the attention of the Board, said- meeting-was- called to order,by the President Andrew G. Bradt at 8:15 Roll call.- Present Trustee- Banfield ;-Kings-Meintzer,'P©terson and Wilsone Absent Trustee-Hinchaliff.. "-• .. _- -- -. -- -_ Trustee Meintzer made a motion- which - was - seconded by*Trustee'Wilson that the ordinance calling for -a special-election-be-passed as'read. Upon roll call the following •vote -was -taken ; - -'Yeas- Trustee Banfield, King, �• . Meintzer, Peterson. and Wilson.- -Nays °None:- - Motion. Carried•': A motion was made by Trustee-Peterson-and-seconded byITrustee King that the subdivision ordinance- of-1949; -as- submitted; be passed: Motion unanimously carried: - -Those voting "Aye" being - Trustee Banfield, King, Meintzer, Peterson and- Wilson:--Those_ voting "Nay" being -None. Moved, seconded and carried-to - adjourns, -' _- e ,Village•Clerk :- -_ ------ s president,of the`.Board. F _ ORDINANCE CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION 71bereas, the poorer of the Board of Trustees to levy taxes for general corporate purposes is restricted by the provisLons of Section 162a of the Revenue Act of the State of Illinois, as aroendod, until December 31, 1952, unless new tax rate limits for the Village of Deerfield are established by referendum; And 7lheroas, the authority of the Village to levy taxes. for general corporate purposes at the rate of .675 percent, as authorized at an election in April, 19459 expirod by the terms of such election with the 1949 levy; And Whereas, the taxes which can be levied by the Board of Trustees for general corporate purposes for the years 1951 1-.-' and thereafter, as restricted in extension by the terms imposed r._ moot the needs of i I\ by said Section 162x, are insufficient to � this Village; 110.7p. 7HEREFORR, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and tho Hoard of Trurtoas of the Village of Deerfield, Lako ' County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. Tbat'a special election be held in and for the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, on Monday,. December 19, 1949, and that at such election there be submitted to the voters of said Village tho following proposition: i Shall the maximum tax rate for the general corporate fund of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois;. } be established for the years 1950 through 1952, both f inclusive at .196 percent on full, fair cash value Instead of .126 percent, the maximum rate otherwise _ applicable to the next taxes to be extended? Section 2. That for the purposes of said election the Village shall be divided into two precincts, as follows: Precinct 1 All of the Village North of Deerfield Road 1 { v R Precinct 2 All of the Village South of Deerfield Road Section 3. The polling places for said procincts shall be as follows: Precinct l Nost Deerfield Township Hall 602 Deerfield Road � Deerfield, Illinois Precinct 2j Village Hall 711 Waukegan Road Deerfield, Illinois Soction 4. That the polls at said election shall be opened at 0 o'clock A.ai. and closed at 5 o'clock P.:'. on said day. Section 5. That notice of the submission of said proposl- tion of the said election be and is hereby ordered to be given by the Clork of the Village of Deerfield by publication in the !! I Waukegan News Sun, a newspaper of general circulation in said Village and by posting notices in not less than ten of the most public places in said Village at least twenty days prior to the date set for said election,'and that said notices shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVMM that a special election will be bold in and for the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, on Monday, the 19 tb day of Decoyber, 1949, for the purpose of submitting, to the voters of said Village ttae following proposition: .Shall the maximum tax rate for the general corporate fund of the VillaZo of Doerfl.old, Lako County, Illinois, be ostablIshod for the years 1050 through 1952, both inclusive, at .10G percent on full, fair cash value instead of .126 percent, the :maximum rate otborwiso applicable to tbo next taxes to be extended? -2- 1 9 jI S f i 9 3 It is ostimatod that the approximate amount ox- tendiblo under the proposed rate for general corporate purposes, computed upon the last known full, fair cash value is tJE3,904.81. It is estimated that theimato amount extendible under the rate otborwiso applicable for general corporate purposes to the taxes next to be extended, computed upon the last known full, fair cash value, is 412,153.09. For said election said Villa3o has boon dividod into two precincts, the boundaries of which, and the polling places of which, are as follows: Precinct 1: All of the Villai;e North of Boorfiold Road Polling o oat Deerfield Township Hall Place: 602 Deerfield Road Doorfiold, Illinois Precinct 2: All of the Village South of Deerfield Road polling Village Hall 711 ,aukegan Road Place: Doorfiold, Illinois The polls at said election will be opened at 6 o'clock A.M.-and closed at 5 o'clock P -11- on said day. By order of the Board of Tr stoess of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, 1. Bated this 22nd day oi' :lovomber, 1949. Andrew Bradt, President Attest: Chostor 7;ossling, Village Clork Section 6. That for said election the folla:ving :named persons be and are hereby appointed judges and clorks: Precinct 1 Cl_ rks Jud as Florence Ucht:aan 6• ��• -Mon Gertrude Wolf Bernice "au Clara Morner Lucy Stryker - 3 - �t i i L ff 3 1 t It is ostimatod that the approximate amount ox- tendiblo under the proposed rate for general corporate purposes, computed upon the last known full, fair cash value is tJE3,904.81. It is estimated that theimato amount extendible under the rate otborwiso applicable for general corporate purposes to the taxes next to be extended, computed upon the last known full, fair cash value, is 412,153.09. For said election said Villa3o has boon dividod into two precincts, the boundaries of which, and the polling places of which, are as follows: Precinct 1: All of the Villai;e North of Boorfiold Road Polling o oat Deerfield Township Hall Place: 602 Deerfield Road Doorfiold, Illinois Precinct 2: All of the Village South of Deerfield Road polling Village Hall 711 ,aukegan Road Place: Doorfiold, Illinois The polls at said election will be opened at 6 o'clock A.M.-and closed at 5 o'clock P -11- on said day. By order of the Board of Tr stoess of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, 1. Bated this 22nd day oi' :lovomber, 1949. Andrew Bradt, President Attest: Chostor 7;ossling, Village Clork Section 6. That for said election the folla:ving :named persons be and are hereby appointed judges and clorks: Precinct 1 Cl_ rks Jud as Florence Ucht:aan 6• ��• -Mon Gertrude Wolf Bernice "au Clara Morner Lucy Stryker - 3 - �t i F E Precinct 2 Judges Clerks will am A. HugBio Kathryn M. Frost Irene A. Rockenbach Loretta "111man Laura B. Diets Dorothy Peterson Section 7. The Clerk be and is hereby authorized and direc+•ed to prepare the ballots for submission of said propo- sition, which ballots shall be in substantially the following form: (Face of Ballot) OFFICIAL BALLOT (Instruction to Voters: Place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.) : Shall, the maximum tax rate for the : general corporate Hand of the Village ; of Deerfield, Lake County, . Illinois, be : YBS : established for the years 1950 through : 1952, both inclusive, at .196 percent : on full, fair cash value instead of .126 : percent, the maximum. rate otherwise : applicable to the next taxes to be : 110 : extended? . It is estimated that the approximate amount extendible under the proposed rate for general corporate purposes computed upon the last known full, fair cash value is 180904.01. It is estimated that the approximate amount extendible under the rate otherwise applicable for general corporate purposes to the taxes next to be oxtended, computed upon the last known full, fair cash value, is 412,153.09. On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT at a special eleetlon held Vlonday, December 19th, 1949,. in and for the Village of Deerffield, Lake County, Illinois, for submitting the proposition to establish the general corporate purpose fund of said Village at .196 nnreant of the full, fair cash value. r 1 a f . t a i West Deerfield Township Hall Village Hall 602 Deerfield Road 711 Waukegan road Deerfield, Illinois Deorfield, Illinois 1� . CHE'.STRR WESSLING Clerk, Village of Deerfield Section B.'' That the signature of the Clark-of the Village of Deerfield on tbo'back of said ballots shall be a facsimile signature. Section 9.. That this ordinance shall be in full force and arfect immediately upon its passage. PASSED this 22nd-day of November, 1949 AYE; 5 HAYS done " APPROVED this 22nd day of November, 1949 A dt S a. 4 Andrew ra village Yras dcnt AT'TF.ST: (S;? d.) Mostor Wessling Village Clerk x� r